Saturday, September 28, 2024

Magge- Alsando- Keerla Sukke (South Indian Cucumber- Yardlong Beans- Bamboo Shoots Curry)

“Magge- Alsando- Keerla Sukke (South Indian Cucumber- Yardlong Beans- Bamboo Shoots Curry)” …sukke is a side dish from GSB Konkani Saraswat Cuisine prepared with assorted seasonal veggies to be served during meals … tastes awesome served with Dal- Chawal/ Roti/ Dosa etc. …. Yummilicious …

** Sukke as I have mentioned umpteen times is a semi dry side dish from GSB Konkani Saraswat Cuisine prepared with available seasonal veggies though sometimes even pulses are added on. I will not run into details about sukke as I have posted plenty of them from time to time with different veggies or pulses. I prepare it often at home in different combinations and serve it as side dish either with dalitoy- rice or roti or dosa. I will share a common link to all “Sukke” dishes shared in this blog before, you may browse through the same in leisure and try them out as per your convenience.

** Here I have prepared this sukke with Magge (South Indian Cucumber), Alsando (Yardlong Beans) and Keerlu (Bomboo Shoots). I have shared similar recipe with Alsando (Yardlong Beans) and Keerlu (Bomboo Shoots) before to which too I will be sharing a link at the bottom of this recipe. This recipe remains the same except for the addition of Magge (South Indian Cucumber) along with the mentioned two veggies. Addition of Magge adds on not only taste to the recipe but also turns it out a healthier option as Magge is high water content that is excellent coolant for the body heat.

** Though I find no point in repeating the recipe again as I have shared similar one before, I am adding it on for the minute changes in method of cooking and for easier access to recipe. However, you can check it out via common links shared at the bottom of this recipe if you do not want to add bamboo shoots. In all a delicious semi thick consistency side dish that tastes equally good served with either dal-chawal, roti or dosa. You can also serve it with Idly- Khotto in which case I suggest that you make the gravy slightly thinner in consistency, as it tastes much better served that way, try it, its awesome.

** Here is the Recipe to “Magge- Alsando- Keerla Sukke (South Indian Cucumber- Yardlong Beans- Bamboo Shoots Curry)” … My Style ….

** Ingredients :
Magge/ South Indian Cucumber/ Southeykayi : 300 gms
Alsando/ Chawli/ Yard Long Beans : 150 gms
Mitta ghallele Keerlu/ Brined Bamboo Shoots : 15-18 pieces of 1 inch size.
Salt/ Meeta/ Namak : to taste 

** For Masala to be Ground :
Coconut/ Soyi/ Nariyal : 1 cup freshly grated.
Urad dal/ Black gram dal : 1 tsp
Coriander Seeds/ Kothimbir/ Dhania : 1 tblsp
Kashmiri Red Chillies/ Kumte Mirsanga/ Byadgi Mirchi : 8-10
Chinchama/ Imly/ Tamarind : small marble piece
Oil/ Tel/ Tela : 1 tsp

** For Tempering/ Pannaka/ Tadka :
Coconut Oil/ NariyalTel/ Narlel Tela : 1 tsp
Mustard Seeds/ Sasam/ Rai : 1 tsp
Curry leaves/ Kadipatta/ Karbevu : 10-12 fresh ones

** I have used fresh keerlu/ bamboo shoots for this recipe. You can use mitta ghallele keerlu (brined/ salt preserved ones) ones too. If using fresh bamboo shoots, remove outer cover and cut them into pieces of 1 inch long with 1 inch width and soak it in water for 48 hours or atleast 12 hours and then use. And if using Brined, it should be put in plenty of water either overnight or for a few hours and the water should be changed 4-5 times to remove excess salt from the keerlu or else the dish will turn too salty. If they are larger in size cut, them into 1 inch sized pieces and keep them ready.

** Note : 1 have already written an article giving full explanation of how to cut, store, brine and use bamboo shoots, sharing the link at the bottom of this recipe, please go through the same and prepare the shoots in similar way for using.

** Wash, wipe dry, trim off both edge sides of alsando/ chawli/ yard long beans. Cut them into 2 inch sized pieces and keep them ready aside.

** Wash, wipe dry and cut both side edges of Magge/ South Indian Cucumber/ Southekayi. Slice off the innermost flesh portion along with the seeds within and keep it aside. Dont throw it, you can prepare any coolant, tambuli or dry the seeds, they are very nutritious. (check in blog for the same using search options or link shared at the bottom of this recipes). Cut the magge into 2 inch sized cubes retaining the skin.

** Add prepared and kept keerlu pieces at the bottom of pressure cooker pan in a layer, top it with cut magge pieces spreading it evenly, then add alsando pieces evenly (do add veggies in mentioned order for even cooking). Add 2 glasses of water and pressure cook on medium heat to 1-2 whistles only. Let the pressure drop on its own, when able to open the lid do so, check out if cooked, if not cook it further to 1 whistle.

** Masala to be Ground into a paste: Heat oil in a small kadai, add urad dal, let fry a bit, when colour changes slightly add coriander seeds and continue to fry for a minute, lastly add red chillies and fry for another minute. Remove, cool a bit and add them into a mixer grinder along with freshly grated coconut, tamarind and grind to a paste adding just a little bit of water to grind to a even thick textured paste.

** Note : The paste need not be ground too fine but should not be coarse too. You can use pressure cooked veggies water for grinding which is what I do. Using the cooked water helps in retaining cooked flavors of the veggies intact.

** Note : For the curry you can use any one of the tart tasting fruit/ veggies mentioned like, bimbul (tree sorrel fruit), ambado (Hog Plum), karmbala (carmbola/ starfruit), ambuli (raw mango), harvo tomato (raw- green tomato), dried kokum, kudampuli etc. as is available. In case you do not have access to any one of them or they are not available or again, if you do not want to use them then for any reason, do not worry, you can add in a small marble sized piece of tamarind (chinchama/ Imly) while grinding the masala which is what is followed in GSB Konkani Saraswat Cuisine.

** Add cooked veggies into a thick bottomed kadai/ pan along with ground masala, salt to taste and mix well. Bring all ingredients to a boil on medium heat, stirring often, then lower the heat and cook on low for 4-5 minutes or till you see bubbles appearing on surface. Do not leave the curry unattended as there are chances of it getting burnt at the bottom as it is thick in texture. Do check out texture and add water if necessary.

** Note : You may add salt only after checking out once the curry is done in case you have added brined keerlu/ bamboo shoots. Many a times brined keerlu has quite a lot of salt and despite following the above mentioned method of soaking and changing water sometimes it’s still salty, so check and add only if necessary.

** For Tempering/ Pannaka/ Tadka : Heat oil in a small pan, when hot add mustard seeds, when they splutter add curry leaves, fry a bit and then pour it over the curry. Cover with a lid and leave aside for some time for the flavors to seep in.

** “Magge- Alsando- Keerla Sukke (South Indian Cucumber- Yardlong Beans- Bamboo Shoots Curry)” is done and ready to be served. This is a semi dry curry and is usually served as side dish with dalitoy (spiced tuvar dal) and rice in Konkani community homes. However, it tastes equally tasty with chapatti/ roti/ poori/ Idly or dosa too. Do try out this delicious dish and enjoy with your family and friends. 

** About Bamboo Shoots/ Keerulu :  It remains good if brined/ salt water preserved well for over an year and often it has lasted me for almost 2-3 yrs. Many a times Bamboo shoots/ keelu is not liked by many for its distinct taste.. For all those who do not like the taste of bamboo shoots, trust me it does happen so first time, you can eat it reluctantly if you have to few times, say just a piece or two and slowly you will be accustomed to the taste and I am sure you will begin to love the taste over time.

** It is within us as to how we form a habit with food, taste etc. I too have issue with bitter gourd as I get pitta/ acidity next day, but I still eat it as it is good for health. So to all out there my suggestion would be to eat everything that God/ Mother Nature has offered us, as an edible veggie even if it means a reluctant bite or two. Remember if you do so, so will your children and so will coming generations. So, it is best to introduce to children all types of traditional foods at young age and make a habit of the same, sometimes with advancement of age it is very difficult to change eating habits.

** There are many dishes included with "Keelu/ bamboo shoots" in my Blog, sharing common links below along with an link to article on method of "preserving bamboo shoots" with step by step pictures. Also including common link to all “Sukke" recipes with separate link to recipe of "alsando- keerlu sukke". You may please check them out and prepare that which appeals to you and your family .....

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