Wednesday, January 13, 2021

My Veg. Thali~ 257.

"My Veg. Thali~ 257 : Bajjile Pappodu (Roasted Papad), Bhenda- Tomato Sagle (Lady's Finger- Tomato Semi Dry Curry), Bikkanda Upkari (Jackfruit Seeds Bhaji/ Stir Fry), Whole Masoor Saar Upkari (Patla Bhaji), SheetHa (Rice)" ... delicious meal with all amchi Konkani Saraswat dishes ... Yummilicious ... 

** Simple veggie meal today including all Saraswat dishes that are prepared on regular basis in almost all homes. These simple dishes are very soul satisfying and healthier too as they are loaded with veggies and pulses. There was always a request from many here to also add on simple thali meals with minimum dishes. I completely agree with all that on normal days the food is limited unlike weekends, so here is a delicious thali for weekdays to be relished when you come home famished and would love to have a tummy filling delicious meal. I have included recipes to the dishes in the thali separately elsewhere, so will be sharing the link to the same below, as is my practice with thali. Do browse through and try them out, they are all delicious, simple, easy to prepare and healthy too. 

** Given below are the links to the recipes of individual dishes in the picture above, please go through the link for that particular dish ..... 

** For “Bajjile Pappodu (Roasted Papad and Chilly Papad)” … a simple roasted papad served along with meals goes a long way, just like how a little bit of pickle does. I just used easily available store bought papads and roasted them on open flame and served. 

** For “Bhenda- Tomato Sagle (Lady's Finger- Tomato Semi Dry Curry)” Recipe, Please follow the link given below … 

** For “Bikkanda Upkari (Jackfruit Seeds Bhaji/ Stir Fry)” Recipe, Please follow the link given below … 

** For “Whole Masoor Saar Upkari (Patla Bhaji)” Recipe, Please follow any one of the link given below … 

** For the Recipe of "Cooking Rice Starch Free/Vanu ghalnu SheetHa", where the Rice is cooked and the water is drained off to remove excess starch, Please follow the link given below …. 

** You can use the search option for "Thali" or “Combo Meals” where you will get many more combination of thali’s and combo meals. Do try out various types of mix and match dishes to relish with your family and friends. Also remember to me a feedback if possible. 

** You can also click on the links given below for checking the same. 

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