Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Haste makes waste~ A short story.

“Haste makes waste” ... it's all about first having the patience in doing things, then in waiting for the results and in case of failure getting things done repeatedly till success is achieved ... its one's ability of waiting without being annoyed, upset, or angry, just like decades back how we stood in line outside movie theaters to purchase the tickets and the joy when we got them was boundless, so is the reward of patience. Above all, its about avoiding making hasty decisions abruptly without thinking or knowing the other side of the story ....

** Here is the adaption of a small story that was pictured in a Kannada movie "Rama Lakshmana" which I saw ages back. However, the song “keliddu sullaga bahudu, nodiddu sullaga bahudu, nidaanisi yochisidaaga nijavu tiluvudu - meaning that sometimes what you hear or even see may not be whole truth, it is only when one ponders on the issue, the truth will come to light" ... is something that stayed in mind and I have been humming it for decades as and when I remember it. Sharing this meaningful story in my own adaption, a must for all to ponder on ... think about it ....

** A woman who was living in the forest had a baby and a mongoose as a pet. It was very faithful to her and loved the child very much and always played lovingly with the baby in his own way. One day as there was no water in the house, the women went to fetch water from nearby lake, leaving her child in the care of the mongoose. A cobra, cruel by nature, saw this and entered the house with the intention of killing the child. The mongoose was very furious on seeing the cobra approach the child in cradle.

** Being very protective towards the baby, the mongoose fought with the cobra to prevent it from going anywhere near the child while the child blissfully played in the cradle. Finally despite being tired after the long fight, the mongoose manged to kill the cobra. While doing so it was soaked with blood as it had bitten the cobra as well as got bitten also in several parts of its body. Being tired after the fight the mongoose came outside the house to call for help but feeling very weak after the fight fell on the floor.

** When the woman came back fetching the water she saw the mongoose lying at the entrance. She noticed its blood- covered mouth and immediately jumped to conclusion that the mongoose must have killed the child being an animal by nature. Without checking or clarifying in a moment of sudden fury, the woman threw the water pot and killed the mongoose by beating it with a stick kept near the door until the mongoose was lifeless and then ran inside the house to her baby.

** She was overwhelmed with joy to see her child live and kicking in the cradle and playing cheerfully while nearby the cradle the cobra lay dead soaked in blood. The women realized too late the reality of what must have happened and ran out to check on the mongoose which unfortunately was dead. All that remained now was regret for acting in haste. Filled with remorse and shedding tears of grief she fondled the carcass of mongoose. But the mongoose was no more, it had been faithful and had given its life to protect the child. But the Mother had blindly acted in haste without checking.

** MORAL : This story teaches us to not act in haste as life sometimes never gives a second chance. In all fields of life "Haste makes waste" be it with something that was uttered like harsh words/ curses or some action taken without forethought. Things cannot be undone whatever or how much ever remorse one feels later on. So always be careful in judgement and conclusions. Even in the court or law, a person cannot be considered guilty of a crime until he/ she is proved guilty. There are times when benefit of doubt may save grave situations.

** You can check out on this song if desired, its in Kannada language and I am sure many of my friends have heard it quite often.

** Disclaimer : These are Just a few thoughts of my own that I pen down from time to time and not extracted from anywhere. I just love going down the memory lane and pen them down or again love written whatever that touches my heart be it on any subject. However, it is not meant to offend/ hurt anybody's sentiments, do excuse if done, as it is not intentional. The picture has been chosen from Google and the credit goes to whosoever it belongs to. Having written my thoughts and notes, I always conclude that LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL, there is so much out there to see and enjoy, bad days are like a phase that will pass away. Always be Positive, have Faith In God, he knows the best for us, and does so at appropriate time … Stay Safe- Blessed and have a lovely year 2024.

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