Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Gulkand Chai/ Rose Preserve Tea.

"Gulkand Chai/ Rose Preserve Tea" ... weather is gloomy with fear hanging in air of the approaching Nisarga Cyclone ... it's raining in Mumbai though not heavily and there is slight chill in air too ... so sipping on this rose flavored tea steaming hot for a change while munching on some bajo's .... will share those hot for all in a while, till then enjoy the tea ... 

** A strong cup of Tea/ Chai as I have always mentioned is a sort of lifeline for me, I cannot put it in right words as to how, but from childhood I have never had any tea or coffee till I reached the age of 30. It was then when I got a throat infection and I was advised to drink beverage steaming hot, be it soup or tea that I reached out for tea. Coffee somehow never suits me and I feel nauseous, so I completely avoid it, but Tea suited me fine and slowly it became a must for me, just one cup in the morning with breakfast, I never have it later on during the except if I have skipped it in the morning for some reason. Today too somehow as my fridge in not in proper working condition, milk got curdled when I prepared my morning Ginger Tea and so hubby had to go and buy fresh one again. By the time I was busy with my other household and kitchen work, so just gave it a skip off.

** Once all of my work was done and I sat in leisure to watch some live news of the upcoming Nisarga Cyclone that has put us all Mumbaikars on edge, I remembered my tea. As it was almost 10 Am I thought why not prepare some goli bajos to go along with tea. Also, I read about this Gulkand tea as I was searching for dishes to e prepared with gulkand as I have a huge bottle of the same which I want to finish off. Finally decided to try it out for mid morning break as we are asked to avoid as much as possible consumption of non cooked and cold dishes during the rising Covid 19 crises. Keeping this in mind I have stopped drinking cold juices etc. and have switched over to hot milk based drinks or Kashays. I prepared this Gulkand Tea/ Chai for the first time and though I must admit nothing touches our regular Ginger Tea/ Adraki Chai, but this was good and tasty for a change too.

** Gulkand used in this recipe is store bought, though very soon I intend to prepare the same at home as there will be plenty of roses available come monsoon. Gulkand is a sweet preserve prepared with crushed rose petal along with sugar and is supposed to be good for health and has a good shelf life. I do have a large bottle of the rose preserve/ gulkand at home though I always buy smaller ones, this time the store keeper just sent a larger one and I did not have the heart to send it back, so I need to finish it off too. You can read about Gulkand benefit on net, as a lot of information is already given out there and there is no point of writing it again here. I will be trying out more dishes with gulkand, so if like me you too have it in your home, do try this tea and relish it steaming hot with your family when there is chill in air. Nothing beats a cup of steaming hot beverage for a change in mood when it rains outside, you are stuck at home and added on with pressure of present situations.

** Here is my simple method of preparing "Gulkand Chai/ Rose Preserve Tea" …. My Style ….

** In a stainless steel vessel bring to boil 1.5 cups of water and when it comes to a rolling boil add in 3 tblsp of tea leaves/ cha pitto and continue simmering for a good 5 minutes. Following this procedure will give you good strong tea. Now add in 2-3 tblsp of Gulkand/ Rose preseve and mix well, let simmer for a minute after which, switch off the gas, cover and keep it aside for 5 minutes. Boil one cup of milk (I used skimmed cow’s milk), remove from fire and keep it aside ready. Strain the prepared and kept Gulkand added tea through a fine sieve into the boiled and kept milk and mix well. Adding of extra sugar is individual choice, you may do so if you find it necessary, I have not added in any sugar and have also added only 2 tblsp of gulkand while preparing this tea.

** "Gulkand Chai/ Rose Preserve Tea" is done and ready to be served. The color of this Tea/ Chai is really beautiful with a darker shade of normal tea as the color of rose gets infused with the tea while simmering. You can have this tea just strained without addition of milk too, if you prefer your tea without milk. One should always adapt to some changes from routine method once in a while to cut off making of any regular habits. I am trying out new types of teas with different concoctions as and when the ingredients are available to me, so that I get the taste of other teas too and I suggest you do too, who knows you may come across something much more tastier than our regular ones, we will never know unless we try, so go ahead and do give it a try. If you are in the coastal sides of Maharashtra and Gujarat State, please take care and stay within safe premises to avoid the Nisarga Cyclone calamity. Stay Blessed.

** It never actually struck me to post tea/ coffee posting, as I always felt it was something common. Recently, I noticed that it was very much needed, so in given time I will definitely post all types of hot beverages I prepare in my home. You can also use the search option for tea/ chai, coffee, kashaya etc. and you will find that I have already posted a few of them before.

** I am also sharing below a common link to a few recipes of “Tea/ Chai” posted in my blog before, you can try them out too …

** I am also sharing below a common link to a few recipes prepared using "Gulkand/ Rose Preserve" posted in my Blog before, You can try them out too ...

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