Sunday, January 17, 2021

Orange/ Santra Candied Peels.

"Orange/ Santra Candied Peels" ... prepared with the thick outer skin of fresh oranges when in season, stored and used in preparation of many dishes like cakes, bakes, jams etc. etc. … healthier bites to snack on and I relish them as it is too at times to drive away those winter blues … Yummilicious … 

** Come winter and oranges are available in plenty. The healthiest way is to relish them fresh as it is by peeling of the skin and eating the fleshy portion discarding the inner seeds and the white pith. Full of Vitamin C these are also the need of the winter season to ward of cold and cough. I always prepare jam/ marmalade and store in fridge just enough for 2 months as we love to have them applied on bread or with panpolo. Last year somehow I could not manage to prepare it as I could not find good ones in time. 

** Most of the time we discard outer skin that can be put to use too. Off course, we can’t use them all, but a major portion of the same can be turned into candied peels or sun dried and powdered, prepared into oil etc. Having plenty of sunlight rays is a boon which unfortunately I do not have, as there is so much one can do with this God given gift of heat that is the safest of all. But candied peels can be prepared at home easily though a little bit tedious as there involves a little bit work or removing of the inner pith of skin and that is boring. 

** I will not run into more history of these peels but will be preparing and posting them as and when done, so do keep a keen eye on the blog for more such dishes or topics. They are in season now so do try these out especially if you have young children at home who definitely need to pile on good food and healthy eating of home prepared foods. I mostly go in for food without preservative, so I do not prepare them in bulk also it gives me the opportunity to eat seasonal prepared dishes and not have to do with the same year long. 

** You can use any kinds of oranges here that are brighter in color and that which is available in your vicinity. Do not try preparing with bitter greenish skin for this preparation as the whole lot may turn out bitter and not so appealing to eyes also. Having said this sometimes there will remain a slight bitter taste in the final making if a little bit of pith has remained, so be careful with it and in my case I enjoy eating them without fussing about the slight bitter taste, as until and unless done one can never judge properly the oranges used. 

** This post also makes me realize how we as humans are racing against time without pausing to look around. So much to do, so much to say and somehow things never seem to happen in time and one of them is this post among several others that hung in some file for over a good 5 yrs to be brought out yesterday. I did not have the heart to click new pictures to change them as it brings back memories of my journey of posting in various food groups, a novice then taking baby steps in clicking, posting, blogging.

** I am now retrieving my old posts from my files in PC/ old diaries whenever time permits, I came across this one. As I went through those files I realized I have been on my toes for a decade now and never realized how time has flown. I am really displeased with self to notice that there are so many topics/matters written, dishes prepared, some posted, but not blogged while some are sitting quietly waiting patiently for their turn. I am sure if they had a voice of their own they would have been screaming for attention. 

** The naked truth is pictures always remain a silent reminder that speaks volumes only when keenly observed with full attention. There is so much to read in them, try looking at one keenly and you will come up with your own versions of stories about them. I hope I am able to do justice to all my oldie goldie posts/ pictures/ articles written etc. still in draft mode this year and yes the promised feedback to my friends too, they never complain, but I am sure they wait when I will do them and let them know how it turned out. 

** Moving on to the preparation of the "Orange/ Santra Candied Peels" … the way I made them 5 years back … Maybe I will come up with something different too, but till then this is it … so try it out and enjoy …. 

** Wash the oranges thoroughly, wipe them dry and then peel off the skin. Once done you should scrape off the inner white pith of the skin. Just turn the skin inward out and you will find it in thick layers in some, while some Nagpur side oranges are clearer and do not have them much. So it depends entirely on which oranges you choose. 

** Cut them into 2-3 inch length thin strips as shown in the picture and then put them in colander and rinse them under running water properly. Keep it aside for some time for the water to get drained of completely or you can also spread them evenly on a thick cotton cloth and dry it out in shade for some time turning them frequently. 

** Add water about twice the amount of the orange peels into a thick bottomed vessel and bring to boil. Add in the orange strips and bring to boil and simmer for 10 minutes. Remove and cool for some time and then strain of the water completely. This is done to remove any bitterness if there is to the peels and can be avoided if sure they are not bitter. 

** Once again add water and bring to boil. Add strained pieces of orange skin and bring to boil, simmer slowly stirring occasionally till the peels turn soft and translucent. Add in sugar the same amount as that of orange peels and cook until they turn soft, jelly sort, yet remain separate. When almost done add in a few crushed stands of saffron (Optional). 

** Remove and allow to cool completely as it is or you can strain off the excess liquid if any if you want only the strips too, the choice is yours. I kept the thick sugary coating, as it is, sort of a jam look so that I can add them to my jam/ marmalade while preparing without having to go through the preparation process again, also after few months it dries out a bit. 

** You can also strain the peel once they become translucent, dry them well at room temperature overnight or on a low setting in the oven on preheat mode and then once dried toss them in granulated sugar to get extra sugary crunch too. I have never tried that method as it means too much sugar, but if you have kids at home it’s worth a try. 

** "Orange/ Santra Candied Peels" are done and ready to be used. Add them into a sterilized glass bottle with a good fitting lid and you can store it at room temperature for a few days, but I keep it in fridge after 24 hours and it remains good for almost over a year. It can be added on to cakes/ bakes or jams while preparing as it comes in handy.

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