Friday, January 29, 2021

Sattu- Kharik- Limbiya Sherbhat (Putani/ Roasted Gram- Dried Dates/ Khajjur- Lemonade).

"Sattu- Kharik- Limbiya Sherbhat (Putani/ Roasted Gram- Dried Dates/ Khajjur- Lemonade)" ... it has been quite some time since I experimented with juice combos ... Sigh!! it was mostly lemon juice for a good 7 months last year ... to beat the blues, today tried this new concoction of mixing the mentioned ingredients, you can add on jaggery too but I wanted to retain the color so added little bit of sugar ... the lemonade would definitely taste slurpicious if served with ice cubes ... but I just went along with little bit cold temperature drink only ... Yummilicious ... 

** We have always been using putani/ roasted grams at home while preparing churmundo or chutney etc. but frankly I never knew its health benefits till a few years back. I will not again run into details of health issues I come across are bore all of you, but there came a time when I was fed up of taking tablets and vitamins and yet finding out that there were deficiencies. I share this things in my blog because it pains me when I see many suffering just like I had on small issues where in the solutions lie in our kitchen. We have moved away so much from these things in life in the name of advanced thinking and trust me that’s our major loss. 

** Had we followed our ancestors, at least regarding food habits these diseases would never have cropped. Sitting front of PC for hours is one of the major cause for most of posture related issues. My work demanded that and without thinking I did so for hours and today some issues are irreplaceable in my case. Do not do that, in today's day there is so much knowledge about correct methods/ exercises that one should follow to avoid them, those day we neither had knowledge nor guidance, that way the present generation is lucky. Do turn in to Yoga and practice the same everyday just like other routine work and you will be fine. 

** Coming to food there are many easy to prepare dishes, coolants etc. that will keep you fit and strong. You just need to keep a check for a few days on your routine food and make changes where you find it lacking. Mid morning juices/ coolants should be had if you take your breakfast early morning, it rejuvenates your body and keeps away wrong food cravings. No, I am not a nutritionist, these are a few things I learned hard way. Some make the excuses that they need to go out for job and these things are not possible, but trust me they are if planned well. Yes you will need to carry them along, but for health I think you can do it. 

** The coolant I am sharing is one which can easily be prepared ahead and carried to office if need be to. All you need to do is mix all the powder ingredients together and add in the juice of lemon to it and roughly mix the same, put it a small air tight bottle and carry it to work. When you need to consume the same just add in some water and mix well, then add in required amount and it is ready to be sipped on. These are a few tricks I learnt myself as I too need to carry the same to office, there are many more simple ways of doing the same which I keep sharing as and when I prepare them, so do check out and do try them out too. 

** Roasted gram powder known as "Sattu" can be easily prepared in mixer grinder. Kharik that is dried khajoor/ dates powder is easily available in stores in Mumbai, but if need be cut it into small pieces with a sharp knife/scissors and then grind it in mixer grinder and you will get a powder form of the same. This is sweet in taste, good for health, especially for urinary tract issues with women and a little bit along with sugar/ jaggery if needed extra goes in well. In all every ingredient in this coolant is good for health, so just go ahead and try it, however if you are having any other health issues, it is always better to consult before taking it. 

** Here is my simple method of preparing "Sattu- Kharik- Limbiya Sherbhat (Putani/ Roasted Gram- Dried Dates/Khajjur- Lemonade)" … my own recipe, my style, do try this out … it is not only nutritious but tasty too … 

** Add 3-4 tblsp of roasted gram/ putani in mixer grinder and grind on low till you get fine powder, mix in between. Add in about 2-3 tblsp of kharik/ dried dates powder, 3-4 tblsp of sugar (shakkar), ½ tsp of cardamom (ellaichi/ yellu) powder, 1 tsp of kala namak (rock salt) and once again run the mixer for a minute or so till all are evenly powdered and mixed. 

** Note : Karik/ dried dates powder is very sweet, however do not add in excess trying to leave out sugar as too much of the same is also not very good. So just had on in portion 1:1 or as per individual taste. You can add in less karik and more sugar if need be too. 

** Add powder into a vessel along with 5-6 glasses of chilled water, freshly squeezed juice of three lemons (nimboo limbiyo) and mix well. You beat it with a beater or ringed mixer too. If you find that the powder is not very fine and there are a few crystals then mix with water well and sieve it through a fine cotton cloth and then add in the juice of lemon. 

** Note : Sattu is actually roasted gram powder and is very good for health and I do not recommend sieving of the same. I would suggest you sieve the powder through fine sieve and then add in water if need be. Or learn to drink it as it is, you can keep a spoon/ stirrer alongside, so the coolant can be kept mixing as one sips it on, which is what I do. 

** "Sattu- Kharik- Limbiya Sherbhat (Putani/ Roasted Gram- Dried Dates/Khajjur- Lemonade)" is done and ready to be served. Relish this with any snack of your choice either during tiffin time or as a mid break during holidays when you have loads of pending work to attend to, it really sets back the energy and charges you up. I also urge you to make children drink them in place of store bought colas which are filled with toxins.

** There are many more coolants and drinks added in my blog that are easy, delicious and healthy too. Do try them out and enjoy with your family and friends. Put your family, children into the habit of drinking homemade juices and you will be proud to look back on healthy grown individuals as years roll by. This is the least we can do for our coming generations that are strongly getting influenced with store bought dishes and drinks.

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