Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Sweet Jackfruit Coconut Milk, Shevai (Idiyappams), Potato Green Peas Curry.

“Combo Meal : Ponsa Godu Narla Rosu (Sweet Jackfruit- Coconut Milk), Ukdo Tandla Shevai (Boiled Rice String Hoppers), Batato- Vatane Songa (Potato- Green Peas Curry)” … Shevai/ Idliyappam/ String Hoppers are a favorite of all and in my home we love it with teekhachi batate songa, this time I added on vatano too … usually I do not prepare narla rosu but a few years back I had prepared with fresh strawberries and it was loved by all … so this time I had some ripe jackfruit at home so prepared narla godda rosu with addition of ponosu/ ripe jackfruit and it tasted fantabulous with shevai dunked in it … so two choices, one spicy and the other as dessert later on … do try out and enjoy ponosu version when they are in season … Yummilicious … 

** This post is on one of the pattern of combo meals that can be served with shevai. I have posted quite a few before too both in vegetarian and non vegetarian dishes. Though in my home we prefer non. Veg spicy dishes or if vegetrarian too something spicier there are times when you just feel like having something different too especially a dish you savored through childhood. Narla Godda Rosu is nothing but Jaggery combined with freshly prepared coconut milk that is prepared mostly during festive days as Naivedyam at least that was the way it was in my parents home, though many of my friends prepare it whenever they prepare shevai as they prefer that combo wile in my home we prefer spicy potat songa to relish the same with or as I mentioned spicy fish curry or chicken/ egg curry. 

** I have already written in detail about preparing this godu narla rosu with addition of ripe jackfruit in another post, so will not repeat the same all over here again. I will be sharing links to all the recipes in the picture and you browse through the same to read more or to prepare the same. As I had prepared shevai/ idiyappam/ string hoppers for lunch I prepared potato songa a spicy curry from Konkani Saraswat Cusine, to which I added on some fresh green peas too as its available in plenty being in season. I prepared the sweet coconut milk with jaggery and ripe jackfruit as dessert and served it later on after relishing with songa and had a hearty meal. Whenever you prepare shevai do try out the coconut milk version too, a few years back I had prepared with strawberry and that too had turned out fantastic. 

** Given below are the links to the recipes of individual dishes in the picture above, please go through the link for that particular dish ..... 

** For “Ukdo Tandla Shevai (Boiled Rice String Hoppers)” Recipe and other “Shevai/ String Hoppers/ Idiyappam” Recipes you can check out through the few links given below … they all turn out great and taste good with spicy side dishes and sweet coconut milk too … 

** For “Ponsa Godu Narla Rosu (Sweet Jackfruit- Coconut Milk)” Recipe, Please follow the link given below … 

** For “Batato- Vatane Songa (Potato- Green Peas Curry)” Recipe, Please follow the link given below …. 

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