Sunday, September 1, 2024

My Delicous Veg. Thali No- 381.

“My Delicous Veg. Thali No- 381 : Mixed Vegetable Kochla Nonche (Pickle), Beetroot Upkari (Bhaji), Crispy Tava Fried Kirlailele Bagade Patrade Podi (Brown Cow Peas- Colocasia Leaves Steamed Rolls Slices), Besan Kadhi, SheetHa (Rice)” … show stopper in my today’s thali is definitely the crispy fried patrade podi, sorry, no prizes for guessing; while rest of the dishes are just accompaniments … truly a heartwarming- tummy filling meal … Yummilicious …

** Patrodo/ Colocasia steamed rolls by itself is a satisfactory meal when served with dalitoy- rice, there is really nothing more the heart desires for and when they are fried crisp it is that much more tempting. As I already mentioned on the individual post of this particular patrado, I have given a twist of my own and prepared them with kirlailele bagao/ cowpeas sprouts on an experimental basis which gave me fantastic results especially the fries, they turned out so crispy and delicious that I wish I had prepared more. I am now encourage to try out more variations which I will soon do so and share.

** The pickle is prepared with finely chopped veggies which I usually prepare just before the monsoon begins, so that in case of shortage of veggies there is always a little pickle to go by during meals. Besan kadhi is something I am preparing after a longtime as I hardly prepare curds these days though it is a must in my home whenever I prepare moong dal- rice khichidi. Also included is simple healthy beetroot upkari one of my favorite that I insist on preparing at least twice in a month. That’s it, for lunch today, simple yet delicious in its own way and the heart for craving for more crisp fries/ podi.

** With ongoing Shravana Masa, in my home certain days are always veggie dishes, not that we miss out anything, frankly we love the choice of dishes from our traditional GSB Konkani Saraswat Cuisine and I do see to it that I prepare most of them atleast once in a year that way trying my best to keep the tradition going. Sharing links to the recipes in the thali above as is my practice normally with thali posts as they are already shared elsewhere, do try out various combos and options and enjoy them with your family and friends. There are plenty of festivals lined up, stay blessed, spread happiness.

** Given below are the links to the recipes of individual dishes in the picture above, please go through the link for that particular dish ..... do try them out in your home and enjoy with family and friends, they are all tried and tested in my own kitchen many times and are very tasty …

** For “Mixed Vegetable Pickle/ Kochla Nonche” recipe, please follow the link given below …

** For “Beetroot Upkari/ Bhaji” recipe, please follow the link given below …

** For “Crispy Tava Fried Kirlailele Bagade Patrade Podi (Brown Cow Peas- Colocasia Leaves Steamed Rolls Slices)” recipe, please follow the link given below …

** For “Besan Kadhi” recipe, please follow the link given below, however for this recipe I tempered with garlic, rest recipe remains same …

** For Recipe of "Cooking Rice Starch Free/Vanu ghalnu SheetHa", the Rice is cooked and the water is drained off to remove excess starch, Please follow the link given below ….

** You can use the search option or follow the common links shared below for "Thali/ Solo/ ComboMeals or Pejje Jevana (Rice Porridge Meals)” already shared in the Blog where you will get many more combination of thali’s and combo meals. Do try out various types of mix and match dishes to relish with your family and friends. Also remember to give me a feedback if possible, it encourages me to do more.

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