Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Sitaphal / Custard Apple Milk Shake.

“Chilled Sitaphal Milk Shake” … Sitaphal / Custard Apple is a sweet delicious fruit full of Vit. C and is considered good for health … Here is a simple milkshake prepared using the fruit and served chilled … tastes awesome and definitely a tummy filling one …. Yumz ....

Custard Apple / Sitaphal is a fruit that is available all round the globe and is very famous for its sweet edible flesh within. The fruit is abundant in Vit. C, anti-oxidants, potassium potassium, magnesium and contains vitamin A, calcium, copper, fiber and phosphorous and also enhance the immune system. It is high in calories and while it good as a provider of energy for a recovering patient it has to be taken in limits by a person with weight issues. You can search the net for more medical benefits of the fruit. Having said this custard apple fruit flesh when made in a milk shake along with some cow’s milk is very beneficial for growing children. But has to introduced slowly in limits after the age of say 2 yrs in limited doses.

Custard apples though is a very delicious drink, people find it a hitch as it is filled completely with thick black seeds which have to be removed and only the flesh part used. And separating the flesh part from the seeds is indeed a heavy task to do. But many years back I used to sit and do so, out of the very large sized custard apples available in abundant during the winter season. The large sized custard apples were much easier in following this task easily. It was then across a tip from world famous Chef Sanjeev Kapoor in a channel the easier method of doing the same. 

** Note : This is a re-edited version. The recipe remains same only the write-up is new version. 

** How to easily separate Sitaphal / Custard Apple seeds and the fruit flesh : Remove the outer thick skin of the sitaphal / custard apples and put it in a food processor with the blunt blade that is used for kneading purpose. The seeds with flesh should should be filled only to ¼ level. To this add in chilled milk. The level of the milk should be half an inch above the seeds. Now use the pulse mode and pulse the same for a few seconds each time till you see the flesh loosen from seeds. You have to do this carefully and not run the machine continuously, else the seeds will get ground. Remove from the machine into a wide bowl and gently remove all the seeds which will come off easily. 

** Why addition of Milk is necessary for the above method : Addition of milk is very necessary while using the pulse option or grinding option to remove the flesh portion from the fruit seed. This is so as to not allow the seeds to get ground. When there is enough liquid in the mixer the mixer first tries to balance the ingredients together thus using a banging sort of method that enables the flesh to get loosened. That is why you should pulse for a second or two and stop otherwise the grinding process will start and then the seeds may get grinded of a little bit. 

** Note : Though food processor is easier as it has a blunt blade for kneading purpose, you can also use ordinary mixer via pulse mode. But here you have got to be double careful. Add in a little bit more milk while using the pulse mode. 

** Put the flesh portion into a mixer grinder along with some chilled milk and run till you get a smooth paste. Remove and sieve the paste if you feel or see that there are a few black seed pieces. It is unpleasant even if a little bit pieces of seeds enters your mouth while enjoying the shake and then you will be skeptical of drinking the same. Therefore, I prefer to sieve the same. You should always use this fresh if possible for maximum health benefit. If not, put it in an airtight container and immediately store in fridge and use it within few hours maximum. 

** To prepare the Sitaphal / Custard Apple Milk shake :
Add into the mixer grinder 1 cup of the prepared Sitaphal pulp / paste with 2-3 tblsp of sugar and 2 cups of thick chilled milk and run the mixer till you get a frothy milk shake. Check the consistency of the milk shake. If you find it too thick you can either add chilled water or a few pieces of ice and run the mixer grinder again. Remove and pour this into a tall glass and serve immediately. When served chilled its simply taste awesome. 

** Note : For those who are health cautious or are having weight issues you can use skimmed milk instead of thick full fat milk and cut down on the sugar level or use substitute though I never recommend them. You can also add in a few ice pieces while beating if you do not have chilled milk. You can also add skimmed milk powder available in stores and prepare the same. I guess once in a way an indulgence of the same is quite ok provided you take it in small quantity. But if you are a patient plz. consult your Doctor about the same. 


  1. Gayathriji
    I like all your recipes ,presentations, tips & diet advice. Every line is worth reading.Every dish put up in this blog meets the expectations of mother/ wife/daughter.I was worrying how to effectively use apple, coconut, banana received during Rangpooja ? I tried apple patholi, it came out so well.
    Thank you

    1. Thank you so much Surekhapradeep, sorry for the late reply. I am glad you used the fruit effectively and enjoyed the Rangapooja Naivedyam in a noble way. Apple patholi does turn out good, you can use search option for the latest rose flavored gulkand patholi too which tasted lovely. Thank you for following my simple recipes and you lovely comments.

