Friday, July 28, 2023

Nachani- Moong- Urad- Rice Dosa.

“Nachani- Moong- Urad- Rice Dosa” … It’s been raining crazy for days now and there is nothing more delightful than enjoying crispy dosa's dunked in Coconut Chutney while sipping on to steaming hot strong Adraki Chai (Ginger Tea) … these dosa's have adequate amount of protein- calcium in them which makes it important enough to be included into our breakfast list … Yummilicious …

** There are plenty of breakfast dishes in GSB Konkani Saraswat Cuisine that include dosa, idly, appo, poori, usli, oondi, shevai etc. and with the knowledge of network these days many more get included as it is always recommended to have a healthy tummy filling breakfast, the first meal of the day before you hit the day. Dosa’s have always been the most sort after breakfast dish and is prepared almost in every home on regular basis. I have written a lot about dosa's and other breakfast dishes in my previous posts here in my Blog which you will find if you browse through the search option.

** Millets have now being recognized worldwide though in southern parts of India they have always played an important role in our cuisine. Nachani (Finger Millet), Bajra (Pearl Millet), Varai (Indian Barnyard Millet), Jwari (Sorghum) are included the most in our meals while there are many more millets that are available. Coming to Dosa’s they do need a bit of previous planning, as most of them need soaking and fermentation period. Though there are many instant ones fermented batter dosa's are believed to be good for the gut as they include good bacteria which is important for healthy lifestyle.

** Again, I am a little bit skeptical about using cooking soda in dishes, which I see being included often these days in batters for instant usage. It is not that I do not use it, I do use them wherever it is absolutely necessary like in preparation of Mangalore Buns, Surnoli and a few other dishes which I prepare very rarely, otherwise I prefer to stick to fermenting for better and you will find them in plenty in my Blog. Having said that to each one their own preferences in life, but do try out these recipes in your home and enjoy them with your family and if possible do send in a feedback, Thank you.

** Here is my own concoction of recipe for “Nachani- Moong- Urad- Rice Dosa”… my style ... definitely a healthy- delicious- crisp dosa which is high on protein and calcium … try it, its yumz .....

** Ingredients :
Whole Nachani/ Finger Millet/ Ragi : 1 cup
Whole Moong/ Green Gram : ½ cup
Urad Dal/ Split Black Gram : ½ cup
Ordinary Rice/ Tandul/ Akki : ½ cup (I used Surti Kolam)
Methi/Fenugreek Seeds : 1 tsp
Green Chilly/ Tarni Mirsanga/ Hari Mirchi : 3-4
Ginger/ Alle’/ Adrak : ½ inch piece
Whole Black Pepper/ kali Miri/ Mire : ½ tsp
Salt/ Namak/ Meeta : to taste

** Oil (Tel/ Tela)+ Toop (Ghee) mixture in 1:1 for removing the dosa's.

** Wash in plenty of water together nachani, moong, urad dal, rice and soak in plenty of water for 5-6 hours. I used surti kolam thick variety of raw rice here you can use any of your choice. After soaking period drain off the water and once again wash in plenty of water and drain the water and it is ready to be ground to batter.

** Note : Always use normal unpolished rice that is thicker in texture that give good results while preparing dosa/ Idly etc. While you can use any brand or variety of rice as there are plenty available, I usually use thick variety surti kollam.

** Soaking of Methi : Soaking methi/ fenugreek seeds separately in water is just my method of doing so for dosas. I use it later along with the water in which it has been soaked while grinding the dosa batter as I believe that if methi is added to dal while soaking, the nutrients and medicinal properties of methi seeds are lost when being washed again after the soaking period. You may follow any method you prefer to.

** Add drained ingredients into a wet grinder along with methi seeds and the water in which it is soaked and grind to a smooth fluffy batter adding little by little water. The consistency of the batter should be thick (shown in picture), so do not add excess water or the batter will run thin and spoil the crispness of the dosas. When done remove the batter into a vessel large to hold the batter when fermented.

** In a mixer grinder add pepper, green chilly, ginger and grind to a coarse paste. Remove and add this to prepared batter along with salt to taste and mix well with hand for 2-3 minutes, this step helps in proper fermentation of the batter, so do not skip the same. Keep it aside covered overnight or for a minimum 8 hours.

** Note : I use always use table top wet grinder for grinding of dosa batter which always gives best results, however if you do not have one you can use mixer grinder too. In case your family loves dosa/ idly then it is always wise to invest in a small sized table top wet grinder as it runs smoothly for decades without issues.

** After the batter has been well fermented, gently mix well with a spatula taking care to see that the ground rice settled at the bottom has been evenly mixed. If you find the batter too thick to spread on tava, then add little water and mix well, do not beat the batter too much, just mix well and it is ready to be used.

** To remove Dosa/ Polo : Heat an iron dosa tava, sprinkle some oil+ ghee and gently wipe with a tissue, leaving a thin film of oil on the tava. Now pour in a large ladle full of batter at the center of the tava, and gently with the back of the round ladle/ spatula spread the dosa slightly thin into a round dosa say about 6-8 inches in diameter.

** Sprinkle some oil+ ghee drops on the outer rim of the dosa and a few on the top of the dosa and let cook on medium to low heat, once cooked on the bottom loosen it through edges with a dosa spatula and gently flip it over to cook on the top side, when done flip it over again and then place it on a serving plate. This dosa does take some time to turn out crisp and done properly, so be patient and do not rush, it’s worth it.

** Important Note : I have included collage of step by step pictures clicked by me, for proper understanding of the dosa texture etc. It includes the batter thickness, dosa applied on iron tava as well and when cooked and flipped over too. You can see how crisp and beautiful it turns out. If necessary and you find the heat is low you can raise the heat high for a few minutes so that the tava is hot enough for making the dosa brown/ crisp, however be careful and keep a keen watch lest it burns.

** These dosas need to be served hot from tava immediately while you go about preparing the remaining dosas, as it tastes best when relished crisp and hot. Remove the required number of dosas in similar pattern as mentioned above and do not forget to add oil+ ghee after each dosa to get perfectly done crisp textured dosas.

** “Nachani- Moong- Urad- Rice Dosa” is done and ready to be served. Always serve dosas hot from tava with any chutney, sambar, chutney podi, pickle, curry or any other dishes of your choice for a healthy tummy filling breakfast. I served it with simple traditional coconut chutney for breakfast along with my lifeline for the day, yeah, my kadak adraki chai/ strong ginger tea and in all it tasted simply awesome. Do try out this dosa which is high on both protein and calcium content, a blessing for not only growing children but elder do. I am sure your family will love this one for sure.

** In case of excess batter, store it immediately in airtight container in fridge, remains good for 24-36 hours. I always prepare dosa batter in excess which lasts me for 3 days, however I do take care to see that I do not ferment it too much, say, just for 6 hours or so, after which I immediately refrigerate it, till needed. This way it gives me a break from having to prepare items on daily basis and also gives needed rest for my back issues, while we still get good home cooked breakfast, which is necessary to start the day.

** Note : I always follow my Mom's method of using oil+ ghee in the ratio of 1:1 for removing of dosas as they turn out great. You can use either ghee or oil for the same too, it's a matter of individual choice. I use Iron tava for preparing dosa which requires a little bit of oil/ ghee to cook and remove the dosa, if non stick is used you may add sparingly too, however I always recommend Iron tava for health benefits.

** Sharing a common link below to all “Dosa/Polo” recipes shared in the Blog, please browse through and try them out in leisure …

** Sharing a common link below to all “Chutney” recipes shared in the Blog, which includes the coriander chutney shared above too, please browse through and try them out in leisure, there are plenty of choices and they all taste great …

** Sharing a common link below to a few types of “Tea” recipes shared in the Blog, which include the Adraki Chai/ Ginger Tea, shared on picture ….

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