Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Kabuli Chano- Keerla Koddel (Chickpeas- Bamboo Shoots Curry).

“Kabuli Chano- Keerla Koddel (Chickpeas- Bamboo Shoots Curry)” … koddel is a delicious- aromatic garlic flavored curry from GSB Konkani Saraswat Cuisine served with rice during meals … in my home any koddel dish is our favorite and we just can’t help but relish a little bit more when served with red boiled rice ... if a roasted papad is served along it's heavenly …Yummilicious …

** Koddel in GSB Konkani Saraswat Cusine usually means a curry that is seasoned with garlic however, in some parts of Karnataka it is known as gashi. This is a dish prepared both with pulses and veggies or with addition of both. Koddel and ambat are the most sought after dishes in our community compared to gashi as per tempering goes. Ambat usually means seasoning with onions and gashi is mustard and curry leaves.

** Names of dishes have now gone topsy turvey as people began to migrate and stay all over the world and dishes are also called gashi if they are tempered with garlic/ onions. Whatever the name, Koddel particularly is called only for dish that is tempered with garlic in my hometown and we simply love any dish prepared so with hot ukde sheetHa ie red boiled rice., though it goes equally well with ordinary white rice too.

** I have already posted koddel in different combinations before ie. bamboo shoots (Keerlu), suran (yam), kadgi (Raw Jackfruit) and Chinese potato (Kooka) etc. Here, I have prepared koddel with keerulu (bamboo shoots) and Kabuli Chana/ Chickpeas. I have used brined keerlu/ salt preserved Bamboo shoots, though fresh ones have just come in the market. I wanted to finish off the brined stock before stocking up on new ones.

** You can use either brined or fresh keerlu as per availability for this recipe. Do try out various dishes from the Blog using the search option and enjoy with your family and friends. There are many more Koddel dishes in the blog as well as those prepared using bamboo shoots. Do keep a keen watch on my blog for many more GSB Konkani Saraswat dishes, which I will be adding on as and when prepared.

** Here is the Recipe for “Kabuli Chano- Keerla Koddel (Chickpeas- Bamboo Shoots Curry)” ... My Style …

** Ingredients :
Kabuli Chano/ Chickpeas/ White Chana : 2 cups
Keerlu/ Bamboo Shoots : 8-10 (2.5 x 1 inch sized)
Salt/ Namak/ Meeta : to taste only if required

** For the Ground Masala :
Coconut/ Soyi/ Nariyal : 1 heaped cup
Kashmiri Red Chilly/ Byadgi Mirchi/ Kumte Mirsanga : 8-10
Tamarind/ Chinchama/ Imly : small marble sized piece

** For Tempering/ Tadka/ Pannaka :
Oil/ Tel/ Tela : 1-2 tblsp
Garlic/ Losun/ Lehsun : 10-12 cloves

** Wash and Soak Kabuli Chano/ Chickpeas overnight or for 8-10 hours in plenty of water. Drain, rinse and pressure cooker with enough water say about an inch above level of the chano to 1 whistle. Remove and let rest for the pressure to fall by itself. Open and check if cooked, if not you can pressure cook to another 1 whistle. The cooking time varies depending on Chano purchased, usually one whistle is enough.

** Note : Soaking of Kabuli Chano/ Chickpeas is a procedure you must follow. Soaking of pulses/ beans etc. doubles them in size, turns it softer, releases nutrients stored within when cooked and is easy to digest. Some people go ahead and just add them into pressure cooker along with cooking soda which in my opinion is highly avoidable. Cooking soda is not every good for health and its consumption should be limited to only when absolutely necessary. So prepare ahead by soaking and enjoy health benefits.

** Wash and add 8-10, 2.5 inch length x1 inch width pieces of Brine/ fresh Bamboo shoots (Keerlu) in plenty of water for about 5-6 hours/ overnight. This helps in clearing excess salt from the brined bamboo shoots. If using fresh ones too it is advisable to follow soaking procedure to remove the smell from it. If possible change the soaked water by replacing with fresh in between twice for better results.

** When the brine bamboo shoots are cleaned and ready add them into a pressure cooker along with 1-2 cups of water (you can add the strained cooked chano water too) and pressure cook to 2-3 whistles on medium heat. Let pressure  drop on its own. Once you are able to remove the pressure cooker lid remove and add in the cooked bamboo shoot pieces to the cooked kabuli chano in the vessel.

** Note : I used brined Keerlu/ Bamboo shoots though fresh ones are in season now, as I wanted to finish off my brine stock so that I can store the new ones. You can use brined (mitta ghallele keerlu) or fresh one’s as per availability. In case you are using brine ones, you must follow the procedure given above of soaking and changing water to remove excess water for brine ones and for the smell if fresh ones.

** Masala to be Ground : Add freshly grated coconut into a mixer grinder with kashmiri chillies, tamarind and grind to a very fine paste with little bit of water. You can use either chano or bamboo shoots cooked water for masala grinding purpose too, this is the procedure most us GSB's follow while grinding masala dishes. The masala should be thick and ground to a very fine paste for best results.

** Note : You can use any tangy taste veggies for the curry like bimbul (tree sorrel fruit), ambado (hogplum), karmbala (starfruit), kokum, kudumpali etc. However, do remember to not add tamarind (chinchama) while grinding the masala, otherwise the curry will turn out too tangy (amshe') and distasteful.

** Add ground paste to cooked white chano/ chickpeas and bamboo shoots in the vessel and mix well. If adding and tangy veggies mentioned above then add them on now, I have not added any this time. Check consistency of curry and add water accordingly. Bring the curry to a boil on medium heat, stirring in between to avoid it getting burnt. Once it comes to a rolling boil, lower the heat and simmer for some more time.

** Taste the curry first and only then add salt if you have used brined bamboo shoots. This is a caution you must take as despite curing the keerlu/ bamboo shoots in water overnight they tend to remain some salt in them that at times falls sufficient to the curry when being cooked. In case you need more only then add on some salt and mix well. 

** For Tempering/ Tadka/ Pannaka : Heat oil in a small pan, when hot, crush the garlic with skin on with a heavy weight/ stone and then add and fry till they are evenly lightly browned. Remove and pour this over the simmering curry, mix well, cover and keep this aside to rest for a good 15-20 minutes, for the flavors to seep in and it’s done.

** Note : For garlic seasoning/ tadka you can add crushed garlic with skin on or after peeling of the same too, its a matter of individual choice.

** “Kabuli Chano- Keerla Koddel (Chickpeas- Bamboo Shoots Curry)” is done and ready to be served. This is a delicious dish that tastes best served during meals with Red Boiled Kerala Matta rice (Ukde SheetHa) or any normal steamed rice. However, if for any reason you do not prefer rice during meals then you can relish the same with roti/ paratha, Idly, dosa too, in which case keep the curry slightly thicker in texture for better taste. Do try out this recipe and enjoy with your family and friends.

** If Bamboo Shoots/ Keerlu is available and you would like to know details on brine/ salt preserving of the same, then you can check out the same in the link shared below … it includes deails with step by step pictures for reference ….

** For more recipes of “Koddel” and dishes that include “Bamboo Shoots/ Keerlu”, you can check out on the common links shared below ….

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