Friday, January 22, 2021

Sukkale Visona Alle’- Piyava Gashi narlele tela ghalnu/ Sun- Dried King Fish Ginger- Onion Curry.

“Sukkale Visona Alle’- Piyava Gashi narlele tela ghalnu/ Sun- Dried King Fish (Surmai) Ginger- Onion Curry topped with coconut oil” … this one is for those of you who like dried fish … I am not a fan of dried fish except for prawns and as I mentioned before, I bought them last year on my trip outside town when veggies were absolutely not available in our locality … so I purchased whatever was available and that which could be stored for a few months … last piece of dried surmai was remaining which I finished off today preparing our own alle’ piyava gashi topped with coconut oil from Konkani Saraswat Cuisine and served it with Ukde SheetHa (Red Boiled Rice) and hubby enjoyed his lunch while I relished pasta … Yummilicious … 

** Sukkale Visonu is Sundried Surmai/ King fish available mostly during the month of April/ May when these are sundried on seashore applying salt liberally and drying the same for about 3-4 days to week depending upon the weather heat. However, mostly I stock up only on dried prawns/ sungata, but last year I had bought some surmai for the first time as being under total lock down period we did not have access to fresh food, groceries etc. Except for milk and medicine, every other shop/ vendor selling veggies etc. were asked to shut down and we had to do with whatever was stocked at home. As I had to travel outside city at least once a week on job, I used to come across vendors sitting on road side to sell veggies etc. 

** I have written about this phase in many off my post during lockdown period. In my anxiety, I had over purchased sundried fish as they remain good if stored well for atleast 8 months. Well, after 6 months of tough period of life, things began to stabilize and almost everything was slowly available at either nearby stores or online shopping though at exorbitant prices, but then that is ok, as everyone had gone through tough times, so all were trying to do best out of the situation. I have posted a few recipes prepared before and this one was prepared from the last leftover piece of sundried visonu/ king fish. I prepared it the usual Konkani Saraswat recipe style by adding on onion and ginger topped with coconut oil. 

** Here is my simple recipe for “Sukkale Visona Alle’- Piyava Gashi narlele tela ghalnu/ Sun- Dried King Fish (Surmai) Ginger- Onion Curry topped with coconut oil” …. Konkani Saraswat Style .... 

** Cut the sun dried "Sukkale Visonu/ Dried Surmai/ King fish" into say 3 inch square pieces if they are large in size. Wash gently in plenty of water and then soak the same in warm water for 15-20 minutes. Once again, gently wash it completely until all the salt and other dirt particles are remove. Be careful while handling the fish as dried fish has a tendency of breaking up, so do not make small pieces or it will get slivered and lost in the gravy. Prepare and keep this ready aside, say about 8-10, 3 inch sized pieces. 

** Masala to be Ground : Grind to a fine paste one heaped cup of freshly grated Coconut (Nariyal/ Soyi) with 4-6 Red Kashmiri Red Chilly (Byadgi Mirchi/ Kumte Mirsanga) and a small marble sized Tamarind (Imly/ Chinchama). Use water sparingly, to avoid the curry thinning out. The ground masala should be very fine, so grind accordingly. 

** Remove the ground paste and add it into a stainless steel vessel and check the consistency and add water if necessary to bring to thick gravy consistency. Keep the thickness to medium, should not be too thick, nor thin. Bring all to a boil, when it comes to a full boil, lower the heat and add in the prepared and kept ready dried visonu (surmai/ king fish) pieces and mix well carefully and allow it to cook on low heat. 

** Immediately add in 1 inch pieces of Ginger (Alle’/ Adrak) cut into Juliennes, one small Onion (Piyavu/ Kanda) cut into fine pieces and 2-3 Green Chillies (Tarni Mirsanga/ Hari Mirchi) Simmer the curry for 5-8 minutes and remove from heat. Check out and add in salt (meeta/ namak) to taste as is required as sometime salted fish contains too much salt and the same may not be required. 

** Note : Do not stir the curry vigorously as the fish will break up, we usually hold the vessel tightly on the rim with a cloth or kitchen pliers/ sansi/ pokkodu and turn it clockwise gently, which shakes up the gravy and fish pieces together without disturbing its texture. 

** Once the curry simmers well and is done top it with 1-2 tblsp of raw Coconut Oil (Narlel Tel/ Nariyal ka Tel). Remove from fire, keep it aside covered and allow to rest for 15-20 minutes so that the flavors gets infused and the curry is ready. 

** Note : Sundried fish curries have a strong flavor of fish and the home too gets the same aroma through the day whenever you boil the same. so be prepared for it if you are new to it as some fishitarian or vegetarian neighbor may not like the same. 

** “Sukkale Visona Alle’- Piyava Gashi narlele tela ghalnu/ Sun- Dried King Fish (Surmai) Ginger- Onion Curry topped with coconut oil” is done and ready to be served. Tastes best when served hot with rice and in my opinion fish curries always taste great with red boiled rice than the normally rice but then it is individual preference. 

** I am sharing a few common links for "Fish Recipes" below which includes both fresh and sundried ones, you may browse through the same and try out various options … 

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