Wednesday, February 28, 2024

The unpredictable story of a book.

"The unpredictable story of a book" ... as you pick up a book, look at its cover, browse through the pages randomly, read the blurb ... have you ever thought that the book too has a life of its own, its say, its ups and down, its destiny, if not, think about it …. sharing my two thoughts penned down … 

** Just like human beings I wonder if the book too goes through a turmoil of emotions when newly placed in a bookstore, more so like, who am I ?? Just a authors point of view ?? A few pages to browse through or is my story just a passé ?? Will I be noticed, while people browse through a dozen others ?? Is my cover attractive enough ?? What about my story ?? What’s my review going to be? What will critics pen down??

** The questions are many with few answers, the emotions are raw, yet no one knows for sure what the books shelf life is going to be. The fact is, while some may like it, some may not and some will judge the book just by its cover, then there are some who will check on the print point size and thickness of the book. Many will build opinions even before they read through. A few will make effort of reading introduction of the book.

** Off course there are book lovers who will read through in hurry skipping pages or just read the book blurb to check if it’s worth purchasing. Opinions are formed and passed on to friends, critics will comment depending upon their mood and before time catches up the word has spread, damage at times is done, that's it, nothing more. Off course at times, the book does see good times all depending upon its reader.

** If not in good news, when the book suffers, the disappointment creeps in, slowly the book is pushed back to make way for new releases, better options, beautiful covers, renowned authors. However, the book still waits in vain, is this going to be it’s fate? Has it lost it all, even before the first bowling, it wonders. It has no option but to wait and it does exactly that, waits eagerly with all faith and patience, for the day to come.

** And the day will come, there is always a new dawn and then there comes a day when someone picks it up, reads through, sparing precious time. The book looks up to find a few drops of tears rolling down readers cheeks, which means the sorrow has touched heart. On lighter moments the book gets to see beautiful smile lighting up readers face, again it pleases the book to know the happiness too is understood.

** But then, the last page has arrived, the book waits in vain, the reader shuts the book, oh no the book sighs the story is over and done with, time to move on, no one cares ?? But then a new dawn arises again, the book has been chosen, paid for and taken home. The book realizes there are still a few out there who will read the story with interest and put it among the rows of books on the shelf, to be read again in future.

** Has the book found solace ?? not sure, the story of a book is unpredictable. Somewhere the book witnesses the moving life around it from the bookshelf; collides with plenty of stories from other books arranged nearby neatly on the shelf, makes an effort to read through them, more on their life, mysteries, deceptions, sorrows, happiness, spiritual, hatred and observes the scripts move on with no end seen.

** If at all stranded anywhere, pray it would be at a bookstore, there is much to read through each one of them, so much to learn and understand from those messages unsaid in between the lines. After all a book is not just a book to be seen or collected, there is more to it close to on the heels of a life. These are a few thoughts that cross the mind with no specific answers; after all, it is true that the life of a book is unpredictable.

** Disclaimer : These are Just a few thoughts of my own that I pen down from time to time and not extracted from anywhere. Not meant to offend/ hurt anybody's sentiments, be it of any author or reader, do excuse if done, as it is not intentional. The picture has been chosen from Google and edited, the credit however goes to whosoever it belongs to. Having written My Thoughts_N_Notes, I conclude that books are a man's best friends, whom you can rely on at any point of life ... after all there is so much to be read in between those lines … Stay Safe- Blessed and have a lovely year 2024.

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