Saturday, May 25, 2024

The Wheels Of Destiny ... a short story down memory lane ...

"The Wheels Of Destiny" ... I was all of 8 yrs when i fell off my friend's bicycle and bruised badly the skin of my knees, oh! my it really hurt a lot and to my horror there was blood oozing out too ... I just wanted to run off, bawl my eyes out into ammas varla/ pallu and never look back ... i was just about to give up riding a bicycle forever, when I happened to look up and notice that smirk on my friends face declaring my defeat in glory ... that's it; I bounced back on the bicycle wiping away the tears, my vision now clear and pushed the peddle this time a bit more carefully with determination ... 

** Without a glance backward poof poof poof I peddled, my leg hurting at times coz they were just an inch short in reaching the peddle; but the peddle made its rotation while the body struggled to balance ... the skill of maintaining the balance and pushing the peddle in unison is learnt with patience and practice ... the summer holidays were spent on the wheels with the sun basking in glory watching me peddle in amusement ... those drops of sweat were slowly dripping down my face, neck, body almost soaking my frock and at times tip tip tip rolled down and fell down on the tarred road too ... 

** My heart skipped a beat in joy when candy man passed by ringing the bell tring tring tring, looking at me hopefully and screaming iiiiccce caandyyyy ... oh, how i wished to sit somewhere dangling my legs sipping on my favourite doodh candy, but no way, stop I would not, i had to reach my goal ... with my thoughts racing faster than my cycling, i went on peddling poof poof poof, the downhill rides were a joy, i had even learnt to lift my legs off the peddle and still balance my cycle, but the uphill was a task, literally making me bend forward to push harder ... finally the day approached, the school was about to begin, the challenge on wheels was slowly but steadily won over, now I could proudly tell my classmates i had mastered the two wheels .... 

** I so much wanted to own a bicycle of my own and looked hopefully at Aanu, but it was a firm NO, he was worried of those reckless drivers on road to whose wheels i may fall prey ... that's it life moved on and holidays were spent on neighbors cycle ... with passing of time the wheels got changed from smaller to larger ones and one fine day as I turned 18yrs old, Aanu finally gave in to my pleas and with my name etched on licence card tucked safely in my pocket, I became the proud owner of my own moped which then gave way to a scooter ... Zzzzoooom, the beauty of nature from the eyes of a rider is different, the joy cannot be spelled out, isn't it ??? 

** Today almost 4 decades later, sitting besides window watching the rising heat with a mango mastani/ collant in hand to beat the heat, my mind wheeled down the memory lane, relived my journey of zooming around on wheels through the passage of time ... in my mind I knew it was worth it and in my heart there was a joy of the ride on wheels, I sent a silent thanks to my friend, for that smirk on face which drove me to peddle those wheels of destiny; the wheels of pleasure; the wheels of a long journey still with miles ahead to go ... just like the saying; Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so is the joy of driving in the heart of a rider, as the possibilities are endless and the best views always come come after the hardest climbs; be it in a ride or in life ... 

That's "The wheels of destiny; a short story down memory lane"  Jai SiyaRama.

** Disclaimer : These are Just my own Thoughts I pen down from time to time and not extracted from anywhere. Not meant to offend/ hurt anybody's sentiments, do excuse if done, as it is not intentional. The pictures has been chosen from Google and collaged by me, however the credit still goes to whosoever it belongs to. Having written My Thoughts and Notes, I conclude that LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL especially those childhood day and one should always go down the memory lane to relive those moments that gave us immense joy.Always be Positive, have Faith In God, he knows the best for us, and does so at the appropriate time … Stay Safe- Blessed and have a lovely year 2024.

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