Wednesday, January 13, 2021

My Combo Meal Veg.Thali~ 256

"My Combo Meal Veg. Thali~ 256 : Curds (Dahi), Moong Dal (Green Gram Dal)- Rice Spiced Khichidi, Tarni Kadgi Podi (Tender Raw Jackfruit Fries), Vegetable Kochla Nonche (Pickle)" ... simple soul satisfying meal ... Yummilicious ... 

** Spiced Khichidi prepared with moong dal and rice is a favorite in my home and I prepare this often and either serve it with solkadhi or plain curds or at times with raita. This simple meal is really heartwarming and not only good for health but is also easy to prepare. This dish tastes best served hot from kadai and somehow loses on taste when kept over time. The Khichidi thickens and somehow is not so tasty when cold or even if reheated, though if you are packed with workload there will be no option. I just leave my office 30 minutes before my regular time to go home in the noon when I need to prepare this dish and always enjoy it hot from kadai with cold curds. I guess those are the perks of having office and home nearby in a distance of few minutes as it cuts down the time of travelling. 

** I had a few sliced pieces of tender raw jackfruit which I had kept aside to prepare the fries/ fritters. I had applied the masala and kept it in the fridge and all I needed to do was fry these few pieces alongside when preparing khichidi and my meal was hot and ready in a matter of 30 minutes to be relished. Khichidi is a very good dish to be had as it is not only nutritious and good for health but also can be prepared quickly in pressure cooker. Whenever I have loads of other work to attend to, which is what happens frequently nowadays as due to the pandemic there is no labor help whatsoever to us and we need to hardly everything ourselves. I am sure all of you know to prepare khichidi as it is nothing new, however, if need be you can browse through the links given below to all the dishes in the thali. 

** Given below are the links to the recipes of individual dishes in the picture above, please go through the link for that particular dish ..... 

** For the method of preparing “Perfect Homemade Curds (Dahi)” Recipe, Please follow the link given below … 

** For “Moong Dal (Green Gram Dal)- Rice Spiced Khichidi” Recipe, Please follow the link given below … 

** For “Tarni Kadgi Podi (Tender Raw Jackfruit Fries)” Recipe, you can follow preparation method given in any of the two methods in links below. One is actually the masala coated and fried method while the other is sort of bajia, ie dunking in masala paste and then fried method. The one the picture above is the podi method … 

** For “Mixed Vegetable Pickle/ Kochna Nonche with Amla” Recipe, Please follow the link given below … 

** You can use the search option for "Thali" or “Combo Meals” where you will get many more combination of thali’s and combo meals. Do try out various types of mix and match dishes to relish with your family and friends. Also remember to me a feedback if possible. 

** You can also click on the links given below for checking the same. 

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