Sunday, July 7, 2024

Sprouted Matki (Moth Beans) Kolambi (Prawn) Masala.

“Sprouted Matki (Moth Beans) Kolambi (Prawn) Masala” … prawn curry means the world to fishitarians … tried a mix and match of prawns with sprouts along with spicy masala and came up with this wonderful tasty curry … can be served as a side dish with dal- chawal or with roti … Yummilicious …

** Prawns (sungata/ kolambi/ yeti) fish appeals to most fish eaters/ lovers specially children and it does not have any thorn within. There are plenty of dishes that can be prepared with this versatile fish, be it as curry, fries, cutlets, biryani, pulav, you name it and the fish has its own long list. Prawns are the most sought after fish universally, and even in my home, we simply love them, the only hitch is, it is too costly. Exporting prawns has led to the price rise of this fish and we Indian are at the receiving end of the same. Large sized prawns really cost a bomb while the smaller sizes are the only option.

** Coming to sprouts I have mentioned a lot and anything written will only be repetition. I have often mentioned how I stock them prepared in bulk in fridge for daily consumption, its serve my purpose of including a little bit of protein to my daily meals. Just browse through my blog for more info and recipe and you will find them in plenty. I have shared common links at the bottom of this recipe for easy access. There are plenty of veggie vendors who also sell sprouts these days, so if need be you may purchase the same too, even malwani masala powder I use is store bought, it saves time.

** Here is my own recipe for “Sprouted Matki (Moth Beans) Kolambi (Prawn) Masala” … my style, truly a wonderful combo of sprouts with fish (prawns) … if you love prawns, do try this one, it tastes excellent …

** Ingredients :
Sprouted Matki (Moth Beans) : 1 cup
Fresh Prawns/ Sungata/ Kolimbi : 25-30 medium sized.
Onion/ Piyavu/ Kanda : 1 small sized.
Kudampuli (Malabar Tamarind) or Kokum : 4-5
Salt/ namak/ Meeta : to taste

** Masala to be Ground :
Coconut/ Nariyal/ Soyi : ½ cup freshly grated
Kashmiri Chilly Powder/ Mirsange Pitti/ Mirchi Tikkat : 2-3 tsp
Malwani Masala Powder : 2-3 tblsp
Coriander/ Dhania/ Kothimbir Powder : 2 tsp
Garlic/ Losun/ Lehsun : 4-5 cloves
Ginger/ Adrak/ Alle’ : ½ inch pieces
Onion/ Piyavu/ Kanda : 1 small sized.

** For Tempering/ Pannala/ Tadka :
Oil/ Tel/ Tela : 3-4 tblsp
Onion/ Piyavu/ Kanda : 1 small sized.
Garlic/ Losun/ Lehsun : 4-5 cloves
Kashmiri Chilly Powder/ Mirsange Pitti/ Mirchi Tikkat : 1 tsp

** I have used 1 cup of kirlailele matki/ sprouted moth beans for this recipe. I am sure you know the method of sprouting which takes about 48 hours depending upon the weather, however if you are newbie to this method then I am sharing a link to the same at the bottom of this recipe, please browse through for the details. I must mention that a handful of sprouts a day is good way to include proteins into your diet especially if you are a vegetarian. You can always prepare and keep them in fridge for easy using on daily basis. It remains good for a week if proper care is taken.

** Gently peel off the outer skin and de-vein fresh prawns. Wash in plenty of water and keep them ready aside. You can watch the cleaning procedure of fish properly from your fish vendor/ relative/ a friendly neighbor if you are a newbie as it is very important to clean them properly without applying much of pressure. Close observation once is the best firsthand experience as you really get to learn it well. The most important step is to remove the inner vein from the prawns which should not be consumed.

** Masala to be Ground : Peel the outer skin of both garlic and onion and cut them into small pieces. Wash, and cut the ginger also into small pieces. Add the onion- garlic- ginger pieces into a mixer grinder along with freshly grated coconut, coriander powder, kashmiri chilly powder, malwani masala powder and grind to a very fine paste adding water as required only. Remove and keep it aside ready.

** Wash and add sprouted matki/ moth beans into a thick bottomed wide mouthed vessel. Add 2-3 cups of water and bring to a boil for 2-3 minutes, lower the heat and let cook for another 5-10 minutes. Peel the outer skin of onion, cut into small pieces and add to the cooking matki along with ground masala and salt to taste. Wash and add kudampuli, mix well check and add more water only if necessary and continue cooking on medium heat until you see bubbles appearing on the surface. Lower the heat to minimum and continue simmering the curry for about 5-8 minutes until it is well cooked.

** Note : Avoiding pressure cooking sprouts as they will turn too soft and lose out on taste. Cooking in vessel takes a little bit more time, however it retains the crunch in the sprouts and a maximum time of 10 minutes is sufficient for the same. Please avoid adding excess water while cooking the curry, this is a medium thick consistency curry. If needed you can always add hot water just before serving to bring to required thickness.

** For Tempering/ Pannala/ Tadka : Peel the outer skin of both garlic and onion and cut them into fine pieces. Heat oil in a small pan, add the onion- garlic pieces and fry on medium heat until they are lightly browned evenly. Now add the Kashmiri chilly powder, stir for a second and immediately pour over the simmering curry and mix well.

** Continue cooking the curry stirring well in between for 8-10 minutes for all of the flavors to be infused well. Lastly add the cleaned and kept ready fresh prawns, mix well and cook for another 5 minutes only. Remove, cover and keep it aside to rest for 15-20 minutes. Non. Veg curries always taste best if allowed to rest for a few hours. However, it is individual choice to do so and if desired you can serve it immediately too.

** Note : Once you have added the prawns do not cook for long time as the prawns if cooked for more time will get hardened. It does not take much time for any fish to be cooked. Hardly takes 5 minutes, so please be careful with timings. Again, do not stir the curry with a spatula once the fish is included to the curry, you gently need to hold the full vessel with both your hands with the help of a thick cloth duster and shake the vessel in rotation for the curry to swirl which help the mixing of curry in the vessel. Stirring with spatula breaks the fishes into pieces as they are very tender and cook fast.

** “Sprouted Matki (Moth Beans) Kolambi (Prawn) Masala” is done and ready to be served. It tastes wonderful served with any dish in combo like rice, ghee rice, pulav, roti, parathas etc. I served it with dal- chawal along with a veggie bhaji (cabbage) and tava grilled fish fry (rawas) and it was a fantastic Sunday meal.

** For “The Method of Sprouting Beans”, Please check out the link shared below ….

** For more recipes on “Fish Curry/ Fries”, please check out the common link shared below, there are plenty of curries/ fries/ dried fish recipes which you may like ….

** For more recipes on “Matki/ Moth Beans”, please check out the common link shared below, there are plenty which you may like …

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