Saturday, June 1, 2024

Venti-Mashinga Sanga- Karmbala Gashi (Colocasia Leaf Stem- Drumstick- Starfruit Curry).

“Venti-Mashinga Sanga- Karmbala Gashi (Colocasia Leaf Stem- Drumstick- Starfruit Curry)”… Gashi is a traditional GSB Konkani Saraswat curry prepared in various combinations of seasonal veggies and is a delight to relish during meals … I have often come across people who discard the venti/ colocasia leaf stem and purchase only the leaves, unaware that the stems too are loaded with nutrients … same is the case with starfruit, they are often used in Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine, so do include them if you find them … as for drumstick, we have always seen them floating on sambar, isn’t it?? the health benefits of both drumstick and it’s leaves are popularly known worldwide now, hence extensively used … I just tried a combo of my own and prepared gashi with all three included and it’s fantastic … Yummilicious …

** Venti/colocasia stems/ taro stems/ Kesavina kaalu (Dentu)/ Taal is the thick stem part of patrade paana (Konkani), colocasia/ taro leaf (English), arvi (Marathi) to name them in few languages. Each part of colocasia plant is of full use and there are many dishes that can be prepared with the leaves, stems and roots. The whole plant is loaded with health benefits, while leaves and roots are more famous in preparation of dishes, the stem part lacks behind, as many are unaware of its benefits and cooking method.

** The stem is peeled off its outer thick skin and then used in many dishes along with some other veggies or as it is. Venti/ colocasia stem has very significant amount of dietary fiber and carbohydrates, as well as high levels of vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin B6, and folate, as well as magnesium, iron, zinc, phosphorous, potassium, manganese, and copper. Amongst GSB Konkani Saraswat’s venti/ stem is cooked along with garlic and give to women post delivery for faster body recovery.

** Amma, never discarded venti/ stem portion and always prepared upkari/ bhaji which I have already included in the Blog to which I am sharing common link at the bottom of this recipe. It always amuses me when I purchase these leaves to see that the vendor just cuts off the stem portion and throws it away and gives only leaves, not his fault, it’s the way people purchase. However, I always insists he retain the stem and also purchase those he otherwise would discard to his and other people around amazement.

** Starfruit also known as carmbola or Karmbala as in Konkani is a star shaped tropical fruit available almost all round the year. It has a sweetish sour taste and can be prepared as juice or added to curries, pickles, jams too. Amchies also prepare a sweet gravy dish/ hummana which is very tasty. Starfruit’s are used in Ayurvedic and Traditional Chinese Medicine too. These fruits have Immunity boosting ability and give you a healthy dose of vitamin C, potassium and many more multi vitamins.

** Drumsticks is a veggie we always see floating in that bowl of sambar, though there are plenty of other dishes that can be prepared using them.  You will find them in plenty in this Blog. The leaves, seeds, seed pods, flowers and roots are very nutritious, rich in vitamins A and C, iron and calcium, keeps skin healthy and smooth, builds body strength and resistant to cold, infections and keeps bones strong. And yes, try soup with inner seeds of the drumstick it tastes wonderful, so does chutney with leaves.

** Gashi is a famous Konkani Saraswat dish prepared in every home or during celebrations. These are prepared with different combinations of pulses and veggies. I have already posted many variations in the Blog before, this time however I am sharing it in combination of three veggies and the addition of venti/ colocasia stem is what makes it something different. This gashi is a khatHa meetHa teekHa (spicy- sweet- tangy) dish that tastes wonderful served with red boiled rice (ukde SheetHa)/ normal steamed rice.

** This gashi is prepared with addition of fried methi seeds while grinding masala for more flavor. I often like adding a little bit of methi seeds to gashi either while grinding or while seasoning, depending upon the veggies used. Many are reluctant to add methi seeds fearing it will impart bitterness to curry. Well, to them I tell in lighter note that “truth how much ever bitter always wins hands down”. Having said that you should not fry/ roast it for more than 30 seconds which will then not result in bitter taste.

** I have written a lot of information on veggies, including plenty of recipes in the blog to which I will be sharing common links at the bottom of this recipe, as I do not want to repeat the same every time in every post making it monotonous. Do browse through the link or use search option with key words for recipes or veggies. Do try out the various dishes shared in the Blog and enjoy a good healthy lifestyle with your family and friends. They are all tasty and easy to prepare, also do give me a feedback.

** Here is my recipe for “Venti-Mashinga Sanga- Karmbala Gashi (Colocasia Leaf Stem- Drumstick- Starfruit Curry)”… my style …

** Peel off/ string outer black/ dark greenish skin of Venti/ Colocasia stem and cut them into one inch sized pieces (check out attached picture for reference). Wash well and then put them into pressure cooker pan along with just 1 cup of water. Add a pinch of and pressure cook on medium flame to 2-3 whistles.

** I have used about 2 cups of cut pieces of venti, a little more if added does not matter. You can also cook venti in a vessel, however using pressure cooker is faster and gets done well. Once the pressure in the cooker falls down on its own, remove and keep it aside ready while we go about preparing other ingredients.

** For Masala to be ground : Heat ½ tsp oil (tel/ tela) in a small pan, add in ¼ tsp of Methi/ Fenugreek seeds and fry on medium heat for just 30 seconds (do not fry for more time or else it will turn out bitter in taste). Remove immediately and add it into a mixer grinder along with 1 cup freshly grated Coconut (Soyi/ Nariyal), pinch of haldi/ turmeric powder, 5-6 roasted Kashmiri Red chillies (Kumte Mirsanga/ Byadgi Mirchi), and grind to a fine paste adding little water. You can add the strained veggies cooked water for grinding of the masala which is what I do. Remove and keep this aside ready.

** String one large sized Mashinga Sanga (Drumstick/ Shenga), cut it into pieces of about 3- 4 inches in length and keep it soaked in a bowl of water. Wash about 3-4 large sized Karmbala (Carmbola/ star fruit), slice of both the side ends and cut them also into rings of about ¼ inch thickness. Keep them also ready aside.

** In a vessel add drumstick and karmbala pieces along with 2 cups of water. Bring to a boil and then cook on medium heat until 90% done. Add in the cooked and kept venti along with ground masala, salt (namak/ meeta) to taste, 2 tblsp of grated jaggery (goda/ gud/ bella) and mix well. Add more water only if required to bring to required consistency gravy and let the curry come to a boil on medium flame.

** Keep stirring the curry to avoid it being burnt/ stuck at the bottom. Check and add more water if required only now, this is a semi thick consistency gravy dish, so be careful with water. Once you see bubbles appearing on top lower the heat and let simmer for another 5-10 minutes. Remove from fire and keep it aside covered.

** For Tempering/ Pannaka/ Tadka : Heat 1 tblsp of Coconut Oil (Tel/Tela) in a small pan, when hot, add 1 tsp mustard seed (Rai/ Sasam), when it begins to splutter add 8-10 fresh Curry Leaves (Kadipatta/ Karbevu), fry for a few seconds and then pour it over curry. Cover and let it rest for 20 minutes for flavors to seep in properly and then the curry is ready to be served, if you find it to be too thick after resting it for a while, then just add in some boiling water and mix well, check salt and add if needed too.

** Note : You can use any edible oil for tempering. We Saraswats are partial towards Coconut in any form, be it for masala, tempering, garnishing etc. I guess growing up relishing dishes with addition of coconut in almost every dish we are adapted to the taste so much that if not added the taste does not appeal to us. Coconut Oil is now considered as one of the best oil, though a decade back it was unnecessarily shunned down upon, but then if you do not want to use, you can use any refined oil of your choice.

** “Venti- Mashinga Sanga- Karmbala Gashi (Colocasia Leaf Stem- Drumstick- Starfruit Curry)” is done and ready to be served. Gashi tastes best served with rice which is the staple food of South Indians and that’s the way we prefer it in my home. However, gashi tastes great served with Idly, Khotto, Mudo, Ramdan too and in my home I prefer this combo for lunch as it’s a fantastic combo. You can also serve it with roti/ parathas in which keep the gravy consistency slightly thicker than that of rice or idly as it tastes better that way. Do try it and enjoy with your family and friends.

** Sharing a common link below to all “Gashi/ Venti/ Starfruit/ Drumstick" recipes both Veg. and Non- Veg shared in Blog before. The recipes are with slight variations, do try them out, they all taste wonderful and are easy to prepare ....

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