Tuesday, June 4, 2024

My Scrumptious Non.Veg Thali~ 372.

“My Scrumptious Non.Veg Thali~ 372 : Cucumber (Taushe) Slices, Alsande (Yard Long Beans/ Chawli Bhaji) Sukka Masala Curry, Piyava Bajo (Onions Bajias/ Fries), Kirlailele Bagado-Sukkale Sungata-Bimbul Ambat (Sprouted Red- Eyed Beans-Dry Prawns-Tree Sorrel Fruit Curry), Surai SheetHa (Rice)” … ambat, be it with any ingredient is my favorite and I just cannot resist the aroma of onion seasoning … again veggies do excuse, however, a small point to be noted here is if not for addition of dried prawns to the ambat/ curry, this meal can easily pass of as a veggie meal, that’s the beauty of GSB Konkani Saraswat Cuisine, there is always a little bit for each one, as per individual preference … Yummilicious ….

** And here is my definitely a scrumptious non.veg thali, off course if not for the addition of sukkale sungata/ sundried prawns, this thali can easily pass off as veg. thali for veggies. That’s the best part of non.Veg meals, most of the time there are some veggies included not only for health reasons but for individual preferences too. Let just move on to sharing of recipe links as is my usual practice with thali posts. Just click on the link of that which you would like check up on and please do try them and enjoy in your home with your family, there is nothing more appealing than steaming hot home meals.

** Given below are the links to the recipes of individual dishes in the picture above, please go through the link for that particular dish ..... do try them out in your home and enjoy with family and friends, they are all tried and tested in my own kitchen many times and are very tasty …

** For “Cucumber (Taushe) Slices”, just wash them well, wipe dry, peel off the outer skin or you can retain too. Slice off both edge portions and then slice them into roundles of even thickness. Sprinkle some salt- pepper powder if desired and serve.

** For “Alsande (Yard Long Beans/ Chawli Bhaji) Sukka Masala Curry” recipe, please follow the link given below …

** For "Piyava Bajo (Onions Bajias/ Fries)” recipe, please follow the link given below …

** For "Kirlailele Bagado-Sukkale Sungata-Bimbul Ambat (Sprouted Red- Eyed Beans-Dry Prawns-Tree Sorrel Fruit Curry)” recipe, please follow the link given below …

** For the Recipe of "Cooking Rice Starch Free/Vanu ghalnu SheetHa", where the Rice is cooked and the water is drained off to remove excess starch, a method followed in most FSB homes, Please follow the link given below ….

** You can use the search option or follow the common links shared below for "Thali/ Solo/ ComboMeals or Pejje Jevana (Rice Porridge Meals)” that are already shared in the Blog where you will get many more combinations of thali’s and combo meals. Do try out various types of mix and match dishes to relish with your family and friends. Also remember to me a feedback if possible ... Thank You ....

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