Friday, May 10, 2024

Kottambari Pallo- Khajoor Gojju (Coriander Leaves- Dates Chutney).

"Kottambari Pallo-Khajoor Gojju (Coriander Leaves- Dates Chutney)" … gave a face lift to the famous Kottambari Palle Gojju from GSB Konkani Saraswat Cuisine by adding khajoor for added sweetness and a healthier twist by cutting down on jaggery … do try this lip smacking “Tikshe- Godshe'- Amshe' (Spicy- Sweet- Tangy)” all flavors included in one Gojju, tastes excellent served with tandla bhakri/ Oondi, Panpolo, Parathas or during meals as a side dish ... Yummilicious ...

** Gojju’s are a delight to relish on when served as side dish along with other dishes in thali and if it is prepared in Tikshe- Godshe'- Amshe'/ Spicy- Sweet- Tangy style then it is that much more delicious. A little bit of this type of gojju tickles the taste buds and makes the lunch more appetizing and heartwarming. I often prepared plenty of “Gojju” recipes both traditional and with my own variations or giving a twist to the traditional ones while keeping the basic intact and they have always tasted wonderful.

** Kottambari Palle Gojju is a traditional dish from GSB Konkani Saraswat Cuisine close into dishes like bajji, chutney, tambuli etc. However, the difference here is this is prepared more so like chutney but all flavors Tikshe- Godshe'- Amshe'/ Spicy- Sweet- Tangy and included giving it a lip smacking taste. Experimenting with different combinations while keeping in mind the traditional dish is my most favorite challenge and I have often excelled in my trials, well at least that is what my near and dear one’s say.

** Today I prepared this gojju with addition fresh coriander leaves along with coconut, spices and tamarind. For the sweet taste I replaced half the quantity of jaggery with khajoor while grinding and was extremely happy and it tasted par excellence though I did have a belief that nothing could go wrong with this recipe. This is a wonderful way of making the tasty gojju healthier by opting out for dates and please do not worry about calories, these gojju’s are always served just a little bit to tickle taste buds.

** Life is all about enjoying to fullest by building healthy body and mind. Fill your life with happiness, laughter by spreading love. I realized this a little bit late in life, almost 5 decades and while you cannot reverse the clock, you can always tune in to a better future. Ensure that your family eats and sleeps well, form good habits like yoga, reading Bhagavad Gita, exercising,  meditation, spiritualism  or any hobby that makes you happy. Above all, learn to be happy for self, only then you can spread happiness.

** Here is my simple method of preparing "Kottambari Pallo- Khajoor Gojju (Coriander Leaves- Dates Chutney)" … My Style …

** Ingredients :
Coriander Leaves/ Kottambari Pallo/ Dhania/ Kothimbir : 4-5 packed cups.
Coconut/ Soyi/ Nariyal : 1 cup
Khajoor/ Khajur/ Dates : 1 cup
Jaggery/ Goda/ Bella/ Gud : 50 gms
Jeera/ Cumin Seeds : 2 tsp
Green Chillies/ Tarni Mirsanga/ Hari Mirchi : 8-10 (+/- depending upon individual taste)
Curry Leaves/ Kadipatta/ Karbevu : 10-12 fresh ones.
Tamarind/ Chinchama/ Imly : One lemon sized ball.
Salt/ Namak/ Meeta : to taste

** Hinga Uddaka/ Water prepared out of Asafoetida in gummy form : 1 tblsp
(Check how to prepare hinga uddaka at the bottom of this recipe)
Hing/ Asafoetida Powder : 1tsp (to be added in tempering)

** For Tempering/ Pannaka/ Tadka :
Coconut Oil/ Nariyal Tel/ Narlel Tela : 1 tsp
Mustard seeds/Rai/Sasam) : 1 tsp
Uard Dal/ Black Gram Dal : 1 tsp
Curry Leaves/Kadipatta/Karbevu : 10-12 fresh ones.

** Clean, pick, wash and chop coriander leaves. You can also add the tender stems of the same too, I have added them. Also wash, wipe dry and add the curry leaves (Optional) to coriander leaves and keep it aside ready.

** Wash, wipe dry, de-seed and cut khajoor into pieces. Now add it into a bowl along with tamarind and about 2 cups of warm water for about 30 minutes. This helps in softening and easier grinding of khajoor and tamarind.

** Roast cumin seeds in a small pan or tava on medium heat for just a minute or two and keep aside, do not let it burn or it will turn bitter. Grate or cut into small pieces and keep the jaggery ready, you can use powdered jaggery too.

** Add into a mixer grinder the coriander leaves, curry leaves, green chillies, freshly grated coconut, grated jaggery, roasted jeera, soaked tamarind- khajoor along with the water it is soaked in and grind to a very smooth paste.

** Add water as is required only while grinding to maintain the semi thick texture required for gojju. Remove and add it into a bowl along with salt to taste, hing water and mix well. Add more water only if required and keep it aside.

** Note : About adding hing/ asfoetida, you can add prepared hing water from gummy hing or add it in powder form, any available at home. While hing water can be added as it is, if adding powdered hing you will need to add it in tempering.

** For Tempering/ Pannaka/ Tadka : Heat coconut oil in a small pan, when hot add mustard seeds, when it begins to splutter add urad dal and fry until the color changes lightly brown, now add curry leaves and fry for a few seconds only. Remove and pour over the gojju, cover and keep it aside for the flavors to be infused well.

** Note : Using Coconut Oil brings out not only brings out the flavor but is also a healthy choice. If you have never used it try it for tempering, it tastes great. However, it is optional, if not desired, you can use any edible oil you normally use.

** If adding hing/ asfoetida powder, then add it to tempering along with curry leaves, fry for a few seconds and pour over gojju. However if you have added prepared hing/ asafoetida water then please do not add powder or else the flavor will be doubled and the gojju will turn bitter and lose on taste.

** "Kottambari Pallo- Khajoor Gojju (Coriander Leaves- Dates Chutney)" is done and ready to be served. This is a "Tikshe- Godshe'- Amshe' (Spicy- Sweet- Tangy) Gojju" usually served as a side during meals. Gojju is tastes awesome to eat in between meals as it tickles the tastes buds, making the lunch that much more tastier. Do try this delicious dish and enjoy with family and friends. In my home, we love to relish it also with Oondi, panpolo (neer dosa), dosa or poori and they taste great in combo.

** Note : Gojju/ Tambuli is not heated/ cooked and is a cold food served at room temperature. So prepare the same not more than an hour before serving as the dish may otherwise turn rancid. If prepared earlier do keep it in the fridge and keep it for some time outside to come to room temperature before serving. You can serve the gojju cold too, it tastes very good. Serve as side dish with rice, roti or dosa.

** For the traditional GSB Konkani Saraswat “Coriander Leaves Gojju” Recipe, Please follow the link given below …

** For more varieties of “Gojju/ Bajji/ Tambuli” recipes, check out the common links shared below, there are plenty shared in my Blog. Do browse through, try them out and enjoy with you family and remember to give me a feed back if possible.

** For Preparing of Hing/ Asafoetida Water From Gummy Hing : Hing water is prepared by putting a small marble sized gummy hing (available in South Indian Stores) into a glass bottle and adding about a small cup of boiled and cooled water to it. Within a few hours the hing will slowly melt and you will get a thick whitish liquid. This is hing water. You can keep this in the fridge and use sparingly as and when needed. We GSB / Saraswat Konkani people usually prepare the same and keep it in the fridge always and use the same for dal, patrado or any other humman etc. If you do not have the gummy hing, no issues, you can add hing / asafoetida powder in which case always add it into the hot oil while tempering to get a good aroma. Check picture on collage shared above. 

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