Monday, September 7, 2020

And the Blame Game Continues .....

"And the Blame Game Continues" ... blaming never gets us anywhere it is rather childish to do so and is just a waste of precious time ... 

** Initially an interesting game of always throwing the ball into others court; but once it bounces back and hits your frame all is lost ... just for a thought, when a leaf falls off the tree, who should be blamed ?? was it the force of the wind that blew it down ?? was it the tree that let it go as it had dried up and was of no use ?? or was it the leaf itself to be blamed who got tired holding on ?? not easy to judge, isn't it ?? 

** Here is another interesting story that has been told down from generations ... one day a Heron wanted to go out in search of food leaving her eggs yet to hatch in her nest, she saw a fox and asked him to guard it for till she came back. The fox in all honesty agreed and was doing so when he heard a Woodpecker peck madly at a tree nearby, tapping out a war call dance, hearing which the Fox jumped up in full attention and accidentally stepped on Heron's eggs which crushed them. 

** The Heron was furious and seaked justice in the court of King Solomon. The Fox when questioned by the king agreed to his fault but blamed the Woodpecker for distracting him by announcing war. The Woodpecker agreed but blamed Tortoise's for putting on his suit of armor and sending out a signal of warning to the others. 

** The tortoise in fear cried out that it had done so on seeing the Elk sharpening his antlers which is a sign of war and so it was all Elk's fault. Elk meekly came forward in full anxiety and confessed it had indeed sharpened its antlers but blamed the Crab saying he had done so on seeing the Crab sharpening her claws and felt that it was sign of war. 

** The Crab came forward before King Solomon and bowed low. She first asked for forgiveness, both with the King and Heron for her act and then put forward her reason. She had spotted the Heron flying towards her babies and knew they would be taken away as a meal and she had sharpened her claws to protect her babies, saying so the Crab rested her case and waited for the judgment.

** After thinking over, King Solomon adjourned the case asking the Heron to move on in life and lay more eggs to build its future. The blame game that was started by Heron had taken a full circle and ended with Heron. Everyone had acted on their own judgement, but it was the Crab who had gracefully accepted without blaming another, had won hearts. 

** The winners are always those who take responsibility on failures and losers are those who blame others by hiding their own failures. Life unfolds many misunderstandings at many stages of our life, however, it is within us to weigh each situation and either try to solve it, live with it or leave it and move on. Blaming solves nothing and it is just a waste of time, just move on and put the blame on back shelves, let it rest there undisturbed.

** Disclaimer : I have adapted and written this short story to the best of my knowledge from n various sources.  I have also included Google pictures and the picture credits goes to them. My sole intention of writing short stories is apart from the fact that I love writing them, I also want the future generations to develop the habit of reading, writing and learning. If I have hurt anybody’s sentiments in the process, It is not intentional and in no way meant to offend anybody or any religion. Plz. do excuse me for the same.

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