Monday, September 23, 2024

AirFried Taikile Dangara/ Ambado/ Tikki

“AirFried Taikile Dangara/ Ambado/ Tikki” … I have often shared this crisp- delicious dish "dangara"; a monsoon delicacy from GSB Konkani Saraswat Cuisine prepared using taikilo/ takla/ cassia tora leaves in a variety of combinations … the difference here is I have used AirFryer method for preparing these and I must say they turned out great; the best part being that I barely used a few teaspoons of oil, a healthier option ... I must confess here that I need more practice for perfection to bring them more closer to deep fried texture ... however they tasted awesome served during meals with dalitoy and rice ... Yummilicious ... 

** I have shared plenty of “Dangara” recipes here in the blog. These are crisp deep fried tikki/ vada/ ambado/ fritters from GSB Konkani Saraswat Cuisine prepared with leafy veggies with tuvar dal/ urad dal/ chana dal along with spices and raw rice ground to a coarse texture. I have already written a lot about the same in detail in each of my posts, so writing anything on its recipe will only be repetitions.

** The veggie used is any leafy vegetable that are edible and the most famous of all is taikilo/ takala/ takla/ cassia tora /torata leaves. These are available in plenty during monsoon and that is when these fritters are prepared the most. Taikilo leaves are a gift from Bhudevi (Goddess of Earth)/ nature to mankind as these leaves grow on their own on onset of monsoon and are not available in other seasons.

** Though by themselves they do not have a taste of their own our ancestors firmly believed they had medicinal properties that was good for consumption for that season. Again, danger can be prepared with any leafy veggies available round the year like radish leaves, drumstick leaves, tamarind leaves, methi leaves etc. Though they taste best with taikilo leaves, the others too are equally tasty, so do try them.

** I eagerly wait for monsoon when these leaves are available to prepare dangara and muddo (steamed idly) which are actually traditional dishes that are simply nostalgic. Again, though, by and large these are used preparing rice along with tuvar dal/ tur dal, you can easily replace them with any dal of your choice, just browse through the options shared in my blog, via common link shared at the bottom of this recipe.

** I am always inquisitive and like to try out traditional dishes by giving them small twists while keeping to the basics intact and they have always given me fantastic results. I am sure to share more options as and when I try them out. Till then do try these out and enjoy with your family. They taste awesome served hot during meals as an accompaniment with Dalitoy- Rice or with chutney/ ketchup as an snack too.

** I have shared a few links of “Dangara” prepared with taikilo/ takla leaves in different lentil combinations. I have also share a common link to all dangara post shared in the blog towards the end wherein you will find them all, do browse through for more options. Do excuse for not including the recipe here. You can try air frying method with any of the recipes shared of dangara in the links below

** Now coming to Air Frying method, it is something that has caught on for almost a decade now and is more so a trend now as it gives us the opportunity to try out dishes without deep frying in plenty of oil which is considered unhealthy. For air frying you just need a few teaspoons of oil and that’s it. My friends vouch by it, though I have yet to try out my style dishes as I have hardly prepared much in it.

** I use it more for airfried French fries which in my home we love to munch on with hot soup for dinner. However, I do intend to try out more options as and when convenient. This time as I prepared the taikile danger mixture, I had some time to spare and was really not upto deep frying them. So, just on a hunch I air fried them and they turned out great, though I must confess I needed to keep the mixture softer.

** If you are following this method then do remember to keep it just 3-4% softer textured than we keep for deep frying for these dangars to turn out soft from within and crisp outward. Again, if you have no health issues then brush oil on them in between airfrying for best outcome, I was hesitant to use more oil. However, I must confess that they tasted awesome and we enjoyed them with dal- chawal during meals.

** For “AirFried Taikile Dangara/ Ambado/ Tikki” method, just chose any recipe from the links shared at the bottom of this recipe and air- fry them following the instructions on your manual or as shared below, remember each machine differs from the other so please Do refer to your manual too for best outcome….

** Preheat the Air Fryer for 5 minutes at 180 deg. Meanwhile, prepare and keep about 9 small sized danger/ tikkies/ ambado ready from any of the mixture prepared. Remove the air fryer attachment and brush a coating of oil to the same and then place the dangara on the wire gauge after brushing all over with edible oil.

** Put the attachment back into the fryer and run the air fryer for 10 minutes at 160 deg. When done, open the same apply a few drops of oil with brush on top facing side and with the help of tongs flip it over and apply a few drops of oil and brush this side too. You may use a little drops etc. if need be, it will taste better.

** Fix back the attachment and run the air fryer again for 10 minutes, now at 180 deg. When done open and check by inserting a skewer and if it comes out sticky then run for another few minutes till done. The timings actual depend upon the size of dangar and temperature of the air fryer, which differs with each machine.

** Note : The timings mentioned is approximate and differs from machine to machine, so also it depends upon the moisture content in the tikki/ dangar as well as its size. In order to get best results once you cross the 15 minutes time frame check them at intervals of 2-3 minutes to avoid them being overcooked as they will then turn out brittle. Be careful and use your own judgment, once you understand the functioning its breeze work.

** “AirFried Taikile Dangara/ Ambado/ Tikki” are done and ready to be served. Always serve them hot immediately during meals or with coconut chutney/ tomato ketchup as a snack. I served it for meals with dalitoy (spiced dal) and sheetHa (Rice) along with some bhaji and it was wonderful. Do try out this dish if you have an airfryer machine at home, it not only saves on oil consumption but is a healthier choice too.

** I am new to Air Frying method and need more practice for perfection, having said that I must confess I am all for new technology methods and love to try out the same. My next desire is to buy a waffle maker, which hopefully I will do so in a few days. If like me you too love experimenting with food, then go ahead and try, do not worry about failures, remember they are always stepping stones to success.

** Please do check out the links shared below for more information and recipes. There are plenty which you can try out from.

** For “Taikile Dangara/ Takla Vadas/ Cassia Tora Leaves Fritters- 2” recipe, please go through the link given below …

** For "Taikile (Takla/ Takala/ Cassia Tora/ Tarota/) Dangara (Ambado/ Fritters)" recipe, please go through the link given below …

** For “Jwari- Taikile Dangara (Jowar/ Sorghum- Cassia Taro Leaves/ Takla Fritters)” recipe, please go through the link given below …

** For “Taikile Chettambado / Fritters” recipe, please go through the link given below …

** For "Air Fried Sabudana Gajar Vada (Tapioca Pearls Carrot Fritters)" recipe, please go through the link given below …

** For more “Dangar” recipes please go through the common link given below, they include a variety of dishes in various combinations …

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