Friday, August 24, 2018

Karathe~Ambade Gashi / Bitter Gourd~Hogplum Curry.

"Karathe~Ambade Gashi/ Bitter Gourd~Hogplum Curry" ... though bitter gourd/ karela/ karate' is supposed to be bitter in taste, it is that much more healthier having medicinal properties and this curry with the addition of hogplum/ ambado is a traditional GSB Konkani Saraswat Delicacy that is prepared during monsoon .... Yummilicious ... 

**Karathe~Ambade Gashi/ Bitter Gourd~ Hogplum Curry is famous GSB Konkani Saraswat monsoon delicacy as hogplum/ ambado are available only during that season. Karela/ karathe/ Bitter gourd though is available almost all round the year, you really to get good ones during monsoon. As a matter of fact we get loads of veggies during monsoon season, added on as a bonus as it is the month of many festivals. Bitter gourd though is bitter as the name itself spells, it is very considered to be healthy and should be consumed though in some people it does cause pitta/ acidity. However, anything in limits is fine. I will not run into much details about the veggies as all are familiar with both veggies. 

We amchies prepare this often during monsoon as long as hogplum/ ambado is available. This is also prepared during festive times and can be relished both with rice as main dish or as side dish with chapatti. A little bit of jaggery is added on to the curry to ward off the bitterness of the karathe/ karelas. Do try this dish out if you love gravy dishes and bitter gourds. The same dish can be prepared without the hogplums too, by addition of tamarind to the masala while grinding, but somehow the authentic taste is lost and it does not give the same taste. 

** Here is the Method of preparing "Karathe~Ambade Gashi/ Bitter Gourd~ Hogplum Curry" … My Style …. 

** Ingredients : 
Karathe/ Bitter Gourd/ Karela : 4-5 about 8-10 inches long. 
Hogplum/ Ambado : 3-4 depending upon its sourness 
Jaggery/ Gud/ Goda/ Bella : 30 gms or one large tennis ball size. 
Salt/ Namk/ Meeta : to taste 

** For the Masala : 
Urad Dal/ Black gram dl : 1 tsp 
Coriander/ Kothimbir/ Dhania Seeds : 1 tblsp 
Kashmiri Red Chillies/ Kumte mirsanga/ Bydgi mirchi : 6-8 
Coconut/ Soyi/ Nariyal : one heaped cup freshly grated. 
Oil/ Tela/ Tel : 1 tsp 

** For Tempering : 
Oil/ Tel/ Tela : 1 tsp 
Mustard Seeds/ Rai/ Sasam : 1 tsp 
Curry Leaves/ Kadipatta/ Karbevu : 8-10 fresh ones 

** Wash and cut bitter gourd into rings of 1/3 inch thickness and keep it aside. Do not scrape the nodes of the bitter gourd, they contain all the nutrients. 

** Note : You get both dark green and light green in color bitter gourds / karate’, you can use any. The light colored one’s are supposed to be less bitter in taste. For this particular recipe I have used light colored one’s as that was the one which was available in market for me. 

** Note : You can apply salt to the bitter gourd and keep it aside and then wash it again under running water. It is believed it remove some of the bitterness. I never follow this procedure, as I believe God creates everything in this world with some purpose behind it and man should try to have them as much close to as created. However, you can do the same if your wish. 

** Put the cut bitter gourds into a pressure cooker pan along with some water, say to the level of the same as bitter gourd rings. Cover and pressure cook on medium flame to one whistle. 

** Remove and allow the pressure to drop on it’s own. Once you are able to open the lid, do so and put the cooked bitter gourd in a thick bottomed stainless steel vessel. 

** Slice off the stem side portion of the hogplum and either cut into four slices lengthwise if tender or slice the sides and put them into the vessel along with the inner seed too. You can also slightly crush the ambado if you do not want to slice them. 

** For preparing the masala : Heat oil, when hot add in the urad dal, when the color changes slightly add in the coriander seeds and further fry to a minute. Add in the red chillies and fry for few seconds. Remove and add it along with the coconut into a mixer grinder and grind to a very fine paste with minimum water. 

** Add the ground masala to the ingredients in the vessel and mix well. Add in water to bring to a thick gravy consistency. Bring the curry to a boil on medium flame, lower the heat and cook till the hogplum / ambado are almost cooked. Now, add in the jaggery either grated or cut into pieces along with salt to taste. Mix well and cook till well done and jaggery has melted. Remove and keep aside. 

** For Tempering : Heat oil, when hot add in the mustard seeds, when they begin to splutter add in the curry leaves, fry for a second and add it to the curry. Cover and keep aside for flavors to seep in. 

** "Karathe~Ambade Gashi / Bitter Gourd~ Hogplum Curry" is done and ready to be served. You can serve this as it with rice or as a side dish with chapatti / roti. Tastes awesome with rice. This is a traditional Konkani Saraswat dish that is by and large prepared during monsoon specially during festive season. 

** Do try this dish out, if you love bitter gourds and enjoy with your family and friends. Children may resist eating this as it is slightly bitter in taste, but I think you should coax them to eat the same as it is very good if they develop the habit of eating bitter gourds during childhood itself. 

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