Tuesday, September 24, 2024

My Pejje Jevana Thali~ 382.

“My Pejje Jevana Thali~ 382 : Ambuli Nonche (Raw Mango Pickle), Cauliflower Piyavu (Onion) Sanna Polo (Spicy Dosa), Tendle Talsani (Ivy Gourd Garlic Stir Fry), Kani Tambdo Ukde SheetHa Pejja (Kerala Matta Broken Red Boiled Rice Porridge), Toop (Ghee)” … last night was really frightening and looked like as though all hell broke loose after the frightening thunder, lightning and lashing of rains that hit Thane city for about 2-3 hours that kept most of us awake till the wee hours … there is nothing more heartwarming than pejje jevana especially when there is still chill in air … accompanied the meal with nonce, talasani and sanna polo … Yummilicious …

** Last night was really frightening and looked like as though all hell broke loose with all that noise of roaring thunder, lightning and lashing rains hitting out the windows almost rattling them that kept me awake for hours. Today I just wanted to enjoy a simple meal for lunch and then take a good nap to compensate for the nightlong tiring experience. Pejje jevana/ Rice porridge meals are always a favorite and so decided to prepare the same for meals. Do include in your diet, pejje jevana (rice porridge meal) be it with inclusion of veg. dishes or non. Veg dishes, it tastes wonderful. 

** Always serve pejja/ rice porridge topped with a generous serving of toop/ ghee. To those who are worried about consuming ghee/toop, I think the recent clarifications by almost all Doctors, nutritionist and Ayurveda practitioners must have assured you about including them into your daily diets, say 2 tblsp a day. I am happy that amma (mother) always insisted on serving a little bit of ghee and I continued that habit without falling prey to modern conclusions from people denying our ancestors knowledge only to fall back on to same age old practices, so do not worry, a little bit goes a long way. 

** In all, definitely a heartwarming meal as I mentioned and a short nap of 20 minutes made me bounce back in full energy. I served it with my favorite tendle talasani, sanna polo and pickle/ nonche and it was indeed a fantastic meal. Sharing links to the recipes of the dishes in thali as is my usual practice with thali posts as the recipes are already shared individually elsewhere. Do browse through in leisure as there are plenty of other dishes too that you can try out and enjoy with your family and friends. Do give me a feeback if possible, it does encourage me to do more. Stay Blessed~ Spread Happiness.

** Given below are the links to the recipes of individual dishes in the picture above, please go through the link for that particular dish ..... do try them out in your home and enjoy with family and friends, they are all tried and tested in my own kitchen many times and are very tasty …

** For “Ambuli Nonche (Raw Mango Pickle)” recipe, please follow the link given below along with common link to all “Nonche/ Pickle” recipes. You can serve any type of pickle for pejje jevana and it tastes wonderful …..

** For “Cauliflower- Piyava (Onion) Sanna Polo (Spicy Dosa)” recipe, Please follow the link given below ….

** For “Tendle Talsani (Ivy Gourd Garlic Stir Fry)” recipe, Please follow the link given below ….

** For “Kani Tambdo Ukde SheetHa Pejja (Kerala Matta Broken Red Boiled Rice Porridge) topped with homemade Toop (Ghee)” Recipe, I have yet to edit it that which is prepared with kani, but the recipe is same as that with whole red boiled rice, except you need to pressure cook it only to 2 whistles … follow the link give below ….

** You can use the search option or follow the common links shared below for "Thali/ Solo/ ComboMeals or Pejje Jevana (Rice Porridge Meals)” already shared in the Blog where you will get many more combination of thali’s and combo meals. Do try out various types of mix and match dishes to relish with your family and friends. Also remember to give me a feedback if possible, it encourages me to do more.

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