Monday, July 1, 2024

My Scrumptious Non.Veg. Fish Thali-375 : Malwani Kurle Randai (Crab Masala Curry).

“My Scrumptious Non.Veg. Fish Thali-375 : Kokum Taak (Buttermilk), Poddale Upkari (Snake Gourd Bhaji), Udke SheetHa (Red Boiled Rice), Malwani Kurle Randai (Crab Masala Curry)" … there are plenty of variations to every curry prepared in each home … sharing one of my recipe of delicious crab curry infused in aromatic flavours … tastes awesome served either with boiled rice, plain rice, roti, panpolo (neer dosa) … a fantastic meal that ends with kokum taak … this one is for crab lovers, go ahead and enjoy, others do excuse ... Yummilicious ...

** Mention crabs and danga/ claws comes bang on into mind, which is the only difficult thing about this sweetish in taste shellfish variety fish known as Kurlo, Khekda, Crab Shellfish, Nandu, Denji in different languages. I have written whatever little I know about it in my previous posts hence will not repeat it out again here. I will be sharing a common link to all crab dishes blogged before at the bottom of this recipe, you can just browse through for more and please do try if your family likes crabs, it tastes fantastic.

** I have used malwani masala powder easily available in stores, if you have not used this particular famous masala powder from Maharashtra State, then you must, it tastes so good adapted in any way to any curry. Just purchase the red colored chilly powder version if you would like to buy. The aroma filled my home and we just could not wait for lunchtime. I served it with red boiled rice which in my opinion is the best combo however, you can serve it with plain rice/ ghee rice/ roti/ parathas/ or any dosa too.

** Here is my own recipe for “Malwani Kurle Randai (Crab Masala Curry)” … My Style, try it, tastes fantastic, sure to be loved by all …

** Ingredients :
Crabs/ Kurlo/ Khekda/ Denji : 4-5 large sized.
Onion/ Kanda/ Piyavu : 2 medium sized chopped fine
Curry Leaves/ Kadipatta/ Karbevu : 10-12 fresh ones
Salt/ Namak/ Meeta : to taste
Oil/ Tel/ Tela : 2-3 tblsp

** Marinade Masala to be Ground :
Garlic/ Losun/ Lehsun : 2-3
Kashmiri Red Chilly Powder/ Mirsange Pitti/ Mirchi Tikkat : 2 tsp
Malwani Masla Powder : 1 tsp
Haldi/ Turmeric Powder : 1 tsp
Tamarind/ Chinchama/ Imly : a small marble sized piece
Salt/ Namak/ Meeta : 2 tsp

** Masala to be Ground for Curry :
Oil/ Tel/ Tela : 1 tblsp
Pepper Corns/ Miri/ Mire : 1 tblsp
Cinnamon/ Tike Sali : 2-3 pieces of one inch each.
Cloves/ Lavang/ Laung : 5-6
Green Cardamom/ Ellaichi/ Yellu : 2-3
Coriander Seeds/ Kothambari/ Dhania : 3-4 tblsp
Cumin Seeds/ Jeera : ½ - 1 tsp
Garlic/ Losun/ Lehsun : 3-4
Onion/ Kanda/ Piyavu : 1 medium sized
Desiccated Coconut/ Soyi/ Nariyal : 1 cup
Kashmiri Red Chilly Powder/ Mirsange Pitti/ Mirchi Tikkat : 2-3 tsp
Malwani Masla Powder : 1-2 tsp

** Preparation of Kurlo, Khekda, Crab Shellfish, Nandu, Denji for cooking :
** Clean large sized crabs, separate the claws and remove the hard shelled back and clean the inner stomach properly in plenty of water. Do not throw away the hard back shell cover, wash and retain the same along with the other crab pieces and add them also into the curry, they give an awesome flavor to the curry when cooked.

** You may watch You tube video for the same or closely watch how it’s done by fish vendors. Wash in plenty of water and keep aside ready. Crush the large main claws with a heavy weight to bring one or two cracks in the shell. This will help you when eating the crab to break it with teeth, also the flavor gets imparted into the curry by doing so.

** Add all small claws/ legs of crabs into a mixer grinder and grind to a fine paste with 2-3 cups of water or as much as needed to make a thick fine paste. Remove and strain through a very fine sieve/ cloth taking care to see that you collect only the water, discard the leftover residue, there should be no fine pieces of claws whatsoever.

** Note : I have no knowledge if grinding of the small claws is followed in southern parts as in Mangalore or in my parents’ home we never heard of this procedure. We always retained the smaller claws along with halved crab intact. This is a method followed in Mumbai, and I have tried this out a few times and it tastes great.

** Marinade Masala to be Ground : In a mixer grinder add peeled and chopped garlic, chilly powder, malwani masala powder, haldi powder, tamarind, salt and grind to a smooth paste with just little bit of water. Remove, apply marinade paste to crabs, mix well and keep it aside covered for 30 minutes while we prepare the curry.

** Masala to be Ground for Curry : In a vessel add oil, pepper corns, cinnamon, cloves, cardamoms and fry for a minute on medium heat. Then add coriander seeds and fry all until it changes lightly red in color, now add jeera and fry for another minute. Add peeled and chopped garlic and onion peeled and chopped to pieces and fry altogether until onions turn light brown in color. Add desiccated coconut and fry until it turns light red. Lastly add kashmiri red chilly powder and malwani masala pd, mix all and continue frying for just 2-3 minutes. Do not at any point leave the frying unattended lest it burns.

** Remove the fried ingredients, let cool for some time then add this into a mixer grinder along with tamarind and grind to a very fine paste adding water as required only, do not make the masla texture thin. Remove and keep this aside.

** To Prepare the Crab Curry/ Kurle Randai : Heat oil in a thick bottomed wide mouthed vessel, when hot add onions chopped fine and fry until lightly browned. Add fresh curry leaves (optional), mix well and then add in the marinated crabs and mix well. Cover and cook on low heat, stirring gently a few times for 2-3 minutes. Now add the ground paste, 2-3 cups of water, salt to taste and mix well. Remember we have added salt to marinate too, so be careful with addition of salt to avoid it turning too salty.

** Remember to add in the water collected from grinding of the claws, if you have followed the procedure mentioned in preparation of crabs. This collected water can be used while grinding the masala or while cooking the curry as per your choice. I often add it with ground masala while cooking. Check thickness of the gravy and add more water only if necessary. Bring the curry to a full boil on medium heat stirring often until you see bubbles appearing on the surface of the curry. Lower the heat and continue simmering for a good 10-12 minutes, then remove, cover and keep it aside for an hour or so to settle down and seep in flavors, as it always tastes delicious with some resting time.

** “Malwani Kurle Randai (Crab Masala Curry)” is done and ready to be served. I served it during meals with Ukde SheetHa/ Red Boiled Rice which is one of our favorite combination. Added on poddale upkari (snake gourd bhaji) as I always acknowledge the necessary inclusion of veggie in every meal and ended the meal with kokum taak (buttermilk)- a digestive drink to help each the spices in curry in tummy.

** If for any reason you do not want to have rice, go ahead and serve it with naan, paratha or roti too, it tastes equally wonderful. In fact, it tastes great with panpolo/ neer dosa which again is in hit combo in southern parts of India in an around Mangalore region. Do try out this dish if your family loves fish/ crabs it really tastes wonderful

** Note : Fish curry always tastes great after a resting period of minimum 4-6 hours. Some curries taste better when kept overnight too. I served this curry after resting time of 4 hours and it tasted excellent served with red boiled rice. However, you may choose to relish it immediately too, as it is always individual choice and preferences.

** I am sharing a common link for "Crab/ Kurlo" curry below, which you can check out for other methods of cooking crabs ....

** For “Kokum Taak/Buttermilk” recipe, check link shared below ….

** For “Poddale Upkari/ Snake Gourd Bhaji” recipe, check link shared below …

** For “Red Boiled Rice/Tambde Ukde Tandla sheetha/Urpel Ari /LaL Mota Chawal” … Cooking of Red Boiled Rice using Pressure Cooker. My easy way out. Cooking red boiled rice/ ukde sheetha is considered laborious and time consuming, but I use a faster method and get perfectly cooked rice using pressure cooker. Anybody can follow this simple method, cook and enjoy hot red ukada boiled rice with a spicy Veg/ Non. Veg Curry …. Please follow the link given below for the method of cooking .....

** Note : If for any reason you do not want to cook Boiled Rice, you can try out the normal rice prepared using Surthi Kollam or Wada Kollam rice by the following method too, which is normally the method of cooking in almost every Konkani Saraswat Home …

** For the Recipe of "Cooking Rice Starch Free/Vanu ghalnu SheetHa", where the Rice is cooked and the water is drained off to remove excess starch, Please follow the link given below ….

** You can use the search option for "Thali" or “Combo/ Solo Meals” where you will get many more combination of thali’s, solo and combo meals. Do try out various types of mix and match dishes to relish with your family and friends. Also remember to me a feedback if possible .... Thank You ....
** You can also click on the links given below for checking the same.

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