Friday, November 1, 2019

Harve Kele- Mashinga Sangache Sagle/ Raw Banana- Drumstick Curry

“Harve Kele- Mashinga Sangache Sagle/ Raw Banana- Drumstick semi dry Curry” … Sagle is a delicious semi dry curry from “Konkani Saraswat Cuisine” that is usually relished as side dish along with dalitoy (spiced tuvar dal) and sheetHa (rice) though it tastes equally good with roti/ chaptati … Yummilicious …

** Sagle is the name a semi dry side dish from Konkani Saraswat Cuisine prepared almost in every home in our community. This dish is prepared with 2 or 3 mixed veggies and is very tasty when served with dalitoy/spiced tuvar dal and sheetHa/rice which is how it is served in most of the home. I have already posted the most sought after combo in sagle ie with drumsticks and brinjal which is the one commonly prepared, though there are other combos that are equally good. 

** There is nothing much to write on sagle as I have already posted it before this dish about twice or thrice before, once with only purple brinjal and the other time with south Indian Matti gulla and drumstick. This time however, I have prepared this dish with raw cooking bananas and drumstick in combination while the rest of the recipe remains the same. I am sure you get raw bananas everywhere, but for reference I have posted a picture of the same, do check out if you are not aware of these bananas. 

** Again, I did want to add on ambado/ hugplum but could not find them in the market as the season has almost come to an end. It would have tasted much more tastier with hogplum added, so if you can find them, do add them on instead of adding tamarind, while grinding. Do try out this simple recipe and enjoy with your family and friends, though we Konkani’s serve it as side dish with dalitoy-rice you can serve it with roti/chapatti/parathas too and it tastes equally good. So, lets’ move on to the preparation method.

** Here is my simple recipe for “Harve Kele- Mashinga Sangache Sagle/ Raw Banana- Drumstick semi dry Curry” … my style ….

** Ingredients :
Harve Kele/Raw Bananas : 3-4 medium sized.
Drumstick/ Mashinga Saanga : 2
Gud/ Jaggery : Small lemon sized grated (Optional)
Salt/ Namak/ Meeta : to taste

** For Masala to be ground :
Coconut/Soyi/ Nariyal : 1 heaped cup freshly grated.
Kashmiri Red Chillies/ Kumte Mirsanga/ Bydgi Mirchi : 7-8
Methi/ Fenugreek Seeds : ¼ tsp
Coriander/ Kothimbir/ Dhania Seeds : 3 tsp
Tamarind/ Chinchama/ Imly : small marble sized
Oil/ Tel/ Tela : 1 tsp

** For Tempering/ Pannaka/ Tadka :
Oil/ Tel/ Tela : 1 tsp
Mustard Seeds/ Sasam/ Rai : 1 tsp
Curry Leaves / Karbev/ Kadipatta : 10-12 leaves.

** Slice off the skin of the raw bananas as thinly as possible, you can sue the stringing method too, but for it you will have to watch someone do it once. Cut them into thick pieces of about 2 inches in length with ½ inch width. Wash, and keep it ready aside.

** Cut drumsticks into 4 inches pieces after slightly peeling the skin of it, again you can use the stringing method here also. Wash and drain in a colander. In all I have used about 10-12 pieces for this recipe, you may use accordingly.

** Masala to be Ground : Heat oil in a small pan, when hot add methi seeds, fry a bit then add coriander seeds and fry till slightly colour changes. Add in the red chillies cut into pieces and fry for a minute or two. Remove and grind this along with the freshly grated coconut and tamarind to a paste. Do not make the masala too fine paste, It should be a little bit coarse. Say about 90% finely done.

** Add the cut drumstick pieces in a thick bottomed kadai, add half cup of water, bring to a full boil and then cover and cook on low heat till half done. When half done add in the prepared and kept raw banana pieces, mix well and cover and cook till both are 90 % done.

** Now add in the ground masala to the cooked raw banana and drumsticks. Add salt to taste, grated jaggery (Optional) and mix well. Add water if necessary, the texture of sagle is thick, so be careful in adding of excess water. Bring to full heat, lower and cook till you see bubble appearing on the curry surface. Keep mixing gently to avoid the masala getting burnt at the bottom. Remove from fire and keep this aside.

** For Tempering/ Pannaka/ Tadka : Heat Oil in a small kadai, when hot add in mustard seeds, when they begin to splutter add in the curry leaves, mix well, fry for a minute and then pour the seasoning over the curry. Cover and leave the curry aside for 10-15 minutes for the flavors to get infused with the curry.

** “Harve Kele- Mashinga Sangache Sagle/ Raw Banana- Drumstick semi dry Curry” is done and ready to be served. Serve this hot as side dish with any dish of your choice as an accompaniment. We Konkani Sarswats love to have this with our very own Dalitoy (spiced tuvar dal) and sheetHa (rice), but it tastes equally good with chapati/ roti/ paratha too. You can also serve this with Dosas or Idly. My father loved having it with Dosas for breakfast as Mom usually finished her lunch cooking early morning. My hubby too loves them with dosa or Idly and we always keep a little bit aside for next morning breakfast to relish with either of it.

** Note : Addition of jaggery/ goda to the curry is optional and as per individual’s taste / liking. I have added a little bit as I find the blend of slight sweeter tinge with spice very tasty for sagle dishes. The choice off course is entirely yours.

** Note: You can also check up on Gula/Vaingana Sagle a similar dish that was posted before with purple brinjals. And also another one on gula and mashinga sanga in my blog. I am sharing a common link below via which you can check them out.

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