Friday, July 31, 2020

Egg Curry in Turmeric Leaves and Bottle Gourd Panpolo (Neer Dosa).

“Motte Randai Haldi Pannantu (Egg Curry in Turmeric Leaves) served with Gardudde Panpolo (Lauki/ Bottle Gourd/ Duddi Dosa/ Neer Dosa)” … I always never miss out on preparing Non-Veg curries with either panpolo or pulav as it is our favorite combo …I had heard a lot about fish being cooked in turmeric leaves, I still have a few leaves and sides leftover, so tried out adding a few to egg curry and I must say it tastes simply awesome … I also have plenty of farm fresh gardudde at home so decided to prepare panpole/ neer dosa with addition of the same to have along with egg curry … truly fantastic combo … Yummilicious … 

** Non-Veg dishes like Egg, Chicken curry are most of the time served with either bread/ pav or panpolo as these are the favorite combo in my home. Well so is ghee rice another favorite combo with egg or chicken dishes. Many a times we follow patterns in life that with which we grew up with or learned something somewhere, ate something in a friends house and loved it etc. and it stays on. Same is the case with panpolo with non-veg dishes, I always watched our neighbor aunt prepare this combination and was somewhat intrigued and loved it when she gave me to eat it often. It is the most famous combo with shetty’s from bunt community and our neighbors house in which we roamed about freely was my second home and though I did not learn to cook from aunty, I was always watching her in kitchen which is what I did in my parents home too. I was a very keen observer and always was the taster for the dishes for testing of salt etc. and I loved that importance given, lol, I really felt like and inspector. 

** Though to tell the truth I never cooked anything but maggi and prepared tea before my marriage I was an avid reader and read anything from novels, newspaper, spiritual topics to cookery. And suspense novels and cookery were my favorite subject back then and continues to be so even now though novels have taken a back seat decades back. I am trying to get back to it, which is my first love, but somehow there is neither concentration nor time to go through it, though the desire is still there and I firmly know, one day I will. One should never give up on what one loves the most to do that is my take on life. Coming to the curry, I often used to tell mom to prepare panpolo with egg or other non-veg dishes but she never did it, off course its not her fault, being a large family of around 10 members attending to each ones demand is never easy and it was always easier to prepare rice dishes so she stuck to it while I happily ate at aunt's place. I learnt a lot from aunt which is very difficult to describe in writing. 

** Aunty was a beautiful lady both in and out and we all loved her, despite being well off she never showed attitude and always included us at all function and poured a lot of love on us. I roamed about their large home without any inhabitations and went through the loads of books arranged neatly on the shelf's. I guess the habit of reading got on to me from there, I would sit on the floor and read those books and kept them back exactly the same way it was without disturbing anything and she never once stopped me. I miss that environment to date as I have never come across anybody with such hospitality ever in my life after that. In today's lifestyle everybody is so self centered and after snatching things from each other, such people are blessings if have come into your life. I treasure all that I learnt from them and try to follow to some extent but then those days are really gone. Aunty was well organised and so was my mother, both of from whom I have picked this habit of trying to keep things back in place. 

** If I write about my childhood, there is so much to pen, a never ending adventure sort of life. I have not a single regret about those days as I have had the best childhood compared to the adult life now that we go through. That is why these incidents keep popping in my writings as I am so happy going back to those days as they bring in sort of peace into my mind and a smile on my face. My father, from whom I learnt the ropes of business has been my guide and guru always, A self made man, who never once cribbed about all the difficulties he faced to bring out a successful business and a large family seeing to every needs. We were not rich, but dad saw to it that we lacked nothing, I don’t remember anything that was not given that which we longed for, this despite being the fact that we were all girls, 6 in all without brother but that never ever bothered him, nor have I ever heard him ever say so, rare quality in those days. 

** Dad was so fond of food and insisted mom tries out all hotel style food and even at times brought home hotel chefs to guide her on some of the dishes. Well, I guess I pick my fondness for innovative cooking from him and perfection from Mom. Wonderful parents, though Dad’s no more been over 22 years, still his guidance and teaching have stayed on. Mom, being mom was always strict with certain issues but otherwise easy going, she saw to it that we learned to build home while dad insisted on education to makes us stand on our own feet. We siblings are all the combo of these two upbringings and have stood strong in life during difficult times and enjoy a beautiful life carved by them for us. I can never thank my parents and then my hubby from whom I have learnt everything in life, who have helped me to grow into an independent human being, and my faith in God and our Guru that has given me stability in life. Good and Bad times comes in everybody’s life, we need to have a controlled mind to stick through without losing hope. God Bless all, Stay Safe, Stay Blessed. 

** Sharing links to the recipes of the dishes in the picture posted above, do excuse the length of writing, I just feel like writing out my heart at times, please do browse through the links given below and try them out. 

** For “Motte Randai Haldi Pannantu (Egg Curry in Turmeric Leaves)” Recipe, Please follow the link given below …. 

** For “Gardudde Panpolo (Lauki/ Bottle Gourd/ Duddi Dosa/ Neer Dosa)” Recipe, Please follow the link given below …. 

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