Sunday, September 1, 2024

Crispy Tava Fried Kirlailele Bagade Patrade Podi (Brown Cow Peas- Colocasia Leaves Steamed Rolls Slices).

“Crispy Tava Fried Kirlailele Bagade Patrade Podi (Brown Cow Peas- Colocasia Leaves Steamed Rolls Slices)” … these are tava fried podi’s from “Bagade Patrado” which I had shared earlier … I must confess that the crispy fries were much more kurkuri/ scrumptious than the patrado by itself and was definitely a delight to relish during meals … Youngsters are sometimes reluctant to eat patrado as it is but will definitely empty these fries and demand for more, do try it, tastes awesome … Yummilicious …

** Patrado/ Alu Vadi/ Colocasia Steamed Rolls sliced and tava fried or deep fried are referred to as “patrade podi”. Usually GSB Konkani Saraswat’s relish patrado steaming hot topped with coconut oil and the next day we slice them into 1/3 inch thick slices are fry them crisp. When you store them in fridge overnight it is easier to slice them into perfect slices. Then again, as I mentioned in previous post we also prepare usli/ upkari/ bhaji by cutting the left over patrado into small sized pieces/ crumbled with addition of onions and spices. I have included it before in the blog which you can browse through the common link shared at the bottom of this recipe.

** Again, I have given a small twist of my own and deep fried these slices by dipping them in spiced besan/ chana gram flour prepared batter too. They all taste great and I must confess that the more options I try the more it amazes me with its outcome of delicious tastes. I will not run into details about preparing this particular patrado as it is included in the post just before this one. However I am sharing link for direct access to the recipe of preparation method. Remember, you can prepare podi out of any patrado prepared in any combination of lentils, they all turn out perfect. So go ahead, and try this in your home too without any hesitation.

** Always remember to put the steamed and cooled patrado/ rolls/ vadi in a tight stainless steel box while storing in fridge, to get the best cuts for fries. When they are left overnight or at least for 6-8 hours you can slice them easily and finely into beautiful spirals. Just remove the patrado kept in fridge just before preparing the fries and cut them into 1/3 inch even slices. Dust them with prepared rava- rice powder mixture and fry them on medium to low heat until crisp and done with addition of minimum oil just enough for frying. Youngsters are sometimes reluctant to eat patrado as it is but will definitely empty these fries and demand for more.

** For preparing “Crispy Tava Fried Kirlailele Bagade Patrade Podi (Brown Cow Peas- Colocasia Leaves Steamed Rolls Slices)” … my style …

** To prepare these delicious crispy tava fries you will first need to prepare "Patrado/ Alu Vadi/ Colocasia leaf Steamed Rolls", store them in fridge for a few hours, cut them to even slices and then be used in preparation of fries. I must mention here that you can use any prepared Patrado (with any ingredients) for preparing of fries. They all taste awesome, just see to it that you slice them with a fine surfacing edges. 

** In a bowl add equal quantity of chiroti rava (fine wheat rava) and tandla pitti (rice powder) along with a little bit of salt and pinch of red chilly powder (Optional). Mix well and keep this ready before you begin to fry the slices.

** Note : You can use either only fine wheat rava or rice powder for dusting the podi too. I have done so in my prior posts. However, this one is a new step I just tried out with fish fries that turned out awesome, so went ahead with these too.

** Remove patrado from fridge and cut them into 1/3 inch thick slices evenly without letting them tear. Cut required number of slices and keep them ready.

** In a flat plate add in a little bit of the prepared above mixture and spread evenly. Now dust each cut patrado slices on all sides to cover it all over evenly and well without excess on any part. Keep a few pieces ready before starting to fry.

** Heat a flat non-stick/ Iron pan on high heat, once it reaches smoking point, lower the heat to minimum. Now apply a tablespoon of any edible oil+ghee on the tava evenly in a thin layer. Now place each coated patrade slice on the tava (as much as required or that holds) and raise the heat to medium for frying it well.

** After a few minutes add a few drops of oil+ghee on top of the slices and on the side too. Once they are cooked crisp at the bottom, flip over with the help of tongs and fry the other side too until evenly browned and crisp. They should have a burnt look, but should not be burnt. Once they are browned and crispy enough remove and continue with the remaining pieces in the same method till all are done.

** Note : You can fry the slices using any oil or with ghee only as per individual size. My Amma always used Oi+Ghee in 1:1 proportion for frying dosa/ podi on tava and I have just followed suit. I have no idea why she followed that method but I would like to assure you it turns out excellent in taste and gets fantastic crisp textured fries. Its in best interest for future generations to follow older generations at times without questioning much coz. though they may not be able to explain, they have plenty of experience.

** “Crispy Tava Fried Kirlailele Bagade Patrade Podi (Brown Cow Peas- Colocasia Leaves Steamed Rolls Slices)” is done and ready to be served. Tastes best served with Dalitoy (Spiced Tuvar Dal)/ Tomato Saar/ Besan Kadhi etc. along with SheetHa (Rice). Next time you prepare any type of patrado please do try these tava fries and Enjoy with your family and friends, children are sure to love them.

** I have prepared these crispy fried podi/ patrado slices from “Kirlailele Bagade Patrado (Brown Cow Peas Sprouts- Colocasia Leaves Steamed Rolls)” recipe I shared just before this post. I prepared separate posts to avoid a lengthy recipe which would have bored readers, again preparing podi/ fries is a matter of individual choice, so can be checked out by only those interested to try them out. Do excuse if inconvenient, the intention was in good interest of all my followers. Do try these crispy from following recipe they turn out awesome and cowpeas are healthy peas with plenty of nutrients and available online if required.

** I have shared plenty of Patrado recipes before includes the fries, usli, dunked in gashi, bajo etc. I am sharing a common link below which you can browse through in leisure and try out any that appeals to you, I assure they are all tasty …

** For step pictures of frying method of “Patrade Podi”, you can check out the following recipe of “Bajra~Whole Green Moong Patrado (Colocasia Leaves Steamed Spirals) with Pathare Prabhu Masala Powder Recipe” which includes the same, just a minute difference in mixture of dusting ingredients …

** Please do go through the Article I have written on Patrado too, for proper understanding of the procedure and about this delicacy …

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