Friday, January 8, 2021

Batato-Vatane Songa/ Potato- Green Peas Curry.

“Batato-Vatane Songa/ Potato- Green Peas Curry” … A delicious spicy dish from GSB Konkani Saraswat Cuisine traditionally prepared usually with potato and onions but can be prepared in various combinations both with veg. and non.veg dishes … green peas are in season now and this is a very spicy dish that tastes great served with dal- chawal or chapati too … Yummilicious … 

** All those who follow my simple blog with home cooked delicacies are aware that “Songa” is not actually a singing song but a spicy GSB Konkani Saraswat dish that I have posted many times in various combinations before and also that it is prepared both in Veg and Non.Veg. ways. I am sharing a common link to it at the bottom of this recipe and you may browse through the same for choice of more combinations to try out from. I am sure you will find many that are to  your family liking, so do give them a try. 

** The recipe for all songa is same except for few variations in preparation. You just need to change the pattern of cooking at times depending upon the Veggie used as at times the timings in cooking differs. I have prepared this songa with fresh peas in combo with potatoes, onions and tomatoes. I served it with shevai/ string hoppers/ idiyappam which is one of the most loved combination in my community. This combination of shevai with batate songa is something we love in our family from childhood. 

** Do try it out and enjoy with your family and friends, you can serve it as side dish with any dish of your choice, like dal- chawal, roti, parathas, poori,  dosa (panpolo), shevai (idiyappam) etc. I am sure you will think of your own choice of combinations too as per your community dishes which I may not be knowing off. If you come across any such combinations, do let me know by dropping in comment and I will try my best to learn your dish and prepare it in my home and enjoy the same with my family ... Thank you ...

** Here is the link to the simple method for preparation of “Batato-Vatane Songa/ Potato- Green Peas Curry” … My Style …. 

** Ingredients : 
Batato/ Aloo/ Potato : 2 large sized ones 
Green Peas/ Vatana/ Mattar : 1 heaped cup (shelled and ready) 
Onions/ Piyavu/ Kanda : 2 large sized cut into 1 inch sized cubes. 
Tomatoes : 2 medium sized cut into small cubes. 
Coconut/ Soyi/ Nariyal : ¼ cup freshly grated. 
Kashmiri Red Chillies/ Lal Sukhi Mirchi : 15-20. 
Coriander/ Kothimbir/ Dhana Seeds : 2 tsp. 
Tamarind/ Imli/ Chinchama : Just a small pinch. 
Kashmiri Red Chilly Powder or any Mirchi Powder : 1 tsp. 
Mustard Seeds/ Rai/ Sasam : 1 tsp 
Curry Leaves/ Kadipatta/ Karbevu : 10-12 fresh ones. 
Salt/ Namak/ Meeta : to taste. 
Oil/ Tel/ Tela : 4-5 tblsp. 

** Peel off the outer skin of the potatoes and cut them into 1 inch sized cubes and put it in water and keep it aside. 

** Shell and wash fresh green peas and keep them ready aside. 

** Peel off the skin of onions and cut them also into cubes and keep it aside ready. 

** Wash, wipe dry and cut tomatoes into cubes of the same size and keep it ready.

** Add the peas in a layer in a pressure cooker pan and then top it with a layer of the potatoes. Now add in about 1-2 cups of water and pressure cook in medium heat to one whistle only. Let cool for 5 minutes, if the pressure is not released by then, with the help of tongs do so carefully and open the lid and allow to cool. This will help in arresting the further cooking of the ingredients in the cooker.

** For the Masala : Grind to a fine paste grated coconut with red kashmiri chillies (Plus or minus as per individual taste), tamarind and coriander seeds (fried in oil to light red color) with as little water as possible. If not adding on tomatoes increase the amount of tamarind while grinding to double. Prepare the masala and keep it ready aside. 

** Note : You can leave out addition of tomatoes in which case increase the amount of tamarind a small marble sized ball while grinding. I have added only a pinch of tamarind as the tomatoes we get here are not that tart in taste.  I have added tomatoes- tamarind to songa in right proportion to impart perfect tartness.

** Now heat the oil in a thick bottomed kadai/ pan, when hot add in the mustard seeds and when they begin to splutter add in the curry leaves, stir for a second and then add in the onions cut into large sized cubes. Stir on high heat for a minute and then lower the heat to medium, fry till the onions turn pinkish/ translucent. 

** Lower the heat to minimum,  add in chilly powder and fry for a second, then add tomatoes and allow to cook till they are just cooked say 3 minutes. Add the ground masala and fry on low heat for a good 3-4 minutes, ie till the masala is cooked well. 

** Note : If you find that the masala is too dry or is getting burnt at the bottom, you can add a little bit of water, but o be careful with addition of the water as the gravy of songa/ curry is supposed to a thick textured one. 

** Note : Addition of chilly powder can be left out as the traditional recipes do not call for it. But adding kashmiri red chilly powder in oil always imparts a lovely color to the dish, so I make it a point to add it on. You may leave out the step if you do not like or need it as per your choice. 

** Now add in salt to taste, the pressure cooked potatoes- green peas and mix well. Be careful when you mix in the cooked ingredients as they are soft and tend to sometime break, so use a gentle mixing hand while doing so. Cook until you see bubbles oozing out of the curry. In Konkani we say “Samachi shirshiraiche”. 

** Lower the heat to minimum, cover and continue cooking for another 5-8 minutes, stirring often in between to avoid it getting burnt until well cooked in. Remove from fire and keep aside covered for 15-20 minutes before serving for the curry to settle and seep in the flavors, it also gets slightly thickened. If you find that the songa has turned out too thick to your liking then just add some hot water and mix well before serving. 

** “Batato-Vatane Songa/ Potato- Green Peas Curry” is done and ready to be served. Tastes best served as side dish with dalitoy (spiced tuvar dal) and sheetHa (rice) normally served during lunchtime. However, it tastes awesome served with ukde tandla shevai/ boiled rice string hoppers and is not only our favorite combo at home but in our community too. I have relished this combo from my childhood and continue to do so even now, in fact in my whole family it is enjoyed in the same way. 

** But then, do not be disappointment, you can also serve this dish with dosa/ panpole/ parathas or roti too which tastes awesome. In fact as I mentioned before I always keep aside some to be relished with panpolo (neera dosa) the next day for breakfast another combination that is loved by my family. Do try out this awesome recipe and enjoy with your family and friends. If you have a query or otherwise as a feedback, do leave a comment below, It really helps in knowing if you have liked the same. 

** Note : Hogplums (Ambado)/ Star Fruit (Karmbala)/ Tree Sorrel (Bimbul) can be substituted instead of tamarind to the curry if they are available in your vicinity. Again, You have a choice of adding on tomatoes too if you like them. Both ripe or raw tomatoes can be added on to the curry. You just need to chop them to medium sized cubes and add them on once the onions are fried and let cook until just done before you add in the cooked veggies. Rest of the recipe remains same as the one shared. 

** Sharing a common link to all “Songa” recipes both Veg. and Non-Vegetarian, You may browse through the same in leisure and do remember to give me a feedback … thank you … 

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