Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Cartoons do Teach us a lot.

"Cartoons do Teach us a lot" ... 2 yrs down the lane this share pops up and my thoughts run deeper trying to see within the character ... I still love watching cartoons and some of them makes me laugh so much that it brings out a few drops of tears ... going one by one at times I see them differently ... Aladdin~ taught nothing is impossible ... Really??? I wonder, sometimes even possible is made impossibly out of reach ... Mickey Mouse~ taught about being good, Sigh!! that process makes one totally vulnerable ... then comes Scooby~ Truth, makes things gets messed up, yet we stand by it/ for it and sadly end up being alone ... Tom and Jerry~ Ahhhaa, the most loved one watched by most of us to date; talks a lot about friendship .... but if this is it, it's best to stay away from it ... Dale and Chip~ that's true, remember squirrel story of building Rama setu, I had written a few months back, they rocked when they made their own contribution too ... 

** Richie Rich~ I loved this naughty boy and read almost all of them when I was barely 10 yrs of age, but my thoughts differ when I think back on it; I see a cute little rich boy with golden heart who never had a normal childhood, my heart goes out to what he missed on growing years ... Dexter~ Science is fun??? Ouch!! not for me, to date chemistry, balancing equations, just explodes fear and scares me ... finally Mr. Bean~ a character that makes you laugh, but the story is of a man who was rejected so many times that he had to build his own empire from zero to zillions and that's discernible ... there are many more cartoons/ comics that I liked to read through childhood like my fav. Casper, Tin Tin, Asterix, Archie, Snoopy, Phantom, Mandrake etc. will spell for sure a lot more than just what we read at a glance ... deep down they all seem to have a hidden depth to their personalities ... specially so with comic actors/ comedy players ... 

** The face that puts on a mask to make millions smile, laugh, enjoy ... are at times the loneliest ... maybe my thoughts will differ again in another two years and I will see them more differently when this one pops up again ... that's life; change is inevitable, so become our thoughts and so do relationships ... you win some, you lose more but the flow just goes on .... lol, just a few crazy thoughts, don't take it seriously ... just enjoy the cartoons, there are more nowadays, the idiot box is full of them. Children love to watch them and so do youngsters and oldies ... after all, at least they make us laugh and forget the past, the present and a little anxiety of future, would say definitely the need of the present time ... we are all going through one after another crisis worldwide searching for answers, solutions, the closure to problems is still far away and we need to remain sane and cartoons are boon then ... by the way Tom and Jerry ... Laughter is the best medicine.

** Disclaimer : Just my own Thoughts I pen down that keeps changing over years. Not meant to offend or hurt anybody's sentiments, do excuse if done. The picture is from google, so credit of pic. goes to them. 

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