Saturday, July 20, 2024

Magge- Rulava Doddaka/ South Indian Cucumber- Rava Thick Dosa.

"Magge- Rulava Doddaka/ South Indian Cucumber- Rava Thick Dosa"... a delicious thick- soft centered- crispy outside dosa … tastes best served with chutney, pickle though I love it with loni (butter) … Yummilicious ...

** I rarely prepare doddaka/ thick textured dosa as most of the time it is dosa, bhakri or panna doddaka (seasoned thick dosa in pan) in my home. This dosa is close to the adai texture, thick consistency yet the softness within is retained while outwardly it is crisp in texture. Preparing this after a very long time though I have already shared bhakri recipe prepared with this same combo. The ingredients almost with some difference, the texture of this batter is coarse and thicker so that a thick dosa can be applied on tava, while bhakri is usally prepared by patting thicker consistency of mixture directly on tava.

** Magge/South Indian Cucumber/ Southekayi is oval shaped veggie having negligible calories, includes cooling properties, is high in water content etc. There are many other curry dishes too prepared with it, that which I have shared plenty in blog before, I am sharing the link to similar bhakri prepared in this combination at the bottom of this recipe, check it out and note the difference of texture by observing the pictures. Though chutney tastes best served with doddaka I kept it simple with pickle and butter as I had spiced the batter with extra chillies than I normally do. Do try it and enjoy with family.

** Here is my simple recipe for "Magge- Rulava Doddaka/ South Indian Cucumber- Rava Thick Dosa"... My Style ....

** Ingredients :
Rava (Bombay Rava)/ Rulav : 3 cups
Chiroti Rava/ Fine Rava : 1 cup
Wheat Flour/ Govan peetHa/ Atta : ½ cup
South Indian Cucumber/ Magge/ Southekayi : 3 cups edible portion only.
Coconut/ Soyi/ Nariyal : ¼ cup
Green Chillies/ Hirvi Mirchi/ Tarni Mirsang : 6-8 cut into pieces
Ginger/ Alle’/ Adrak : 1 inch piece
Hing/ Asafoetida Powder : 1 tsp
Curry Leaves/ Kadipatta/ karbevu : 10-12 few finely chopped
Salt/ Namak/ Meeta : to taste

** Oil (Tel/ Tela)+ Ghee (Toop) in 1:1 ratio for frying the bhakri.

** Peel off the outer skin, remove inner seeds with attached jelly like pulp and cut the edible white flesh portion into small pieces. Add this into a mixer grinder and grind to a smooth paste. Remove and add this into a wide stainless steel bow.

** Note : The inner seeds are loaded with nutrients, do not discard them. You can prepare tambuli etc. the recipes of which are included in the Blog. I am sharing a common link to all magge recipes at the bottom of this recipe for easy access.

** In a mixer grinder add chopped ginger, green chillies, curry leaves and grind to a coarse paste without adding water. Remove and add it to the bowl. Now add coconut gratings into mixer grinder along with just a little bit of water and grind to a paste. Remove and add this to the ingredients in the bowl and mix well.

** Now add bombay rava, chiroti rava, wheat flour, hing, salt to taste, 2-3 cups of water and mix well. You will get slightly thicker paste, now add water little by little until you get a thick batter consistency mixture similar to Idly batter in thickness. Cover and keep this aside for minimum 30 minutes for the rava to be absorbed well.

** Note : Do not add too much water in one go to avoid the batter turning runny. Addition of water more or less depends upon the absorption by rava depending upn its quality. The rava soaks up water and tends to get dry on settling, which you can check and then add more water as is required for the dosa applying requirement. This resting step is necessary as the rava should be allowed to swell or else while frying them, the bhakri will not turn soft within and crispy outside, so do not hurry the process.

** Once the resting period is over, check out the consistency of the mixture. In case you find it too dry add in some water and mix the mixture again. The mixture must be smooth and there should be no lumps in them. The texture should be that of thick dosa/ Idly batter, as we will be applying a thick rextured dosa similar to adai.

** For Making of Doddaka/ Thick Dosa : Heat a Iron tava to smoking point and then reduce the heat to minimum. Apply a few drops of Oil+ Ghee mixture and rub the tava all over with a tissue to keep just a film of the same. Now add a cup full of the batter and pour it on the center of the tava and with the help of a rounded spatula spread evenly into a thick round shaped dosa of say about 8-10 inches in dia.

** Do not make the dosa thin, keep it thicker in texture than that of other dosas (simlar to adai). Sprinkle some drop of ghee+ oil mixture on the rim of the dosa and on top too. Cook on low heat for 3-4 minutes and then increase the heat to medium and let cook till well done on the bottom side until crisp and done. Loosen it with the flat dosa spatula and flip to over to cook on the top side too as the dosa is cooked on both sides.

** Once top side too is crisp and done, remove and serve it immediately. Continue in similar pattern the remaining number of dosas required. Do not overcook as the doddaka or it will turn brittle, they should remain soft but firm within and not too crisp nor should it get burnt on any side. Repeat the process with remaining batter till all the batter is consumed. You can store the remaining batter in the fridge and prepare and serve the same as and when required. Remains good for about 24 hours.

** "Magge- Rulava Doddaka/ South Indian Cucumber- Rava Thick Dosa" is done and ready to be served. A delicious dish served for breakfast or also during upvas/ fasting period as eating of rava is allowed in our community during fasting period. This is one dish that can be relished any time of the day and be carried in lunch box or while travelling for a few hours too. Though it is always preferable to be served coconut chutney, you can also serve it with homemade butter, curds, pickle, chutney, chunda or any spicy curry of your preference. Try it, it is a healthy dish, sure to be loved by all.

** Sharing link to similar recipe prepared as “Bhakri”, the ingredients of which are almost same, but the cooking pattern differ, both taste awesome ….

** Sharing common link to all “Magge/ South Indian Cucumber” recipes shared in the blog below, do browse through in liesure ….

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