Monday, July 26, 2021

Dasavala (Jaswand/ Hibiscus) Leaves Virshe' (Brewed Herbal Tea).

"Dasavala (Jaswand/ Hibiscus) Leaves Virshe' (Brewed Herbal Tea)" ... it's been raining heavily for the last few days ... here is a very healthy virshe' using fresh dasavala pallo/leaves, the flower of which is very dear to Lord Ganesha ... sip it on hunachi/ steaming hot to remain warm within ... yummilicious ...

** Virshe’ is a herbal infusion prepared using either flowers, leaves or bark of tree having medicinal properties with addition of mildly flavored spices and seasoned with garlic. I love preparing them at home with available edible leaves/ tree barks or certain flowers. I have written all about virshe’ to the best of my knowledge that which my Mom guided me upon in my previous post and I have nothing new to mention here. There is no point in writing reams of words so do excuse me for cutting short and sharing the link of the Parijata leaves virshe posted earlier. The method and recipe are the same as those posted in the blog before, while only the leaves used here are of Dasavala (Jaswand/ Hibiscus).

** Jaswanda leaves and the flowers are known for their health properties and are consumed in many ways in ayurveda. Many medicines include them as they are believed to be good for overall health of human beings. The flower too is brewed in tea/ syrup for coolants etc. Above all it is the flower which is offered to Lord Ganesha along with durva as it is supposed to please him the most. In India on Tuesday there is a long queue outside Ganesha temples where devotee eagerly wait for their turn to go and over them at the lotus feed of Sri Vignaharata while seeking his blessings to ward of all evils from their life. For the benefits of these leaves, you can check out on Google network and it gives you all.

** I have used fresh Dasavala (Jaswand/ Hibiscus) leaves here as I got them from my friendly neighbor. If need be you can get them in bulk, wash, clean and dry them in partial sunlight, powder them and store them in air tight container n fridge. You can use them as and when you want to prepare Virshe’ again the details you can go through on link shared below. You can also prepare hair oil with these leaves which people assure that give lustrous thick dark growth of strong hair and it also is believed to stop hair fall, however I cannot assure on that as I have not tried the hair oil, but you may do so do, just follow ghee making procedure for preparation of oil and you will get go aromatic oil that can be used for hair.

** I would like to add an additional Disclaimer here … I am neither a Doctor, Ayurvedist, Nutritionist or connected with any health department. So if you have any ailments like Bp, Heart issue, Diabetic, Thyroid or any other problem PLEASE CONSULT YOUR DOCTOR, though these are safe for consumption, it does react differently with each body, for some it may be useful, while some may not find any relief and for some it may cause other reactions too. For safety, just consume a little bit say half a glass and wait for a good 48 hours for reactions if any. Again, good exercise, healthy lifestyle, food habits are all important along with any medicines be it allopathy, ayurvedic or homeopathic otherwise it just a waste of all. So eat healthy home cooked meals, dry fruits, fresh fruit, tender coconut water and plenty of water too.

** Given below is the link to “Parijata/ Night Jasmine Leaves Vishe’”, the method and recipe is the same, all you need to do is just replace those leaves with Dasavala (Jaswand/ Hibiscus) leaves and the virshe’ is ready. I have also shared a common link to “Virshe’” recipes shared to date, there are just a few I will be sharing many more Tea and other Virshe’ recipes in future as I first need to get hold of the same via good sources till then stay safe, stay blessed and do take good care of yourself and your family ….

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