"Happy Valentine's Day"
** As I often say, life is not always about being duty bound .... it's also about leading a meaningful one, with duty, trust and faith … with these intact love always follows playing an important role in binding relationships ... The sacred love of Sri. Krishna and Radha is something we all look up to and that is why among Hindus we always acknowledge each other addressing "Radhe-Krishna"......
** I have always wondered what is it about winter that makes it so exquisite. The chill in air, or its gusty wind or is it that cold water that makes one shudder as it caresses the skin. Every season be it winter, monsoon or summer brings in their own beauty and make me wonder at Sri. Hari's creation ....
** If you see the world with eyes filled with love you will notice that it's just perfect, beautiful and absolutely lacks nothing. One can crib at heart's content on small issues but if you look around with interest just like a toddler does then you will notice even the tinniest of things that is created, all with a purpose ...
** In my view, Life is beautiful only when all human beings look out in unison without being biased otherwise it will be a impaired vision. The debate about Valentine's day goes on, some love it, some do not, as for me, everyday I am able to pray to Bhagawan Sri Hari with devotion is a beautiful Valentine day ....
** We are all equal in the Eyes of Sri. Hari and whatever differences that have cropped up are all human error's practices over generations in one's own self interest to be one man up, to boost one own ego, which should be overcome by present generation so that the shadow does not keep following the future ones ...
** Here is a simple- delicious “Cardamom Flavored Sweet Coconut Idly” for all my friends here … Thanks to my dear friend Shalini for sharing this idea of preparing sweet idly adding sugar and fresh coconut gratings to normal idly batter before steaming … I just tweaked a little bit and made it flavorful and colorful as Valentine Day Special …
** Sharing link to “Cardamom Flavored Sweet Coconut Idly” recipe below ...
Stay Blessed~ Spread Happiness … RadheKrishna 

** Disclaimer : My write up's are just my own thoughts that I love to share here, they may or may not be necessarily about food always. I am the sole writer of this article and it is not derived or copied from anywhere and if it hurts anyone's sentiments then do excuse, it was not intentional. A very Happy Valentine's Day to those who celebrate ... Stay Blessed- Spread Happiness ...
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