“Kartik Duvadashi/ Tulasi Vivaha Poojan Day” ... Tulasi Vivaha, also called Tulasi Kalyanam, is a Hindu festival, in which a ceremonial wedding of the goddess Tulasi with a shaligrama or an amla branch is held ... The traditional ceremony is upheld and celebrated in every Hindu home on the 12th day of Kartika shukla paksha masa ... The Tulasi wedding signifies the end of the chaturmasa period and the beginning of the wedding season in Hinduism ...
** There are many incidences on the existence of Tulasi mentioned in scriptures which I will not run into, as my knowledge on this is minimum and I would not like to write otherwise. However, we strongly believe that “Tulasi” is the essence of all devotional activities as the leaves, flowers, roots, bark, branches, trunk, and shade of Tulasi- devi plant are all believed to be spiritual and in Hindu homes no Puja is complete without Tulasi offering to God as a part of the ritual along with Naivedyam.
** It is strongly believed that any offering of flowers, food or sandalwood paste without inclusion of Tulsi leaves does not please Shri Hari as much as when a single leaf of Tulasi is offered with utmost devotion at his lotus feet ... It is mentioned in the Purana’s that a home that adorns a Tulasi Vrindavan ie tulasi planted in a beautiful mud pot as shown in pictured (almost all Hindu homes in southern parts of India have them) in the entrance is a home/ temple spreads out the aroma which the winds carry in and around the home which pleases Shri Vishnu and the supreme of the three worlds, takes up abode in that home thereby blessing the home with happiness.

** It is mentioned in the Purana’s that a home with a Tulasi Vrindavan/ plant at the entrance is a place of pilgrimage and no diseases, misfortunes, ill health, even messengers of Yama, the God of Death, hesitate to cross it over to enter the home. It is also said that wherever the aroma of Tulasi is carried by the wind, it purifies the atmosphere in and around and frees all animals too from all baser tendencies. Shri Vishnu, whom we Hindus, consider the supreme of all three Worlds, takes up abode in that village or the house where Tulasi is grown as is believed about place Vrindavan in northern parts of India. It is said, One who with devotion applies the paste of Tulasi along with sandal wood to the Deity of Shri Krishna will always live close to Shri Krishna and attain mukti/ salvation. Without Tulasi leaves, Shri Krishna does not like to accept flowers, food or sandalwood paste as offerings.
** We GSB Konkani Saraswats always celebrate Tulasi Puja almost in every home where the Vrindavan is decorated with a mantap prepared using sugarcane and all round the Vrindavan diya are lit on a stand of tree horizontal lines. As in Mumbai we cannot do so living in small flats, I have not enclosed a picture of the same, as I do not have any, but my childhood memories always thrive when Bhatmam (Purohitji) came home late in the night and performed the puja after which we burnt some crackers. Amma prepared a lot of Naivedyam/ Prasadam items which we relished later on. Sharing my traditional Naivedyam prepared on the auspicious day of Tulasi Puja, in my home as done in almost all homes the recipe of which you will find in this Blog.
** Bhakti towards Shri Krishna, teaches us that God dwells in the heart of those who have their mind disciplined, filled with faith and devotion … may Shri Krishna always guide as done ages ago in Bhagavat Gita and live our hearts just like how he does so with Tulasi Mayya .... “Kartik Duvadashi/ Tulasi Vivaha Poojan Day” to All My Friends... while offering my salutations to Goddess Tulasi mayyaa- Sri Krishna and Hari Guru ... Seeking Blessings for all to be showered with good health, wealth, happiness, prosperity and peace ...
** Disclaimer : These are Just my own Thoughts I pen down from time to time, on my own little knowledge, I may be wrong in some notes and is not meant to offend/ hurt anybody's sentiments, do excuse if done, as it is not intentional. Having written My Thoughts and Notes, I still conclude that LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL and there is more to it than meets the eye. So, always be Positive, have Faith In Shri Hari, he knows the best for us and does so at the appropriate time. Shri Hari who brought us this far will take care of us in future too. Only the picture of Tulasi Vrindavan and Naivedyam belongs to me, while the credit for other two goes to google … Stay Safe- Blessed and have a lovely year 2022.
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