Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Chilled Mango~ Sabudana~ Vermicelli Payasam.

"Chilled Mango- Sabudana (Tapioca Pearls)~ Vermicelli (Sevai) Payasam with Almond Slivers" ... Sharing my Naivedyam with all my friends here on the auspicious occasion of "Akshaya Tritiya also known as Akti or Akha Teej" a day celebrated signifying unending prosperity" ... Wishing all "A Very Happy Akshaya Tritiya", Stay Blessed, Spread Happiness, God Bless  .....

** Today it is double occasion to prepare Naivedyam / sweet dish as not only is it the auspicious “Akshaya Tritiya” Day, but also as per Hindu Calender “Konkani Delicacies” my food group competes two year culinary journey while by English calendar it is on 28th April. Kheer / Doodh Pak is a simple yet delicious sweet payasam sort of dish prepared during festivals and served after Naivedyam to God in most south Indian homes more so in Konkani Saraswat / GSB’s home. This is a dish cooked in milk or sometimes even in coconut milk with a combination or as it is with many ingredients like Rice, Sabudana (Tapioca pearls), Vermicelli (Sevaiyan) etc. I have posted many mix and match variations with this payasam, but today’s twist with addition of mango pulp turned out the best of all I must say. I have added on Sabudana and Vermicelli along with milk and mango pulp. It is the season of Mangoes and nothing beats the taste of ripe Alphonso mangoes which imparts not only taste but a lovely color to the dish too. Sharing a common link of payasams at the bottom of this recipe, wherein you will find many combos of the same, do try out various variations and enjoy them with your family and friends. 

** Here is my simple method of preparing "Chilled Mango-Sabudana (Tapioca Pearls)~Vermicelli (Sevai) Payasam with Almond Slivers" … My Style …. 

** Preparing of Sabudana / Tapioca Pearls : Soak ½ cup of large sized variety of sabudana/tapioca pearls in a large bowl adding about 3-4 cups of water. Leave this covered aside for about 2 hours. Drain off the water completely and leave it aside to swell on its own for another 2-3 hours. You can prepare this in advance and keep it in the fridge and use as and when necessary. It remains good for 2-3 days. Sabudana should swell properly and look like small white pearls for you to get the best spongy effect. So soaking and resting period is very important. You may add in the sabudana directly but the effect will not be the same as the soaked one. Immediately cooked one;s will not give you the above softness sometimes. But you are free to choose whichever method that suits you. 

** Preparing of Vermicelli (Sevai) : There are two type of Vermicelli (Sevai) available in the market, one roasted and the other plain prepared out of wheat. I have used the roasted variety here, as in this case there is no need for roasting the same in ghee and can be used directly. I have used about one cup of the roasted vermicelli. 

** Preparing the Mango Puree : Peel off the outer skin of 2-3 ripe sweet Alphonso mango. Remove the inner flesh part as much as possible discarding the inner seed. Put it in mixer grinder and grind to a very smooth puree WITHOUT adding water. The puree should be thick in consistency. Put this in fridge immediately to avoid it getting spoilt. 

** Preparing of the Payasam : Keep the sabudana and vermicelli ready as mentioned above. Now add half a liter of full fat milk in a thick bottomed vessel and bring to a boil. You can also use skimmed milk if you wish. Once the milk comes to full boil let it simmer for 5 minutes. Add in the prepared sabudana and cook on low heat till it turns translucent. It will take time and also may get stuck to the bottom so keep stirring it often. 

** Once the sabudana has almost been cooked add in the roasted Vermicelli and mix well and continue to cook until both are cooked and done. Add in about 1 to 1.5 cups of sugar and mix well. Keep stirring to avoid the ingredients from getting burnt at the bottom till the sugar has melted and mixed in well and also has thickened. Remove and allow it to be completely cooled under cool air breeze or fan. 

** Note : I have decreased the amount of sugar here as we are going to add on alphonso mango which is also sweet by nature. The addition of sugar here depends both on how sweet you want the payasam to be and also how sweet the Alphonso or any other mango you are using for the payasam. So please use your judgement while adding on the sugar. You can add on less, check and then add on later too if not sure.

** Once the sabudana-vermicelli mixture has completely cooled add in the Alphonso mangoes puree prepared and kept ready in the fridge, a large pinch of cardamom powder and mix well. Finally garnish on top with a few cut pieces of Alphonso mango (Optional) and a handful of almond slivers. Cover and keep it in the fridge to get chilled well for a few hours. 

** "Chilled Mango-Sabudana (Tapioca Pearls)~Vermicelli (Sevai) Payasam with Almond Slivers" is ready to be offered to God as Naivedyam. Go ahead and serve them chilled in bowl and enjoy the prasadam / payasam with family and friends. This is a lovely dish which will be definitely loved by Young and Old alike. This particular dish is best served chilled as we have added on mango puree, so please do not cook or heat the same again. 

** You can also prepare this dish on any other occasion like Birthday, Anniversary or any party like pot luck or get together etc. to be served to guests. In case the payasam has thickened which it is definitely bound to be as both sabudana and vermicelli are full with starch and always thicken up on settling. Do not worry just add in a little bit of chilled water and mix well and then serve the same. 

** About Mango : I have used Alphonso Mango (Aapus Ambo) for this payasam. These mangoes are famously known as the King of all mangoes and are available in plenty in Mumbai though the cost is slightly on higher side than other mangoes. These mangoes are usually from "Ratnagiri" town from Maharashtra state and considered to be the best of all. They are very sweet by nature and have an lovely deep orange colour and are loved by one and all. I have included many dishes like Aamras, Aamrakhand, shakes, Ice Creams etc. where in I have used this mango. But do not be disheartened if these are not available in your vicinity. You can always use any mango that are sweet by nature for the payasam too, just be careful with addition of sugar and add that much how much is necessary. 

** Sharing a common link to “Payasam” below, do check out on various options, try them and enjoy with your family and friends …. 

** An Earnest Request : There are many more recipes of different types in the blog. For all my Recipes, use the search option or the label section in the Blog. If you are still not able to find it or have a query, please leave a message in comment section or mail me the same. I will try my best to get back to you as soon as possible. Do try out various types of dishes included in the Blog and Enjoy them with your family and friends and do give me a feedback if possible.

** I am happy to inform you that I have also started a food group for by the name "KONKANI DELICACIES" which is over and year old, with about 19K strong members. It is a pleasure to inform that you will find in the group many more recipes posted by our expert members and you too can share some of your own. The link to the group is posted on the left side of the blog page. Do join us in our culinary journey. I strongly believe in Sharing and always endorse that "Sharing Is Caring" … Thank You ….

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