"Sweet and Spicy Kuttu (Buckwheat)~Lauki (Bottle Gourd / Gardudde / Sorekai / Doodhi) Poori" ... Hot and delicious poori that goes very well with gajar or lauki ka halwa ... you can also serve these with seasoned potatoes / batate usli ... tastes yumz ......
** This is a very simple and easy to prepare poori that can be relished during fasting / upwas days. Kuttu / Buckwheat is a millet and is extensively used in the flour form in preparation of various dishes. I have no much knowledge of this Item and myself trying to learn more recipes of the same. However, I do know that this is very good for health as millet are all good for a healthy lifestyle. Again, I learned about this flour only after my marriage and I settled in Mumbai. In Mangalore, this was unheard of then, though as of now I have knowledge. My trips to my birthplace had considerable reduced after the demise of my dear father in 1998, and my Mother came to Mumbai to stay with us siblings. In the last few years, it has almost come to a standstill as travelling is something very tedious for me as I have a very weak back and I try to avoid it as much as possible. So, it may be available in Mangalore too now as the world has now considerably condensed regarding availability of products, as almost everything is available everywhere in today's progressive world. Without running into much details, as I have really no knowledge of kuttu except its health benefits, I will share my recipe for the poori here. If need be, you can always check on net for more information.
** Here is my simple reciepe for "Sweet and Spicy Kuttu (Buckwheat)~ Lauki (Bottle Gourd / Gardudde / Sorekai / Doodhi) Poori" …
** Now add in approximately 2 cups of kuttu / buckwheat flour. Make the mixture into a crumble texture kneading the oil well into the flour. Now add in 2-3 tblsp of hot water and knead the mixture to a soft dough. The dough may be slightly sticky as water oozes out of doodhi. Keep sprinkling some kuttu flour and need till you get a evenly kenading ball textured dough. Cover and keep this ready aside to rest for 15-20 minutes. You can check the picture enclosed.
** For rolling of poori one usually follows either dusting or non dusting method. However, for this particular kuttu poori usually the dusting method is avoided and the poori is either rolled applying oil to the rolling pin / or applying oil to plastic sheets, keeping the dough within and rolling or patting it with hand and shaping it into poori with finger. You may follow any of the said method. I rolled a few applying oil to rolling pin and later on a few with hands.
** Knead the dough once again before rolling them out and then proceed in making the poori. Just apply a little bit of oil to the rolling pin and roll the poori as to a circle of about 3.5 to 4 inches. If you have many poories to be rolled after a few, say about 6-8 poories are rolled once again slightly apply oil to the rolling pin. Keep the poori slightly thicker than the usually rolled poori thickness.
** While you start rolling the poori, keep a kadai / pan with plenty of oil on full heat, once it comes to smoking point, lower the heat to medium and wait for a few minutes. Meanwhile, you can roll the poori and keep them ready to be deep fried. Once the required number of poori are rolled and ready check the heat level of oil in kadai.
** Note : For checking if the oil is hot enough, Just add in a pinch of the dough into the oil, if it hits the bottom and comes back sizzling the heat is correct for deep frying. If the dough does not bounce back and takes more time that means the oil is not hot enough and if it bounces back but comes out dark or burnt that means the oil is too hot. Always remember to maintain the correct heat level throughout deep frying of poori is very important to get well puffed and well cooked poori.
** Note : Here I must mention that if you have added more of lauki the poori will be soft within and crisp outside but will not blow up or puff up like other poori. But if you decrease the amount of lauki and grind it to fine texture instead of grated you will get puffed poori. I have grated them in a large hole sized grater and added in more of lauki as we like to dunk in the halwa or any gravy curry and relish the same. It tastes awesome. You may choose any type you want.
** Now repeat the process with other rolled out poori by deep frying them exactly as before till all are done. Maintain the heat at the same temperature throughout the process of deep-frying. It is very important to have constant heat temperature for cooked poori. Do not keep the dough stored away as if you keep it in fridge it will harden and if left outside it will get dampened. So prepare that much only how much is necessary for this particular recipe.
** "Sweet and Spicy Kuttu (Buckwheat)~ Lauki (Bottle Gourd / Gardudde / Sorekai / Doodhi) Poori" are done and ready to be served. Serve these poories hot with any halwa / bhaji or side dish of your choice. I served them with Lauki~Mawa ka Halwa prepared using jaggery and it was simply awesome. A delicious combo of dishes that complimented each other very well. However, the poori tastes equally good with any spicy side dish of your choice. You can serve it with both vegetarian or non-vegetarian dishes too.
** You can use the search option for "Poori or Roti" where you will get many more dishes prepared using similar flours. Also you will get some step by step methods in some of the recipe section too. Do try out various types of dishes to relish with any side dish of your choice. Enjoy the dishes with your family and friends and do give me a feedback if possible. You can also click on the link below for checking the same.
** Plz. Do Check out on an Article written by me on Poori, sharing the link below …
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