“Sri.Krishna Tulabhara; Devotion v/s Wealth” … it is believed that placing a single “Tulsi leaf” at the lotus feet of Sri. Krishna with devotion is the utmost form of worship that pleases him more than all the glitter of gold/ diamond/ ornament offerings ... our puranas endorses this universal truth with the event of the happening of devotion v/s wealth on the occasion of “Tulabhara Ceremony” incident when all the jewels offered by Satyabhama could not woo back Sri. Krishna to a single Tulsi leaf offering made by Rukmini (both are his consorts).
** Rukmini and Satyabhama both consorts of Sri Krishna loved him dearly. However, Rukmini was very devoted while Satyabhama was proud of her royal lineage. Being jealous of Rukmini’s humble nature, which always pleased Sri Krishna, Satyabama wanted to seek Sri. Krishna’s undivided attention to self only.
** Once Devarishi Narada- Muni brought Parijata flower from Indra-Loka to Dwaraka and gave it to Sri Krishna, asking him to hand it over to his most loving wife who then lovingly gave it to Rukmini devi. As the sugandha (fragrance) covered whole of Dwaraka, Satyabhama came to know and was displeased with Sri. Krishna.
** Blind with jealousy, she approaches Narada-Muni and makes her anger evident. Narada- muni aware that Sri. Krishna too wants to teach her a lesson on devotion lays out a plan. He asks her to perform a Vrata (penance) and then make a dana (donation) of Sri. Krishna to a Brahman (himself) so that she could then purchase him back.
** Satyabhama immediately agreed as she believed that money could buy anything in this world and that she could easily place wealth the weight of her husband Sri. Krishna on the scales to buy him back. She fell for Narada- muni’s plot and willingly became ready to do so despite Narada- muni warning her to think so again.
** Satyabhama in over confidence made “dana (donate)” of Shri Krishna to Shri. Narada-muni, the noblest of all Brahmans, who eyes brimmed with tears of devotion for this rare and unique fortune of receiving Bhagawan himself. Sri Krishna too was very pleased by this plot made by Narada- Muni and happily became a part of it.
** Huge tulabhara (weighing scales) were brought and Sri Krishna was made to sit on one of the pans of the scale while Satyabhama began to place wealth on the other pan. Slowly all her wealth ie gold, precious stones, jewellery etc., were piled one by one, but the other pan in which Sri Krishna sat did not budge even by a fraction.
** Satyabhama began to panic and slowly realization dawned in, crushing her ego totally. She felt foolish for thinking that she could buy Sri Krishna, her husband, the Bhagawan/ God of three worlds with her wealth. Once again, she humbly seeks Narada-muni’s advice to which he pities her and asks her to go and seek Rukmini’s help.
** Satyabhama agrees and runs in search of Rukmini who was at that time praying to Mother Tulsi-mata. Satyabhama approaches her and pleads to help her in releasing Sri Krishna back from Narada-muni. She hears her out and then humbly prays to Tulsi-mata, plucks a small leaf and comes to the assembly hall with Satyabhama.
** With all devotion she invokes Sri. Krishna in her heart, takes pradakshina (round) of Sri Krishna and places tulasi leaf on empty pan of the scale. Lo!!! the scales tilt and the one with tulsi leaf now weighed heavier. Satyabhama understood the essence of true Bhakti/ Devotion and humbly prostrated to both Sri. Krishna- Rukmini.
(Tulsi was a devotee of Sri. Krishna and was transformed into a sacred plant to remain close to him .About how Tulasi leaves came to be the most important in Sri. Krishna’ worship is another incidence. However, it is believed that anything offered to Sri. Krishna without the inclusion of Tulsi Leaf is not accepted by him).
** Narada-muni in his own way and wisdom had shown to the world that only unconditional- whole- heart devotion and that no amount of wealth could win Shri Krishna’s heart and his grace. This is just one of the many Sri. Krishna leela’s in which he spreads the knowledge to people on attaining of true Bhakti (devotion).
“Shudha Bhakti (Divine pure devotion) is the only true way to obtain Sri. Krishna’s grace”.
** In Kaliyuga, unfortunately things have changed … the worst fear today of a devotee is not of the end of his life, but of waiting in a long queues to make his humble offering of a single tulsi leaf at the lotus feet of Sri. Krishna, with the question looming large in his mind ... will he be allowed?? will he have access ?? will he or will he not??? Often the privileged forget about the temple in Udupi, where the Idol of Sri. Krishna completely made a u turn for the sake of a devotee who was denied access to worship ... Sri. Krishna always has ways of reaching out to his true devotees, we need to have complete faith ...
//Jai Sri. Krishna//
** Disclaimer : These are Just a few thoughts of my own that I pen down from time to time and not extracted/ influenced from anywhere. The incidence of Tulabhara is from our Hindu Puranas which I have complied and written in short in my own way. The original has much more depth and meaning to the incidence that is much beyond my knowledge, so do forgive me. I, in my little knowledge and experience of facing similar situation of devotion v/s wealth felt like penning my thoughts here. However, it is not my meant to offend/ hurt anybody's sentiments, do excuse if done, it's not intentional. The picture is from Google and the credits goes to whosoever it concerns. Having written my thoughts and notes, I always conclude that LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL, there is so much out there to see and enjoy, bad days are like a phase that will pass away. Always be Positive, have Faith In God, he knows the best for us, and does so at appropriate time … do end the year 2024 with a thankful note and begin the year 2025 with new hope and joy ... Stay Safe- Blessed ... //OM Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya//
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