Wednesday, February 6, 2019

My Amchi Veg. Thali~102.

“My Amchi Veg. Thali~102 … Wheel Fryums (Store bought fried at home), Patrade Pannache Muddo (Colocasia Leaves Spicy Idly), Brined Pachponos-Amla Gojju (Pachponos-Gooseberry Chutney), Tingalavro-Batate Saarupkari (White Beans~Potato Curr) and SheetHa (Rice)” … Awesome food … Enjoy … 

** As I have mentioned many a times before, sometimes the pleasure lies in eating simple traditional healthy Konkani Saraswat meals that are both great on taste and filling for tummy. In my home though we are Non-Veg eaters, It is not very often that we make them at home. Though we love fish curries and fries a lot, I prepare them somewhere 2-3 times in a month. However, Eggs are something prepared often in my home be it for breakfast or for lunch. But both hubby and me love traditional simple amchi food the best and can have them almost everyday without getting bored. Spicy gojju, specially Khallambe gojj (brined raw mango) is one of our favorite and I always make it a point to buy them every year and put it in salt water (brine) which lasts through the year. 

** This time my niece had given me brined pachponos / wild jackfruit which she got from hometown and I was very much thrilled as for some years I was not able to get the same and it had really been a long time, maybe a decade or so, since I prepared any dish with it. These are prepared into gojju and curried by adding on along with other ingredients. I always brine avalo/amla/gooseberry myself, so tried this gojju with addition of the two together. Without running into many details will be sharing the links to the recipes in the thali above. Do try out this combo and have a lovely meal with your family and friends. Do go through the individual links given below for the recipes of each individual dish and yes, please do try out these dishes and enjoy with your family and friends. 

** Given Below are the links to each Individual posts of the recipes to the dishes in the Thali above … Please go through the links for the same ... 

1.. "Wheel Fryums" are store bought sundried fries available almost everywhere in India. I just deep fried at home and served, tastes great for a change from Vodi / Papads. 

2.. For the “Patrade Pannache (colocasia leaves) Khotto / Muddo” Recipe, Please follow the two links given below …. 

3. For the “Mitta ghallele Pachponos-Amla Gojju (Brined Wild Jackfruit- Gooseberry Chutney) with Garlic" Recipe, Please follow the link given below …. 

4. For the “Tingalavare Saarupkari / White Beans Patla Bhaji” Recipe, Please follow the link given below … 

5. For the Recipe of "Cooking Rice Starch Free / Vanu ghalnu SheetHa", where the Rice is cooked and the water is drained off to remove excess starch, Please follow the link given below …. 

** You can use the search option for "Thali" where you will get many more combination of thali’s. Do try out various types of mix and match dishes to relish with your family and friends. Also remember to me a feedback if possible. 

** You can also click on the link below for checking the same. 

** An Earnest Request : There are many more recipes of different types in the blog. For all my Recipes, use the search option or the label section in the Blog. If you are still not able to find it or have a query, please leave a message in comment section or mail me the same. I will try my best to get back to you as soon as possible. Do try out various types of dishes included in the Blog and Enjoy them with your family and friends and do give me a feedback if possible. 

** I am happy to inform you that I have also started a food group for by the name "KONKANI DELICACIES" which is over and year old, with about 19K strong members. It is a pleasure to inform that you will find in the group many more recipes posted by our expert members and you too can share some of your own. The link to the group is posted on the left side of the blog page. Do join us in our culinary journey. I strongly believe in Sharing and always endorse that "Sharing Is Caring" … Thank You ….

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