Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Ponsa Godu Narla Rosu (Ripe Jackfruit Sweet Coconut Milk).

“Ponsa Godu Narla Rosu (Ripe Jackfruit Sweet Coconut Milk)” … here is a delicious fresh ripe jackfruit flavored sweet coconut milk that can be relished as it is or by adding on other fresh fruits or you can serve it with poha/ shevai dunked in it … tastes excellent served chilled … Yummilicious … 

** Godu narla rosu as called in Konkani is actually sweetened coconut milk which is prepared in Konkani Saraswat homes and in which fruits or shevai are dunked in and served as a dessert after lunch. To my dismay I notice that I have somehow not posted the most common one, that is simple godu narla rosu/ sweet coconut milk before and though I had mentioned in my earlier post of the one with strawberry that I would do so, I somehow have forgotten about it as I hardly prepare it. In my home we are not very fond of sweetened coconut milk dishes as we prefer to have shevai with spicy dishes especially non vegetarian dishes like chicken curry, fish curry or songa, that is the very reason why it escapes from my mind. 

** While preparing shevai this time too, I remembered a had some ripe jackfruit in fridge so prepared the sweet coconut milk with addition of ponosu and it was simply fantastic. Remember I had posted with strawberry for the first time, it was my own new recipe and it was loved by all especially my mom who had come over to stay, so this time I prepared with ripe jackfruit and it was simply awesome and tasty too. Here is another method of enjoying fruits for those of you who are reluctant to eat them as it is, though that is the best way to consume fruits. The recipe is the same without any changes except for that here I have used ripe jackfruit in place of strawberry, while rest of the method remains same. 

** Here is my very own simple method of preparing “Ponsa Narla Rosu (Ripe Jackfruit Sweet Coconut Milk)” … My Style, do try it out, tastes great when served cold as dessert … young and old alike are going to simple love this one …. 

** Ingredients :
Thick Coconut Milk/ Datu Narla Rosu : 2 cups 
Thin Coconut Milk/ Patala Narla Rosu : 3-4 cups. 
Jaggery/ Gud/ Goda : 200 gms grated. 
Fresh Ripe Jackfruit Pieces : 10-12 bulbs large sized. 
Cardamom, Ellaichi/ Yellu Powder : large pinch 

** Shevai/ Idiyappam as required for serving depending on the number of people, say about bowl each. For the recipe of preparing Boiled Rice/ Ukde tandla shevai/ Idiyappam/ string hoppers check out on the link shared at the bottom of this recipe. 

** For preparation method of Fresh Coconut Milk, Please check out on the link shared at the bottom of this recipe. 

** Clean, remove the inner seed and any other strips if any attached to the ripe jackfruit, we need only the fleshly edible portion. Roughly, chop them while chopping some into fine pieces to be topped while serving. Keep them separately aside. 

** Note : Do not discard bikkand/ inner jackfruit seed. You can sun dry them and store it in freezer and use it over 6 months. The inner seed is added to curries where in pulses or veggies are added along with the same, you will find plenty of recipes on browsing, I will share a link to the freezing method of bikkand at the bottom of this recipe. 

** For preparation of Ponsa Godu Narla Rosu/ (Ripe Jackfruit Sweet Coconut Milk)

** In a mixer grinder add in the grated jaggery (you can use the powder form easily available too) and little by little thick coconut milk and grind to a very smooth paste. Do not add all of the coconut milk, just enough to grind the jaggery. 

** Now add in the roughly chopped ripe jackfruit pieces and continue to grind till you get a smooth textured paste once again adding on little by little thick coconut milk. If you have consumed all the thick milk for grinding you may add on the thinner one. 

** Remove the ground paste into a vessel and add in the thinner coconut milk, check and add in water if needed and mix well. The mixtue should be that of milk texture, so add on water adequately if need be only, if too much thinned out, it loses taste, so be careful. 

** Note : You can also use store bought coconut milk for this recipe if you find the method of preparing the same tedious or for any reason it is more convenient to you. I do so many times when I am short of time as we do get good ones in stores. But just see to it that the packed product is fresh and not outdated. In addition, taste a drop of the same before you add on the ingredients to be sure that it has not turned out sour. 

** Add in the cardamom powder to the prepared ponsa narla rosu/ ripe jackfruit coconut milk and mix well. Keep it covered in the refrigerator to get cooled, there is no need to get to chilled, just cold is enough to be served with them with shevai/ idiyappam. 

** “Ponsa Narla Rosu (Ripe Jackfruit Sweet Coconut Milk)" is done and ready to be added into shevai. You can either crumble the shevai and add it to the prepared rosu/ coconut milk, mix well and serve it or you can individually serve them in bowl by placing shevai and then topping it over with the prepared sweetened jackfruit coconut milk. Top it with finely chopped jackfruit pieces reserved for garnishing and it tastes simply wonderful. 

** Always serve this dish chilled in bowls as dessert after lunch/dinner to your family and friends and surprise them with this new twist in preparation of flavored coconut milk. Konkani Saraswat’s who always serve with normal jaggery sweetened coconut milk will for sure love this twist, so do try it out and relish the same. 

** Be prepared to prepare in plenty as kids are sure to love it better than the normal ones as children always love fruit versions and these are healthier too. Again a best way to make children and teenagers eat fruits, which they are always reluctant to do so. Do remember to prepare and keep shevai/ idiyappams/ string hoppers ready too. 

** You can prepare and keep this dish overnight in fridge for being chilled and serve them for parties and get together as it remains good for about 12 hours after which the tastes slowly tastes rancid as the coconut milk here is not heated, so be careful regarding the same, best to served freshly prepared chilled, say within 8-12 hours. 

** Try serving it to children at parties as a surprisingly new item instead of the same old Ice Creams and Cream filled desserts. Healthier change should always be tried; you never know what will click with children, Isn't it? so no harm in trying, even if one kid enjoys, mark my words others will follow suit, children always are unpredictable and follow each other. 

** You can also check out on “Strawberry Narla Rosu/ Sweet Coconut Milk” another delicious one I prepared and served dunking shevai/ idiyappams/ string hoppers in it … Children are sure to love it, as almost everybody loves strawberry flavor … 

** For the preparation of “Ukda Rice Shevai/ Boiled Rice String Hoppers (Idiyappam)” Recipe, Please follow the link given below …. 

** For prepration method of “Fresh Homemade Narlache Rosu/ Coconut Milk”, Please follow the link given below … 

** For the Method of Freezing Jackfruit Seeds, Please check out the link given below ... 

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