Thursday, January 7, 2021

Jeevi Tori- Kadgi Gashi (Fresh Pigeon Peas- Raw Jackfruit Curry).

“Jeevi Tori- Kadgi Gashi (Fresh Pigeon Peas- Raw Jackfruit Curry)” … it’s the season of jeevi tori and kadgi … this is one of the tastiest traditional gashi from Konkani Saraswat Cuisine … though shelling of pigeon peas is tedious I eagerly wait to prepare and relish this curry and it tastes excellent served with Ukde SheetHa/ Red Boiled Rice … Yummilicious … 

** Jeevi Tori ie fresh green pigeon peas come into season during winter and somewhere during the same time raw jackfruit or kooka/ Chinese potatoes are also in season. There are certain mix and match combo preparations of dishes in Konkani Saraswat community that are loved by all and one of them is this dish. You can either prepare with addition of raw jackfruit or kooka and it tastes wonderful, though there are a few more combos like that with potato or cauliflower etc. these two are the most combined ones. 

** Coming to Gashi, this is a famous Amchi GSB Konkani Saraswat dish prepared almost at every house or during most of the functions and celebrations. I have posted this many times with different combinations so will just share a common link to both veg. and non.veg preparations which you can browse through and choose from. I will not run into details too as I have already written them in detail in other posts. This time round I have prepared the gashi curry with fresh pigeon peas in combination with raw jackruit and it tastes great. 

** Here is the Traditional Konkani Saraswat Recipe to “Jeevi Tori- Kadgi Gashi (Fresh Pigeon Peas- Raw Jackfruit Curry)” … My Style … 

** Shell and keep ready about 2 cups of jeevi tori/ fresh green Pigeon Peas. This does not require soaking as they are fresh veggies. In case of dried one’s which also can be used for this curry, soak them overnight in plenty of water. 

** Remove the outside thick spike skin with the help of a sharp knife of the kadgiraw jackfruit and discard it. You should oil the knife a bit to avoid the stickiness getting stuck to the knife. The center white pith has to be sliced off and discarded too. 

** Cut edible pieces into triangular shaped pieces of about ½ inch thickness. You will need in all about approximately 12-15 pieces. Wash in plenty of water and keep it aside ready. If they are not available you can use tinned ones too, though I never have to date, so no idea of the taste. 

** In Mumbai we get jackfruit pieces cut into large chunks with outside skin removed and its easy to cut further. This facility is available in most places, however if you are new just ask someone who knows and learn from them or check out some video demo. 

** Add the pigeon peas in layer in a pressure cooker pan and then top it with the raw jackfruit pieces also layer evenly on a layer. Now add in water say just about half an inch level above the layers veggies, say about maximum 1- 2 cups. 

** Now pressure cook to one whistle on medium heat and leave it aside for about 5 minutes only then with the help of a tongs gently release the pressure in the cooker by lifting the whistle. Be careful as the steam is hot, this help in arresting further cooking of the veggies. 

** Open the lid gently and add the contents into a thick bottomed stainless steel vessel and keep it aside ready till we go about grinding the masala for the curry. If there is excess cooked water drain it slowly and use to while grinding the masala, that is what we usually do. 

** For Ground Masala : Grind to a fine paste 1 cup of freshly grated coconut/ soyi with 6-8 Red kashmiri chillies with a small marble sized piece of tamarind/ imly/ chincham You can use the veggies cooked water for grinding the masala, but do not use in excess. 

** Add masala to cooked veggies in vessel. Add water to bring to required gravy consistency and mix well. Add salt/ namak/ meeta to taste and cook on medium flame till it comes to a boil. Lower the heat and simmer for 5 minutes, then remove and keep aside covered. 

**  Note :  Masala should be very fine in texture and If using any souring veggie like, bimbul, ambado (Hog Plum) etc. do not add tamarind while grinding masala. Do not pressure cook them but add later while cooking in masala as it does not take much time to cook. 

** For Seaoning/ Tempering: Heat 1 tblsp of coconut oil or any edible oil in a small pan, when hot add 1 tsp of mustard/ rai/ sasam seeds, when they begin to splutter add 8-10 curry leaves/ karbevu/ kadipatta, fry a bit and pour over curry. Cover with a tight lid and keep aside for the flavors to seep into the curry well. 

** “Jeevi Tori- Kadgi Gashi (Fresh Pigeon Peas- Raw Jackfruit Curry)” is done and ready to be served. We usually serve this curry with ukde sheetHa/ Red Boiled rice or any other rice that is of individual preference, as it tastes best that way, however sometimes I do serve it with Idlies and it is a fantastic combination too. You can serve it with roti also in which case do keep the gravy of the curry slightly thicker in texture. 

** I am sharing a similar recipe link below where in there are pictures of the same, the only difference in two dishes are there I had used green peas while here we have used fresh pigeon peas. Except for slight variations the recipe remains same. I am also sharing a common link to all gashi items posted in my blog below, which you can go through and try the same too … 

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