Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Jeevi Tori- Batato- Mashinga Sanga Ambata (Fresh Pigeon Peas- Potato- Drumstick Curry).

“Jeevi Tori- Batato- Mashinga Sanga Ambata (Fresh Pigeon Peas- Potato- Drumstick Curry)” … the season of fresh green pigeon peas is almost coming to an end … prepare this delicious curry before they completely disappear …  ambat is a medium spiced curry from GSB/ Konkani Saraswat Cuisine, that is seasoned with crisp fried onions … tastes best served with SheetHa (Rice) though you can relish with roti too … Yummilicious …

** The mix and match of veggie combinations always surpasses our imagination and the more you come up with, the more they still are that can be done. Ambata as you know is a medium spiced curry from GSB community that is prepared by almost everybody be it in Veg or Non.Veg. Any type of peas prepared as ambat tastes fantastic served with rice and in my home we love it and is almost a regular.

** Somehow, this year I could not go about purchasing fresh pigeon peas except a few times of that which I prepared Gashi and bhaji, that’s it, ambat and a few more common dishes which is prepared in combo with kooka (Chinese potato) somehow got leftover. Finally managed to get them and prepared ambata, but this time in different combo of veggies, tastes excellent served with boiled rice/ steamed rice.

** I would like to mention that this Ambat is prepared a few times almost every year whenever peas are in season. Usually I add on brinjal (gulla) which is also in season during this time while potato is always added either way. This time I just felt like giving in a change and trying out with addition of drumstick that are highly nutritious and good for health. I have shared common link to ambat in which the same is included too.

** Here is my simple recipe for “Jeevi Tori- Batato- Mashinga Sanga Ambata (Fresh Pigeon Peas- Potato- Drumstick Curry)” .... a traditional one, which I learnt from my amma (mom) …

** Shell and collect about 3 cups of Jeevi Tori (Fresh Pigeon Peas/ Tur). Wash them and keep them ready aside.

** Peel off the outer skin of 1 large sized Batato (Potato/ Aloo), cut them into 1.5 inch sized cubes and keep them ready aside in a bowl of water.

** String one large sized Mashinga Sanga (Drumstick/ Shenga), cut it into pieces of about 3- 4 inches in length and keep it soaked in a bowl of water.

** Peel off the skin of one large sized Piyavu (Onion/ Kanda) and chop them to fine pieces and keep it aside ready for seasoning.

** Masala to be Ground : In a mixer grinder add one cup of freshly grated Soyi (Coconut/ Nariyal) along with 6-8 Kashmiri Red Chilly (Kumte Mirsanga/ Byadgi Mirchi) and one small marble sized ball of Chinchama (Tamarind/ Imly) and grind to a smooth paste with little bit of water, remove and keep it aside ready.

** In a stainless steel vessel add in the pigeon peas along with fresh water, say about 2 inches above the level of the peas and bring to a boil, let cook for 3-4 minutes, now add in drumstick and potato pieces kept ready, mix well, add water if necessary and continue cooking till all the veggies are cooked to 90%.

** Add the ground masala along with Salt (Namak/ Meeta) to taste, mix well, check consistency and add more water only if necessary and bring to a boil on medium heat. Lower the heat and simmer the curry for a good 5-10 minutes.

** For Tempering/ Seasoning/ Pannaka : Add the finely chopped onions into a small pan along with about 2-3 tblsp of Oil (Tel/ Tela) and let fry stirring often on medium heat till it turns to golden brown, remove and pour over the curry.

** Mix the curry well, remove from fire and keep it aside covered for about 20 minutes for the flavors to get in seeped in well into the curry. Before serving check consistency as it tends to thicken up, add hot water if desired only, mix well and its ready.

** “Jeevi Tori- Batato- Mashinga Sanga Ambata (Fresh Pigeon Peas- Potato- Drumstick Curry)” is done and ready to be served. Tastes excellent served with Ukde SheetHa (Red Boiled Rice) or steamed rice, though you can serve it with Idly, Roti or Chapathi too.

** I have prepared the same curry with different veggie combination before like Jeevi Tori (Fresh Pigeon Peas), Batato (Potato) and Gulla (Brinja), another favorite combo of ours, the only difference here is drumstick in place of brinjal while rest of the recipe remains same.

** Home cooked food is best way to keep your family safe, active and healthy. Do try out this combination and enjoy with your family and friends before the season of fresh pigeon peas comes to an end and do give me a feedback too if possible, it helps me do better.

** There are many more "Ambata/ Ambat" recipes both Veg and Non-Veg included in the Blog which you can browse through the common link provided below ….

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