Thursday, August 15, 2024

Kirlailele Saanu Bagado- Tandla Polo (Small Brown Cow Peas Sprouts- Rice Dosa.

Wishing all Indian friends "A Very Happy 78th Independence Day today on 15th August 2024" … Started the day with this scrumptious breakfast of “Kirlailele Saanu Bagado- Tandla Polo (Small Brown Cow Peas Sprouts- Rice Dosa” served with Coconut Chutney, Batato- Piyava Bhaji (Potato- Onion Bhaji) along with Adraki Chai (Ginger Tea) and fresh papaya pieces” … the joy of trying out new mix and match combo of ingredients in preparation of dosas never seem to end and when they turn out perfect the joy is doubled … this dosa is a must to try and served masala dosa style, turns out very crispy and tasty … Yummilicious …

** There is so much to say and I just do not know where to begin or if anything I write, will do justice to my quest of trying out new combos of healthy homemade dishes for better lifestyle. Amma always insisted on polo (dosa), idly, appo, shevai etc. for breakfast and trust me we did pull a long face looking at it. I guess with age one realizes the benefits of eating home cooked dishes and who knows it better than me.

** I have often mentioned my busy lifestyle 2 decades back made me reach out to outside meals for almost 15 years, the result of which was ill health, some of which I still suffer to date. It is time for each one of us to take time and think if all the hustle of busy schedules is leading, us to ill health and if yes, we need to chalk out a solution to dealt with it, after all each one’s health is of the utmost importance, isn’t it ???

** A little bit of planning and preparations on weekends would see to it that we sail through the week smoothly, easy, isn’t it ??? I just note down to do things in my mobile as and when I remember and then go about purchasing them on weekends or when time permits. The same is the case with grocery,  I immediately refill them when exhausted to avoid emergencies; it saves a lot of time and becomes a lifesaver at times.

** Again, planning multiple dishes with one ingredient also makes it that much more easily and also gives plenty of options of food to enjoy. These days, there is so much innovation in preparation of dishes be it dosa, curry, parathas, pulavs etc. that you want to try them all out. Here is a dosa I tried out with bagado which I had actually sprouted to prepare curry with addition of dried prawns, so I go two dishes out of one.

** Pulses, Beans can be replaced in place of urad dal along with rice easily to prepare dosas and they turn out crisp and delicious. This dosa turned out almost like masala dosa and I had to go out of my way to prepare batate (potato) bhaji to serve along with the chutney I had already prepared to serve. Off course, no regrets, today being 15th August, it is the 78th Independence Day of India, so I did have time to spare.

** In all, we enjoyed our breakfast as we watched the live telecast of flag hoisting on TV and trust me hubby and me went ahead and broke our resolution of months by enjoying an extra crisp dosa each. Try it, I assure you its perfect for weekends/ holiday when you have enough time to try it out and enjoy in leisure. There are plenty of other breakfast varieties shared in the Blog, do try them out and enjoy with family.

** Here is my simple recipe for … “Kirlailele Saanu Bagado- Tandla Polo (Small Brown Cow Peas Sprouts- Rice Dosa” my own concoction of a batter that gives excellent crispy dosa/ pol, close on the heels of masala dosa ….

** Ingredients :
Brown Bagado/ Bagade/ Cow Peas/ Lobia : 1 cup
Dosa Rice/ Tandul/ Akki : 4 cups
Methi/ Fenugreek Seeds : 1 tsp
Green Chillies/ Tarni Mirsanga/ Hari Mirchi : 5-6
Ginger/ Alle’/ Adrak : one inch piece
Curry Leaves/ Kadipatta/ Karbevu : 8-10 fresh ones
Salt/ Namak/ Meeta : to taste.

** Oil + Ghee (Tel + Toop) in 1:1 ratio for removing the dosa.

** Sprouting of Brown Bagado/ Bagade/ Cow Peas/ Lobia : Wash and soak the bagado/ cow peas in plenty of water for about 6-8 hours. Drain and rinse well, put in a stainless steel colander and let drain off all excess water. Now you can just leave it in colander covered with a lid and allow to sprout or put the drained bagado in a muslin cloth, made a bundle and hang it so that there is enough aeration for proper sprouting of the same. If you want to know proper sprouting method then please check out the link shared at the bottom of this recipe where in there are step procedures.

** Note : Using sprouted pulses/ beans increases the protein content of the dishes and it is a healthy way to start the day with. Though I always recommend usage of sprouts, you can use the soaked ones too, in case you do not have enough time for sprouting. In case you are using soaked cow peas for this recipe then add in another ¼ extra while soaking. Sprouting increases the quantity of pulses that is the reason you will need to adjust the quantity accordingly if you are not sprouting it.

** Soaking of Methi Seeds : Soak methi/ fenugreek seeds also for 6 hrs separately in ½ cup of water. This is to be used while grinding the dosa batter. I do not add the methi along with the dal’s or rice coz. when we drain off the water, the nutrients and medicinal properties of methi seeds are also lost through it.

** Note : Almost everybody I know, even my amma, soaks methi seeds along with rice or dals while soaking the same. It is not necessary to follow my method of soaking separately. You may do so along with other ingredients too, the choice is yours.

** Wash and soak the rice/ tandul in plenty of water for 4-5 hours. Drain off the water completely and rinse with water properly, drain the excess water and add it into the mixer grinder along with the kirlailele bagado/ brown cow peas sprouts. Add soaked methi with the water in which it is soaked and about ½- ¾ cup of water into the same mixer grinder and grind all together to a smooth paste adding more water only if necessary. The batter should be ground into a very fine texture.

** Remove ground batter into a large sized vessel with plenty of space for fermentation as this batter ferments a lot. Add green chillies, curry leaves, ginger into mixer grinder and grind to a coarse paste, remove and add this to the batter in vessel. Mix all the ingredients well with hand as this enables proper fermentation. Lastly add salt on top of the batter, cover with lid and allow to ferment overnight or for 8 hours.

** Note : The batter should be thick in texture so add water sparingly while grinding the paste or when adding and mixing the remaining ingredient. Check the thickness of the batter and add only if you are not able to stir the batter well, we need to get masala dosa consistency for this dosa to get the desired crisp textured dosas.

** For Preparation of Dosas : After the batter has been fermented mix it well and it’s ready to be prepared into dosas. Heat an Iron tava to prepare dosas or you may use any, I always use Iron ones as they always give best result and are healthier too. Once tava is hot, lower the heat to minimum, apply oil+ghee all over tava and rub lightly with a tissue paper or cloth, so that the tava gets evenly coated with just a thin film of ghee+oil.

** Using a deep rounded ladle that holds about ½ cup of batter, pour it on center of tava and then with the rounded bottom gently spread it into a round thick dosa of say about 8-10 inches in diameter gently, do not press the ladle too much on tava or it will tear also do not go to apply it too thin. Raise the heat to medium and sprinkle some oil+ ghee all round the rim of the dosa and some on the top too and let cook on open.

** When the bottom of the dosa turns crisp and brown it is done. When the upper surface too is cooked and not wet to touch, gently loosen dosa with spatula. In case you want a lit bit crispier dosas, then towards the end part of cooking dosa just raise the heat to maximum for 2 minutes and you will get perfect hotel style results. This dosa is cooked only on one side and the upper/ top side get cooked without any issues as the dosa is thin and crisp. Gently loosen the side with a spatula and remove the dosa and place it on a serving plate. You can roll it gently into a roll if desired as shown in picture if desired.

** Note :
The top side of the dosa gets cooked and there is absolutely no need to flip it over and cook as this one is similar to masala dosa. However, to those who prefer to flip dosas always, then do so only for a few seconds.

** Proceed to remove rest of required number of dosas in similar way, remembering to season the tava and rub with tissue paper each time to ensure that all the dosas come off perfectly done. If the heat of the tava is too much then wait for a few minutes before preparing another dosa or you can sprinkle some water on the hot tava, this cools down the temperature immediately. However, with practice, you will learn to adjust the heat as you go through the preparing the dosas so do not worry.

** “Kirlailele Saanu Bagado- Tandla Polo (Small Brown Cow Peas Sprouts- Rice Dosa” is done and ready to be served. These are crisp textured dosas and should be served hot direct from tava to serving plate for that crunchy best of taste. Dosas always tastes awesome served with any side dish/ chutney/ curry/ butter/ pickle/ bhaji of your choice. I served it with Coconut Chutney, Batato- Piyava Bhaji (Potato- Onion Bhaji) along with Adraki Chai (Ginger Tea) and fresh papaya pieces and it was a fantastic Independence Day breakfast for us as we watched the live telecast on TV.

** There are many more healthy breakfast dishes like dosa, idly, khotto etc. shared in the blog. Do browse through and try them in leisure, my amma (mom) always insisted on a good, healthy breakfast to begin the day with. It is the least you can do for good health of your children and family, thereby creating good eating habits. Sharing a common links to all the dishes in my serving above for easy access.

** Once again wishing all my Indian friends "A Very Happy 78th Independence Day today on 15 August 2024" … let us stand united and come together to work towards building a stronger and progressive nation for future generations ... Stay Blessed- Spread Happiness …
Vande Matharam …Jai Hind ... Bharat Mata Ki Jai …

** For "Method of Sprouting Beans”, just follow the link given below which includes step by step procedures ...

** For “Batato- Piyava Bhaji (Potato- Onion Bhaji)” recipe, I have shared a few links below, you may include any you like to try out …

** Sharing a common link to all the “Chutney” dishes in Blog for easy access, they are all tasty and go equally well with these dosas ….

** For preparation of “Kadak Adraki Chai/ Strong Ginger Tea”, I am sure all know the recipe, but if need be you can check out on the following link ….

** Sharing a common link to “Breakfast” dishes in Blog for easy access ….

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