"Sakkre Kajjubi / Sugar Coated Flavored Cashew Nuts" for all my friends here ... Tried these two flavored (Plain~Saffron) sweet cashews for the first time ... the major task here is of getting the right sugar syrup consistency for coating ... yet to perfect the art of getting the same ... nevertheless, it's tasty and delicious ...
** Sakkre Kajjubi / Sugar coated flavored cashews are traditional old sweets found almost in every sweet shop in and around Mangalore. During our childhood, my father always brought them home, though in those days they were not available in different flavors. We all loved it in our home and they were always over in a jiffy. Cashew nuts being costly and ours being a large family it was always a a rare treat and was a delight to get to munch on these. And then the fact that not only were cashew nuts loaded with calories, but added to it was the sugar coating too, so it was consumed in limits. But in all, we loved these sugar coated cashew nuts and were always tempted to eat more. After my marriage and settling in Mumbai, I did make it a point to bring some over to Mumbai whenever I went on my visit to my parents home. My hubby to loved it, so did his aunts who also have always lived in Mumbai.
** I had always wondered how these were prepared and often tried to query about the same. I went through many cookery books and gave these a try once very long back, to be precise 30 yrs back and they turned out a disaster, though we did finish them off. It was just like eating cashews dunked in sugar syrup without the crisp exterior, coz. that thick white coating was something that was missing and it was not clear how to go about the same. Finally I gave up on it and it was only after decades now when my friend queried if I had tried it out that I felt I should try it all over again. I tried asking the sweet shop owner and got some tips, though he was reluctant to share it completely. I went through our good old google and came across many Indian and International recipes of how to go about sugar coating the nuts. Finally I zeroed in on a few and made a mix and match of my own method and got it almost perfect this time round.
** Sugar coating is something that needs practice and I have yet to master it to get it evenly coated on the nuts. Though they have come out almost perfect and are very crisp and tasty I want to achieve that perfect exterior coating that is achieved by store owners. I am sure there is the need for a lot of practice to get the right sugar syrup consistency and then I am sure it will be perfect. Well, if any one of you have any tips or have the knowledge to prepare perfect sugar coated nuts, do share them on with me, I would be delighted to get a first hand information on the same. As of now, I am sharing this recipe here which is extremely easy to prepare and tastes simply awesome. Do try to give it a little bit more evenly on the coating part in which I hurried and you have it perfect. Do send me feedback on this one and let me know how they turned out, It will help me in achieving a much more perfect result on the same.
** Here is my simple method of preparing delicious and yummy "Sakkre Kajjubi / Sugar Coated Cashew Nuts" … My Style …
** Grease a plate with ghee and keep it ready. In a bowl mix about 1 heaped tablespoon of rice powder with 1 tsp of maida evenly and well. Keep this too ready aside.
** Add 1 heaped cup of sugar with 3-4 tblsp of water and bring it to boiling point stirring often to about 2 thread consistency. Now add in ¼ tsp of cardamom powder and mix well.
** Important Note : All these steps should be done really fast or else the sugar will get hardened / crystallized soon, so keep all things ready before you start the preparation.
** To prepare the saffron flavored Cashew Nuts : Either prepare them separately following the procedure again or remove half of the finally tossed cashew nuts and put them in a bowl add in a tsp of saffron syrup (readily available in stores) and mix well and then spread on the plate and allow to cool.
** “Sakkre Kajjubi / Sugar Coated flavored Cashew Nuts" are done and ready. Put them in an air tight container once they are completely cooled and store them away at room temperature. They remain good for at least a month that is if they remain for that long period. Do try these out and serve them as a in between to munch with any cool drink of your choice.
** An Earnest Request : There are many more recipes of different types in the blog. For all my Recipes, use the search option or the label section in the Blog. If you are still not able to find it or have a query, please leave a message in comment section or mail me the same. I will try my best to get back to you as soon as possible. Do try out various types of dishes included in the Blog and Enjoy them with your family and friends and do give me a feedback if possible. I have also started a food group for by the name "KONKANI DELICACIES" where in you will find many more recipes by members and you too can share some of your own. The link to the group is posted on the left side of the blog page. Do join us in our culinary journey. I strongly believe in Sharing and always endorse that "Sharing Is Caring" … Thank You ….
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