Friday, February 27, 2015

Chai Ke Saath~ Rulav Panna/ Rava Upma.

"Rulav Panna (Rava Upma) served with Shenvo (Sev), Dalimba (Pomegranate) and Kadak Adraki Chai (Strong Ginger Tea)" ... this is one item that I left untouched through my childood and teenage years only to realise almost after 4 decades that it is one of the healthiest and easiest to prepare breakfast item ... now it enjoys a weekly appearance on my breakfast list and is also one of the dishes that I can always rely upon in case of an emergency ... Yummilicious ....

** Upma or Rulav Panna as we say in Konkani is a simple delicious healthy and common dish prepared almost in every home on weekly basis or even more at times. During childhood, I just loved to hate it and hardly ate it to my amma’s worries, sometimes her stern voice would make me eat a few spoons, however, most of the time I would just eat some biscuits or run away without letting her catch me. Sigh, those days with large families it must have been a pain to parents to meet kids demands which is what I realize now to my regret. It is only as we grow older with shouldering of our own family responsibilities that we realize the importance of good healthy food to be served for years at a stretch.

** I am sure my childhood story is nothing new as most of you either have gone through the same or are witnessing their children do the same. Life is a vicious circle and be it problems of happiness they always move in circles. I must mention here that the rava used here is from Mangalore, my home town which is usually referred to by GSB Konkani Saraswats as Gavunche Rulavu, again which is known elsewhere as barik lapsi or bansi rava. Rava is nothing but whole wheat ground to grainy texture of various thickness ranges and each town boasts of its own, so I guess you need to experiment with what is available in your vicinity, though regular Bombay variety is available everywhere.

** Here I am sharing the simple recipe of Rulav Panna/ Rava Upma, however there are plenty of variations to this humble dish, each home having their own method of cooking and serving. The accompaniments too vary, so in coming years I will be sharing them all as and when prepared. This one is the most common and healthiest one of all that is definitely a no fuss, time saving, quickie for sure. One of the most reliable when you are in a hurry or when you need to serve some unexpected guest, so make sure you always keep in stock rava at home, it really falls in handy. I am sharing a common link to all upma shared in the blog at the bottom of this recipe, do browse through for more options.

** Here is my simple traditional recipe for “Rulav Panna (Rava Upma)” … my style; which I learnt from my Amma …

** Ingredients :
Mangalore Rava/ Govuncho Rulavu/ Bansi Rava/ Barik Lapsi : 2 cups
Urad Dal/ Black Gram Dal : 1 tsp
Green Chilly/ Tarni Mirsanga/ Hari Mirchi : 5-6
Mustard Seeds/ Rai/ Sasam : 1 tsp
Curry Leaves/ Kadipatta/ Karbevu : 8-10 fresh ones
Hing/ Asafoetida Powder : 1 tsp
Ginger/ Alle’/Adrak : ½ inch piece grated (Optional)
Coconut/ Soyi/ Nariyal : ¼ cup freshly grated white part only.
Salt/ namak/ meeta : to taste
Ghee/ Toop : 4-5 tblsp (I used Cow’s ghee)
Boiling Water/ Uddak/ Pani : 4 cups + ½ cup more if required.

** IMPORTANT TIPS : Plain rulava panna/ upma is generally prepared with Mangalore Rava (Govuncho Rulavu/ Bansi Rava/ Barik Lapsi) or Bombay rava (Bombai rulavu ie medium fine textured rava) and NOT the chiroti/ fine variety one. Use ghee for best results and remember to keep required quantity of water for boiling before beginning to prepare Rulav Panna/ Upma. These are a few points one needs to remember while preparing for getting perfect soft and fluffy textured rulava panna/ upma.

** Heat ghee in a thick bottomed kadai/ pan, when hot add mustard seeds and when they begin to splutter add Urad dal and let fry till the color changes lightly. Now add green chillies cut lengthwise, curry leaves, hing, grated ginger and fry all together for a few minutes only. See to it that you do not burn any of the ingredients.

** Add Mangalore Rava (Govuncho Rulavu/ Bansi Rava/ Barik Lapsi) and fry on medium heat for about 5 minutes or until you get a nice aroma. This step is very important to get perfect upma, so DO NOT skip it. Do not burn or let rava turn brown while frying. Add salt to taste and mix well, remember, this too is important as we cannot add it later.

** Now lower the heat to minimum and make a dent in center to pour about 4 cups of boiling water carefully as it tends to splutter if not careful. Immediately mix it all with a spatula and then immediately pour remaining boiling water if required only, while you keep mixing them all together. This step always needs to be done simultaneously, otherwise the rava will turn into a lump, and may not cook evenly, so be careful.

** Note : Always keep some extra water boiling ready aside to be added if need be. Usually it’s not needed, but sometimes if it’s old stock it absorbs more water or may not be cooked well with the mentioned amount of water, so adjust accordingly.

** Keep upma slightly thinner in consistency as it dries up fast on resting, so the addition of water actually depends upon the same. Lastly add freshly grated coconut, mix well, cover and cook until done. This process hardly takes any time, so you have to keep all ingredients ready nearby and keen watch on the cooking while preparing upma. Remove and keep it aside covered for 5 minutes to settle and it’s done.

** Note : You can also add 2 tsp of sugar (Optional) as some like a sweeter tinge. You need to add it along with grated coconut and mix well.

** “Rulav Panna (Rava Upma)” is done and ready to be served. Always serve Upma/ Upiittu/ Rulav Panna hot with some shenvo/ sev/ farsan/ chivda/ mixture as accompaniment, it tastes wonderful. In some homes, they also serve fresh curds/ any other side dish like chutney/sambar of their choice. In my hometown Mangalore, upma is at times served with sweet beaten rice/ godu povu/ buns, pova chutney etc. too as is the choice of the family. In my home we keep it simple with sev.

** As mentioned upma can be prepared in plenty of varieties ie with addition of veggies, spices, masala etc. Rava is a versatile grain that adapts well with various inclusions, so do try them out and enjoy with your family too, I have shared many in the Blog. However, the above one is the most simplest, fastest and healthiest one to be served as a breakfast item that has been followed down generations, so do make it a point to sometimes stick to simple flavored ones, its sort of good habit forming.

** Here is a common link to all “Upma” dishes posted in my Blog before. They are almost similar, with minute difference and all of them taste really wonderful, so try them out and enjoy a good health with your family and friends ….

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