Saturday, May 13, 2023

Thin and Crispy … Urad Dal- Tandul- Jwari Polo (Black Gram Dal- Rice- Sorghum Dosa).

“Thin and Crispy … Urad Dal- Tandul- Jwari Polo (Black Gram Dal- Rice- Sorghum Dosa)” served with Coriander Coconut Chutney and Ginger Tea along with some apple pieces” … a delicious crisp thin textured dosa with the goodness of millet … definitely would have been much more outstanding in taste to relish had I included some potato bhaji too, well there is always the next time for sure … nevertheless tasted awesome dunked in chutney … Yummilicious ….

** I always mention that Polo/ Dosas are a delight to eat for breakfast especially if you have a long gap between next meal. Though as I mentioned a little bit of batate bhaji would have been a wonderful combo along with chutney, I somehow was lost out on that as I was not sure how this dosa would turn out. I have mentioned enough on millet that’s becoming famous worldwide for its immense health benefits, also this year, 2023 has been declared the International millet year too.

** Jawari (millet) also known as Sorghum/ durra/ Jowar/ Jwaarie/ Jola/ Jondhahlaa is a millet extensively used in Northern parts of India and in Maharashtra state, too is used extensively in the preparation of roti/ chapati. Without running into more details which you are sure to find on net or if you browse through my old recipes, let’s move on with the recipe as I do not want to repeat myself. However, do try out this dosa and enjoy with family and don’t forget my feedback. Thank You.

** Here is my recipe for “Thin and Crispy … Urad Dal- Tandul- Jwari Polo (Black Gram Dal- Rice- Sorghum Dosa)” … my style …

** Ingredients :
Urad Dal/ Black Gram Dal : ½ cup
Rice/ Tandul/ Akki : 1.5 cups
Poha/ Pova/ Beaten Rice : 1 cuup
Jowar/ Jawari / Sorghum Flour : 1 cup
Methi/ Fenugreek Seeds : 1 tsp
Ginger/ Adrak/ Alle’ : ½ inch
Green Chilly/ Tarni Mirsanga/ Hari Mirchi : 4-5
Salt/ Meeta/ Namak : to taste

** Ghee + Oil in 1:1 ratio for frying the polo/ dosa.

** Soaking of Methi : Soak methi seeds in ¼ cup of water in a small cup for an hour or so, just before you start grinding the batter. This is to be used while grinding the dosa better. I do not add the methi along with the dal’s coz. When we drain off the water, the health and medicinal properties of methi seeds are also lost through it. You can use lukewarm water if you have only 10-15 mins time at hand only. It will give similar result.

** Wash well and soak urad dal and rice separately in plenty of water for 3-4 hrs. Drain off the water and then once again rinse properly under running water. Add the drained urad dal in a wet grinder or mixer grinder and grind to a smooth fluffy paste water as is needed only. Remove into a large sized vessel.

** Note : Always use normal rice that is thicker in texture, these are not over polished and give good results while preparing dosa/ Idly etc. While you can use any brand or variety of rice as there are plenty available, I usually use thick variety surti kollam.

** Soak poha in just little bit of water, say to the level of poha, just to make it soft enough. Soak it just before you begin to start grinding, say for 10-20 minutes. If there is excess water then squeeze it out as much as possible to avoid batter running thin.

** Add drained rice, soaked methi seeds along with the water in which it is soaked and grind to a smooth paste adding water sparingly. Lastly add poha, ginger, green chilly pieces and further grind all until smooth. Remove and add to urad batter and mix well.

** Add jowar flour to batter and mix with hand until all ingredients are mixed to a smooth consistency without lumps. If you find the batter too thick, you can add some water. Lastly add salt on top and leave it aside covered to ferment overnight or for 6-8 hours.

** Next day or after the batter has fermented mix it lightly to mix all ingredients evenly as some will have settled to the bottom. If the batter is too thick add some water to the batter, the texture should be that of masala dosa batter, not too thick or too thin.

** Note : This batter rises a lot on being fermented especially during summer when the weather is hot. In order to avoid the batter spilling over and making a mess always use a large vessel with enough space for the batter to rice.

** Heat an Iron dosa pan to smoking point, lower the heat to minimum, add a teaspoon of oil+ ghee and spread well with spatula or spread it evenly with tissue paper with a light press. Do not press too hard, as the tava is hot, your hands may be burnt, and you may remove all the applied oil in the pan. 

** Note : I using this method of spreading with tissue for over 3 decades now, to ensure there is no excess oil, as well as there is a thin layer/ film of oil on the Tava, however if you are not comfortable, then just sprinkle some on tava and spread with spatula. 

** Now, add a cupful of batter with a rounded spatula in the center of the tava and spread evenly into a thin large round circle, just like how you prepare the masala dosa. Use light motion, do not press the spatula too much lest the dosa will tear. Also, see to it that the dosa is spread carefully as thin as possible. This batter gives a very thin textured crisp dosa similar to paper masala dosa. 

** Increase the heat to medium, add a tsp of oil+ ghee all round the edges of the dosa and let cook uncovered till crispy and evenly browned on the bottom side. Now gently loosen the dosa and flip it over to cook on the top side too. Once crisp and done remove from tava and serve it hot immediately with chutney/ bhaji of your choice.

** For removal of more dosas repeat process by spreading oil+ ghee and removing excess with tissue and then spreading batter once againto get perfect crisp dosas once again. After removing the required number of dosas, the excess batter if any can be stored in an airtight container in the fridge to be used later, remains good for 24 hours.

** “Thin and Crispy … Urad Dal- Tandul- Jwari Polo (Black Gram Dal- Rice- Sorghum Dosa)” is done and ready to be served. I served dosa with spicy coriander- fresh turmeric coconut chutney and it tasted wonderful, you can serve with any chutney/ bhaji or your choice too. Do try out this delicious crispy thin dosa and enjoy with family and friends.

** With all of us having hectic lifestyle these days, it is always wise to adjust time according to our busy schedule and prepare dishes and store a little bit in fridge to avoid purchasing dishes from outside when one falls short on time. You can always prepare in bulk and store some in fridge/ freezer and use accordingly, which is what I do for chutney, after all home food is definitely healthier than munching on purchased ones which you are really not sure on hygiene and time front.

** For the “Spicy Coriander- Fresh Turmeric Coconut Chutney” recipe, please follow the link below …

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