Saturday, March 22, 2025

My Simple Summer Veg. Thali No~402 .

“My Simple Summer Veg. Thali No~402 : Kirlailele Mooga Raita (Green Gram Sprouts Salad), Mullangi-Batate Kolumbo (Radish- Potato Sambar), Cabbage- Piyava Upkari/ Bhaji (Cabbage- Onion Stir Fry), Surai SheetHa (Rice)” …. Summer heat has begun to show its influence on relishing meals … half the hunger is gone off by consuming beverages … here is a simple meal of sambar- rice along with bhaji and salad, the healthiest of all times … while it is lighter on tummy it is still a filling one to beat the rising summer heat … Yummilicious …

** As I mentioned, summer is here and so is the unbearable heat begun to show its affects on people. The increasing thirst makes us reach out to more fluids and by noon we are not in mood to relish heavy food, a total mess indeed. This happens on the onset of summer heat until our body learns to adjust to the change in season and we need to ajust our meals to accordingly. Simple yet filling meals that keeps body hydrated are very essential. Radish is a tuber veggie with high water content that fits the bill and I make it a point to use it more often. The other veggies you can include more are southekayi (magge/ south Indian cucumber), lauki (gardudde/ duddhi), kuvale (ash gourd) etc.

** Please include cucumber, curds (buttermilk), curd is an excellent source of protein as well as a great thirst quencher. You can either prepare chaas or raita, whichever preferred and as is my suggestion for a healthy lifestyle always try including a simple bhaji/ upkari during all meals if possible. I have already written all that I have to say in individual posts of the recipes and anything more mentioning would only be repetitive. Sharing links to recipes in the thali above as is my practice with thali posts. Do try out various combos, making your own mix and match combinations if need be, depending upon your family preferences and enjoy them with your family and friends this summer.

** Given below are the links to the recipes of individual dishes in the picture above, please go through the link for that particular dish ..... do try them out in your home and enjoy with family and friends, they are all tried and tested in my own kitchen many times and are very tasty …

** For “Kirlailele Mooga Raita (Green Gram Sprouts Salad)”, just sprout green gram beans (the method link is shared below), add beaten curds (the method link is shared below), mix well and add any spices desired … this is the simple method in which I prepared the raita, however there are many more “Salad/ Raita” recipes shared in the blog, and you may try out and serve any desired, they are all tasty …

** For “Mullangi-Batate Kolumbo (Radish- Potato Sambar)” recipe, please follow the link given below …

** For “Cabbage- Piyava Upkari/ Bhaji (Cabbage- Onion Stir Fry)” recipe, please follow the link given below …

** For Recipe of "Cooking Rice Starch Free/Vanu ghalnu SheetHa", where the Rice is cooked and the water is drained off to remove excess starch, Please follow the link given below ….

** You can use the search option or follow the common links shared below for "Thali/ Solo/ ComboMeals or Pejje Jevana (Rice Porridge Meals)” already shared in the Blog where you will get many more combination of thali’s and combo meals. Do try out various types of mix and match dishes to relish with your family and friends. Also remember to me a feedback if possible .... Thank You; Have a great day ....

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