Sunday, January 31, 2021

Tambde Bee- Kooka Humman/Hinga Uddaka- Narlel Tela ghalnu randai (Red Bean/ Rajma- Chinese Potato Curry with Asafoetida- Coconut Oil)

“Tambde Bee- Kooka Humman/Hinga Uddaka- Narlel Tela ghalnu randai (Red Bean/ Rajma- Chinese Potato Curry with Asafoetida- Coconut Oil)” … A traditional scrumptious curry from Konkani Saraswat Cuisine prepared with red bean and addition of any veggie like, suran, kooka, kadgi etc; . I prepared it with addition of kooka which is in season now, you can also add on fresh red bean which are also in season now … Tastes awesome served with rice … Yummilicious …

** Humman/ Hinga Uddaka ghalnu Randai/ Bendi are all the same curry but with just different names, I guess as is the vicinity in which it is prepared. I have often mentioned that we Konkani Saraswats origin lies in the banks of Saraswati river in the north that is in the state of Rajastan. Centuries back when the river had dried out and the place was barren there was no choice but to migrate to other places. On doing so they adapted to dishes of the region as they travelled covering most of North Eastern side finally to settle in Goa.

** There too they faced issues from Portuguese who had occupied to rule the land and had to flee with only the Idols of God to protect themselves from conversions and robbery etc. and went further south to settle mostly in southern parts of the country like Mangalore, Cochin etc. The migration in hurry led to scattering of the families and they just settled were they found appropriate while some continued elsewhere. However, the bonding of community remained intact though the speaking language and cuisine differed slightly.

** Most of GSB, Konkani Saraswat’s were in trading and business and were intelligent on accounting etc. Therefore, they went mostly into trading/ business but gave education a topmost priority. This further led youngsters to move out seeking better opportunities for job worldwide and once again, the expansion of families went about. Names for the same dish too were changed over or picked up as per the region and hence each of us depending upon the place we grew knows one curry differently.

** Though the world had progressed and there was communication faculties it was not so convenient decades back and it further built the gap amongst families turning them nuclear. In the past 2 decades, thanks to technology, network, mobile phones things began changing once again and we are all being united again and learning about each other’s whereabouts, cuisine, differed culture etc. However, in our heart, we are and will always remain one and aim at staying united giving humanity the topmost priority.

** Coming to this curry it is simple curry which I have shared in different variations many times. I just keep on adding the variations too, so that it reaches out to my people giving them more ideas on combination of ingredients/ veggies used. I have written a lot about the curry in elsewhere post, so will not repeat, but just share the common recipe link to all at the bottom of this recipe, you can browse through the same for more information and combinations of the curry and try them out in leisure and enjoy them with your family.

** Here is the traditional Konkani Saraswat Recipe for “Tambde Bee- Kooka Humman/Hinga Uddaka- Narlel Tela ghalnu randai (Red Bean/ Rajma- Chinese Potato Curry with Asafoetida- Coconut Oil)” ... followed almost in every GSB/ Amchi home .... 

** Ingredients :
Tambde Bee/ Red Bean/ Light Color Rajma : 2 cups
Chinese Potato/ Kooka : 5-10 large ones.
Asafoetida/ Hing : 1 tblsp if adding hing water or 1 tsp if using powder form
Salt/ Namak/ Meeta : to taste
Coconut Oil/ Nariyal Tel : 1 tblsp

** Masala to be Ground :
Coconut/ Soyi/ Nariyal : 2 cups freshly grated.
Red Kashmiri chillies/ Kumte Mirsanga/ Byadgi Mirchi : 8-10
Tamarind/ Imly/ Chinchama : small marble sized ball.

** Wash the beans in plenty of water overnight or for 8 hours. Rinse them in plenty of water and put it in a pressure cooker with water. The level of the water should be about an inch above the level of the white beans. Cover and pressure cook on medium heat till 2 whistles. Allow to cool and keep this ready aside.

** Note : Once the pressure in the cooker falls and you are able to remove the lid, remove and check to see if the beans are cooked. If not pressure cook again to one or two whistles. Remove and keep it aside ready before you begin the other cooking procedure. 

** The cooking time for any beans differs, though the light colored red bean cook really fast unlike the dark shaded Rajma, which we almost never use. However, if they are of old stock they may at times need more cooking do, so check and do so accordingly. 

** Wash off the chinese potato with plenty of water. There is lot of mud stuck to them and you should remove as much as possible. Peel of the skin of the kooka with a peeler and put them in water immediately or else they will discolor. Cut them into pieces if they are too large. We need about ¾ inch piece of the same. You should have about 1 heaped cup after cutting into pieces.

** Note : Kooka is available during winter season and is similar to potatoes but smaller in size and is loved by Konkani Sarawats. These are known as chinese potato elsewhere and is available mostly in Southern parts of India. Traditional these were put into gunny bags and hit on hard surface/ stone which helped in loosening the muddy portion/ skin from the same. However, if soaked for some time, the muddy portion gets loosened and once washed properly, the skin can be scrapped with potato peeler too. You may follow any method. 

** For Grinding the Masala : Add the coconut, red chillies and the tamarind into mixer grinder and grind to a very smooth paste adding in only that much water how much is required for grinding. The masala should be very fine or else the taste is lost, so do it by adding on little by little water and do not pour in one go. 

** Note : If you have access to bimbul/ tree sorrel fruit or star fruit (karmbal) or hogplum (ambado) you can add them on while adding on the ground paste and cook together too. In which case do not add on tamarind while grinding, but if you do not want to add any one of three, just add in a small marble sized ball of tamarind to the masala while grinding.

** In a thick bottomed kadai, add in the prepared and kept kooka potato pieces along with a cup of water and bring to boil. Once it comes to a boil, lower the heat and cover with a tight lid and cook until almost done, say about 75%.

** Now add in the pressure cooked beans, the ground masala, salt to taste and mix well. Add in water if necessary to bring to gravy consistency. Cook on medium heat until you see bubbles appearing, then lower the heat, and simmer well for another 5-8 minutes or till all are cooked well and done.

** If adding in the prepared hing water add in a tablespoon of the same and the coconut oil, mix well and remove from fire. Keep it covered aside for 15 mins for the flavors to seep in. But if using hing powder, heat the coconut oil, when hot add in the hing powder and pour it over the curry. I always use prepared hing water, from gummy hing for hummana, You may use any one that is available to you. I have added at the bottom of the recipe the method of preparing hing water which is what most of the people in my community do.

** “Tambde Bee- Kooka Humman/Hinga Uddaka- Narlel Tela ghalnu randai (Red Bean/ Rajma- Chinese Potato Curry with Asafoetida- Coconut Oil)” is done and ready to be served. Tastes awesome when served with ukde sheetHa/ red boiled rice or any rice or simple flavoured rice/ pulav. You can serve the same with roti/ parathas in which case keep the gravy consistency slightly on the thicker side.

** This is one of the famous dish of GSB Konkani Saraswats that is relished almost by all young and old alike. The dish is made mostly during festival or marriage occasion when garlic or onion addition is prohibited. You can serve these with Idly or dosa too, tastes very yummy. Do try this out and enjoy with family and friends.

** I am sharing a few common links below, wherein you will find different combos of the dishes using the same cooking method, do check out for a fair idea on which you would like to try or on that ingredients which are available in your vicinity or liked by your family ….

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