Saturday, January 30, 2021

Coffee Flavored Mangalore Banana Buns with Chocolate Chips.

"Coffee Flavored Banana Buns with Chocolate Chips" ... children are so lucky to have so many options on food these days and the child in each one of us at times too wants something different, sweet and yummier to munch on ... I love experimenting with Buns adding on different flavors and variations ... here is the one I tried out adding on instant coffee for flavor and added on a few chocolate chips within while rolling too ... for all my friends here who are still a child at heart .... Yummilicious ...

** Ahhhaaa it’s once again another flavored Buns, totally scrumptious and a joy for coffee lovers as it is coffee flavored this time. This is one snack that I love experimenting with besides a few others, they always turn soft, and fluffy making me filled with awe and joy when I deep fry them. I worry too much be it about anything and this is something I have decided to deal with this year so that it does not become a habit of that which will give me sleepless nights. Even when I try out new dishes, I am always worried of the outcome and hubby always gives me a word or two or should I say a lecture on how I should not lose my cool and be prepared for any outcomes in life. He always advises me that there is always scope for improvement when things go wrong in dishes and it should be put down to experience.

** About these soft Mangalore Banana Buns, I have already written a lot and included many variations that I tried on my own. If you use the search option on the blog you will find them all, so do given them a try, they all turned out successful and delicious. As I mentioned before too this is somewhat a iconic snack from in and around Mangalore that has now reached worldwide thanks to technology. Every child, every teenager, every elderly person loves this snack and relishes it with their own combos, I have yet to come across any who have not liked them, oh yes, since it is deep fried they may avoid it for health reasons, but in heart they all love it, and even roll them out thick and tava fry them, but definitely relishes them. So do try them out, it can be carried while travelling too as it remains good for 24 hours.

** This time round I tried my hand on Coffee flavored Buns and added on some choco chips within that were lying in the fridge for quite sometime which I also wanted to finish off. I was skeptical about the outcome but dared to try it out as somewhere deep within I felt it must turn out great as there were so many muffins I had seen in this combo. So with great enthusiasm I went about preparing the mixture but did get some disturbed sleep wondering how it would turn out the next day. And yes, it gives me so much pleasure to say it was sort of a pleasant surprise when I went about rolling them very easily and fried them all nice and fluffy. The first one as usual I break open and give it hubby and stand by patiently like a student waiting for result, when he keeps munching without a thought I know its checkmate.

** Here is my own concoction/ method of preparing "Coffee Flavored Banana Buns with Chocolate Chips" that turned out scrumptious … definitely a great one for coffee lovers …

** Ingredients :
Maida/All purpose flour (APF) : As per requirement say 3-4 cups (approximate).
Overripe Bananas : 3 if ellaichi (small one’s) or 2 medium sized if any other variety.
Sour Curds/ Dahi : 1 cup
Sugar/ Shakkar : 1/2 to 3/4 cup
Salt/ Meeta/ Namak : ½ tsp
Instant Coffee Powder : 2 tblsp
Hot Water/ Garam Paani/ Huna Uddaka : ¼ cup
Choco Chips : As needed (Optional)
Oil/ Tela : 1 tblsp

** Refined Oil : for deep frying

** Add hot water to instant coffee powder and mix well. Cool it down completely then add it into a large flat/ wide bowl along with the sour curds, mashed bananas, sugar, salt, cooking soda and mix to a smooth mixture. The sugar should be dissolved properly or you can powder it before adding too if the crystals are large.

** To this mixture add in enough of maida say about 2 cups initially and mix well to form a dough. Then keep adding little by little the remaining maida and knead the batter until you get a smooth elastic dough. If the dough is still sticky add in some more maida and knead well. The dough should be smooth, soft and elastic in its consistency.

** Note : The amount of maida to be added really depends upon the mixture prepared with curds and banana as the curds one adds in may have less/more content of water in it. So also the texture of the banana. So do not add in the maida at one go as you may end up adding in more. As you bind the dough you will be aware if it needs in more maida depending upon its stickiness.

** Once you get a smooth dough that does not stick to your hands rub the dough all over with 1 tblsp of oil (any edible oil will do), cover with a tight lid and keep it away overnight or for about 6-8 hours. See to it that the oil has evenly covered the dough, lest it may dry out on top and also keep it tightly covered aside away from direct sunlight of flame.

** Next morning or after the resting period, knead the dough well again and divide them into golf sized balls and keep them ready. Now roll them out into small thick poori add in a few choco chips in the center and roll it back into a smooth ball, so that they remain inside. Keep in mind that when rolling the chips should not come out.

** Now for rolling you can either dust it with maida and roll out with rolling pin or apply oil to your palms and pat it on left hand to a thick round poori taking care to see that the choco chips stay within and not reach out the surface. The rolled poori should be thicker than the normal poori we make to get the fluffy texture within, say at least ¼ inch in thickness.

** Meanwhile heat a thick bottomed kadai with plenty of oil for deep frying. When the oil comes to smoking point, lower the heat to medium and wait for 4-5 minutes before you add in the pooris. Take care to see that the oil is not too hot or else the poori will cook from outside but not from within, as they are thicker in texture.

** Now add in a rolled out poori and allow it to sizzle for few seconds before you press it with little pressure with a slotted ladle. This pressure applied helps the poori in fluffing up properly. Once slightly browned, flip over and let the top side be cooked till golden brown. Then once again overturn the poori and allow it to be golden on the first side too.

** Remove on an absorbent paper for the excess oil to drain off. Continue with the remaining rolled out pooris with tutti frutti in similar way. If the kadai used is large in size or if you are using flat bottomed frying pan you can add in 3-4 poories at a time for frying. But do be careful and do not add on two many at a time or else frying them properly become difficult.

** “Coffee Flavored Banana Buns with Chocolate Chips" " are done and ready to be served. You can serve them hot or at room temperature, they taste equally good. The normal mangalore buns are sometimes served with Dalitoy or chutney, however, this particular buns should be served as it is. It is coffee flavored sweeter tasting buns are best served as it is as they taste best that way, just like bread buns we get in stores.

** I am sure children will love this version of buns though they are coffee flavored as the addition of choco chips makes it more tempting and tastier for them to much on. I myself was skeptical while trying this combo but to my surprise the buns turned out simply awesome and my friend loved them so much that she just carried of some of the dough with her.

** Note :
** Addition of sugar is increased in this particular buns, than that of normal buns as it is coffee flavored which otherwise will turn bitter if not enhanced with sweeter option.

** Roll out the poori 3-4 only at a time and deep fry them side by side later on. If you roll out in one go, the top surface of the rolled puri dries up and may not get puffed on properly.

** The size of the poori and the thickness also once again depends upon individual liking, I make it medium sized. You can roll out a little bit larger too. Also so make it a little bit more thicker say about 1/3 inch …. So do try out a few and then continue as per your liking.

** Oil should be just hot enough for deep frying and not smoking point. Remember the porries are rolled out thick and they should get cooked from within too. Very hot oil will brown the poories immediately and not cook them from within.

** Given below are a few links to different types of Buns prepared by me with my own twists and turns and they all taste delicious, but the best one of all till date is the tutti frutti buns, which my family and friends loved the best. Here are the links ....

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