Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Thoughts ~ not Mind is the reason for Good/Bad.

Thoughts ~ not Mind is the reason for Good/Bad. 

** Most us have grown up hearing this popular song with equally beautiful lyrics “Kailasa Vasa Gaureesha Eesha” written by Sri Vijayavitthala Daasa and sung by an all-time great Bharata Ratna Bhimsen Joshi ji that transports us to a totally different divine world … the plea in the spiritual voice pandit-ji must have made Lord Shiva himself walk down Kailasa and dance to this divine musical divine kruti. This song is slightly written in a different way, a unique song which shows the unity in Hinduism. Dasa here seeks the blessings of Lord Shiva to bestow on him an uninterrupted "bhakti" for Lord Hari. It makes one wonder why Lord Shiva? And that too to attain Hari Bhakti ?? That is the beauty of Hinduism and what it is all about. Lord Shiva is the only one who has the ability to remove poison from one's mind and bestow auspiciousness into it. This plea is all about how Daasa, seeks lord Shiva help to remove bad thoughts from his mind and create a pure mind that can dwell in Lord Hari. 

** The impressive paragraph here is "mansu karanavalla paap punyakkella" if you just seek the meaning of this one line, it just means mind is not the reason for both good and bad deeds leading one to confusion as to then what ??  One has to really go through the full song to understand the whole concept of the song. Deeply considered one understands that mind in itself is neutral and it is the repetitive thoughts with which it is fed that the outcome becomes good/ bad. Mind is sort of a factory and thoughts are like the materials it is fed with ... both good and bad are it's production. When bad thoughts precede giving some odd satisfaction to mind, it takes it as success and the production increases to next level, leading steps to evil and then destruction, finally it becomes second nature making bad win over good and makes a permanent home in mind, making the chance of retreat very bleak. Similar is the case with good thoughts when fed, the production of which turns the mind into peace, happiness and finally nirvana ... total Bliss ...

** That is why Lord Krishna in Bhagvad Gita advice's to hold on firmly to running away thoughts in our mind with a strong leash ... just like applying breaks on speeding vehical to prevent mishaps ... think of all the good things when bad thoughts try overtaking them ... in the long run good always wins over bad ... these are my views on good and bad thoughts, that finally dwells in our mind … God always helps those who seek refuge in him in total faith there by helping us have good thoughts to build purity in mind ... 

// Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya //
// Om Namah Shivaya //

** Sharing the beautiful lines of this song below and also the link to the song sung by Pandit Bhimsen Ji … I strongly feel nobody could have sung this better than in his spiritual voice … if you close your eyes and listen it takes you to another world, wherein you can visualize Lord Shiva happily dancing to the melody.

kailAsa vAsa gaureesha eesha (2)
tailadhAreyante manasu koDo hariyalli, Shambho ||

ahorAtriyali naanu anujaragraNiyAgi
mahiyoLage charisideno mahadEvane
ahibhooshaNane enna avaguNagaLeNisadal,
vihithadharmadi vishNu bhakuthiyanu koDo
kailAsa vAsa …. Shambho

manasu kAraNavalla pApapuNyakkella (2)
analAksha ninna, preraNeyillade
dhanujagathamanahAri danDapraNamava mADpe,
maNiso ee shirava sajjana charaNa kamaladalli
kailAsa vAsa …. Shambho

bhAgIrathIdharanE bhayava pariharisayya (2)
lesAgi nee salahO satata sarvadEvA
bhAgavatajana priya vijaya viThalanghri
jAgu mADade bhajipa bhAgyavanu koDO Shambho
kailAsa vAsa …. Shambho

** Disclaimer : Just my own Thoughts I pen down when something comes across strongly on my mind and urges me to write them, share them with all my friends. A light reading material that is Not meant to offend or hurt anybody's sentiments, do excuse if done. This is exclusively my view on the song and written by Sri Vijayavittala Dsas and the writer might have meant otherwise too, and many others may have their own and different opinions too, so do excuse. The picture is from google, so credit of pic. goes to them. 


  1. Dhanyavadagalu. Quite Nostalgic when my dad used to play this on a Bush Cassette player

