“Fresh Homemade Narlache Rosu/Coconut Milk” … Coconut milk (Narlache Rosu/Tengina kayi Rasa/Nariyal ka Ras) is an essential ingredient required for preparation of many dishes in Indian Homes … We Konkani Saraswats use coconut almost in every dish prepared, be it in addition to grinding of masala, garnishing to upkaries, as coconut milk to payasams (kodshe'), chakuli, harshala and in many other dishes we prepare …Try preparing it at home it is easy and you are assured of the pure quality ......
** "Coconut is a God's Precious Gift" to mankind and is one of the most important ingredient in every Indian Home, more so in southern parts of India. In fact, the whole of coconut tree is useful in many ways, almost every part of the tree has it own use, which I will write about some day in leisure for sure. We, "Konkani Saraswats" literally live on dishes prepared out of coconut and it will not be out of way to say that we find it very difficult to cook food without addition of coconut. In fact whenever we come across a new recipe and find that it does not contain coconut, we either skip it off or prepare that dish using at least a few tablespoons of coconut. I have grown up eating all dishes with full on coconut added to it, in one form or the other and it is very difficult for me to adapt to dishes that do not include the same. Somehow I am never able to cook anything without adding on a little bit of the same to my dishes. I have been wanting to share about coconut milk derived from fresh coconut gratings for a long time now. It is used a lot in Konkani Saraswat Cuisine and will not be wrong if I say proudly holds a position unshakable in our kitchens.
** It is one a must in addition to payasams and certain sweet rosu's prepared using them and holds a prominent place during festive occasions. No Konkani Festival is observed without the offering of coconut-banana in a plater along with flowers and agarbatti at the lotus feet of God. The coconut is then broken exactly into two and distributed as Naivedyam among those present. Breaking of the coconut on footstep of temple or otherwise is always considered as auspicious as per Hindu tradition. Coconut milk is obtained as I said from freshly grated coconut by grinding and sieving the same. The procedure is done in two steps the first obtained milk is the thick one which is usually added later on to the dish ie almost at the finishing point, while the second milk, that which is again ground from the left over residue of first milk with water is used first while cooking of the dish. Without running into much details on Coconut more here, I am sharing here the method or the preparation of coconut milk right away below, do try it out preparing at home as it is not only easy and hygienic but also economical too, all you need to have is a fresh coconut and the will to prepare.
** It is one a must in addition to payasams and certain sweet rosu's prepared using them and holds a prominent place during festive occasions. No Konkani Festival is observed without the offering of coconut-banana in a plater along with flowers and agarbatti at the lotus feet of God. The coconut is then broken exactly into two and distributed as Naivedyam among those present. Breaking of the coconut on footstep of temple or otherwise is always considered as auspicious as per Hindu tradition. Coconut milk is obtained as I said from freshly grated coconut by grinding and sieving the same. The procedure is done in two steps the first obtained milk is the thick one which is usually added later on to the dish ie almost at the finishing point, while the second milk, that which is again ground from the left over residue of first milk with water is used first while cooking of the dish. Without running into much details on Coconut more here, I am sharing here the method or the preparation of coconut milk right away below, do try it out preparing at home as it is not only easy and hygienic but also economical too, all you need to have is a fresh coconut and the will to prepare.
** Here is a simple and easy method of preparing and obtaining “Thick and Thin Coconut Milk” from fresh coconut gratings …. My Style ….
** "Fresh Homemade Narlache Rosu/Coconut Milk" is done and ready to be used. You now have freshly prepared both thick and thin coconut milk ready to be used by adding on to any dishes you require to do and relish the same with family and friends. There are a lot of dishes included in my Blog here wherein I have prepared dishes both as Naivedyam or otherwise with the addition of coconut milk, do use the search option for the same and you will get them all.
** Note : For straining of coconut milk always use fine muslin/cotton cloth and do not use the stainless steel sieve as much as possible. The coconut milk obtained while sieving using cloth is flawless with no particles whatsoever and it cannot be achieved when done using normal steel sieves.
** Note : I will be adding more on this precious God's gift called coconut on the whole soon, so keep a keen watch on this blog for more interesting topics on food and food habits and many more dishes too. You can always mail me or post a comment if need be and I will be glad to share any information that I have and would love to know more if you have too.
** An Earnest Request : There are many more recipes of different types in the blog. For all my Recipes, use the search option or the label section in the Blog. If you are still not able to find it or have a query, please leave a message in comment section or mail me the same. I will try my best to get back to you as soon as possible. Do try out various types of dishes included in the Blog and Enjoy them with your family and friends and do give me a feedback if possible.
** I am happy to inform you that I have also started a food group for by the name "KONKANI DELICACIES" which is over and year old, with about 19K strong members. It is a pleasure to inform that you will find in the group many more recipes posted by our expert members and you too can share some of your own. The link to the group is posted on the left side of the blog page. Do join us in our culinary journey. I strongly believe in Sharing and always endorse that "Sharing Is Caring" … Thank You ….
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