Sunday, May 3, 2020

Combo Meal with Chettambado-Chutney and Egg Noodles.

“Today’s Chat Pata Combo Meal : Kottambari Pallo- Ambuli- Chane Dali Chettambado/ Vada (Coriander Leaves- Raw Mango- Bengal Gram Dal Tikki) served with Coconut- Ginger (Adrak/ Alle’) Chutney and Hakka Noodles with Egg Omelette Strips/ Juliennes” … wanted a mood lifter lunch, sort of chibbe mattHi kadche jevana … preparing eggs after months, for a change instead of scrambling it, I prepared omelette out of two eggs, cut it into strips and added on to my hakka noodles with lots of veggies … and those chettambados are simply fantastic when relished dunked in chutney … now for a good nap … Yummilicious … 

** Here is a todasa hatke combo meal for today ie something different in combo for lunch. I was sort of tired of eating a rice meal or thali and wanted to have something different as it has been almost 3-4 months since I had a proper fish meal and we simple love fish. My taste buds were craving for non-veg and I was saying the same with hubby and I guess he too was feeling the same. It had been over 2 months since we had brought home eggs though they were available, but the pressure of the Covid 19 was so much taxing on our brains that somehow these things were far off from mind. It is only now that it has registered that this bad situation has to be learnt to be lived with and will not go away soon though the heart prays for it to go off leaving the world once again to live in harmony. Well, hubby brought home a few eggs when he had gone to buy veggies and I did not have much ingredients to prepare a curry and also as I had round upped on preparing of veggie noodles though of adding the same to the noodles. However, this time I prepared it into omelettes and cut it into strips and add on at the last stage. I had already prepared the mixture for the tikkies too, so prepared this something of a different combo meal, but we loved and relished it with happiness. Stay Safe, Stay at Home, Stay Blessed and Keep your faith on. 

** Given below are the links to the recipes of individual dishes in the picture above, please go through the link for that particular dish ..... 

1.. For “Kottambari Pallo- Ambuli- Chane Dali Chettambado/ Vada (Coriander Leaves- Raw Mango- Bengal Gram Dal Tikki)” Recipe, Please follow the link given below ….. 

2. For the “Hakka Noodles with Egg Omelette Strips/ Juliennes” Recipe, Please follow the link given below … 

3. For the “Coconut Ginger (Alle’) Chutney” Recipe, Please follow the link given below …. 

** An Earnest Request : There are many more recipes of different types in the blog. For all my Recipes, use the search option or the label section in the Blog. If you are still not able to find it or have a query, please leave a message in comment section or mail me the same. I will try my best to get back to you as soon as possible. Do try out various types of dishes included in the Blog and Enjoy them with your family and friends and do give me a feedback if possible. 

** I am happy to inform you that I have also started a food group for by the name "KONKANI DELICACIES" which is over and year old, with about 26 K strong members. It is a pleasure to inform that you will find in the group many more recipes posted by our expert members and you too can share some of your own. The link to the group is posted on the left side of the blog page. Do join us in our culinary journey. I strongly believe in Sharing and always endorse that "Sharing Is Caring" Thank You.

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